All Chapters of Mafia Romance: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
85 Chapters
Maria De La Cruz, and her twin brother Jeremias Lopez, were sitting, enjoying the sunset of that beautiful Bolivian land, a beautiful natural brown, formed on the plains of those mountains. In the absolute tranquility, very calmly, she asked her brother what had happened with Del Valle's wife, she explained to him that they needed to have control of the situation, and they could not dwell on small things.He with anguish, and human pain, confessed.- One rainy morning, when the drops were falling with intensity, and under the lightning of that storm, she, Victoria, began to scream without stopping, she shouted among many things the word: HELP! perhaps in her little mind, she thought it would be a good idea, that surely someone would hear her and would come for her, I tried to warn her that it was not so, and the best thing to preserve her life, was the silence that she refused to perpetuate.The serious thing was that an elderly neighbor on the sixth floor, Mrs. Romualda Gomez, a Germ
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Interrogation I
On Bolivian soil, the DEA was already waiting for David Del Valle, with a lot of effort from the Latin Americans, they were able to collaborate with the United States justice, and at the same time they were collaborating with the investigation process. It was a difficult situation to accomplish, but little by little they would mobilize.Juan Carlos Velázquez, was more than focused to do his job, everything had to be perfectly organized. He already had all the information he needed to begin the interrogation. They entered a special room, where a table, two chairs, a microphone, white walls and hidden cameras would be the preliminary witnesses of the biggest catastrophe in Mexico.David Del Valle entered handcuffed, handcuffed, to what would be his first questionnaire in that country, that place located in La Paz. Everyone was tense. The interrogation had to take place in absolute secrecy, no one should know about it, that is why not all DEA employees knew about the meeting, they had to
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Interrogatory II
With David Del Valle's story, the deal they had with Maria De La Cruz was getting weaker and weaker, her freedom was far away, besides it was a verbal treaty, that is to say nothing written, there was no more evidence than the word of a simple suspect of homicides, illicit association and sale of illegal drugs, the chances of freedom were slim for the Mexican woman. Meanwhile in that room very painful truths came to light for David Del Valle, where he stayed he could not continue and then resumed his long and arduous interrogation.- You say that María De La Cruz, in cold blood, killed Victoria Ocampo in front of you?- Yes, and she freed me, she forced me to come here.- Don't be a saint, David Del Valle, we know your whole story. What happened to your hand?- A hitman cut it off when your son died (...)- For now that part of the story does not interest me, I want you to help us find your father, and about Maria De La Cruz, we are going to find out, for now she is innocent until pro
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Questioning III
After the strange movements, both corporal and verbal, the story of the twins is not closed.- María De La Cruz, we need to close some of your ideas, for example; how did you meet the Del Valle family?- When we were kids, I think I was five years old, or probably younger, we lived in a humble house on Guanajuato Street, we were five siblings, and mom was pregnant with another child. In spite of being very poor we lived happily, and we did not see delinquency, although it was always with us.- And your father? -asks Diego Olmos.- I don't remember him, but my neighbors told me that back then he worked with the gang that opposed Del Valle's. Because of that, there was a confrontation. Because of that, there was a gang confrontation, followed by a settling of scores, where all my family died, or at least I thought so, until after many years, I found out that David Del Valle, took Jeremias De La Cruz, and changed his last name, then he kept him with him, all these years, his intention w
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Route changes
Maria De La Cruz, sitting in a dark corner of the prison, was waiting for a possible solution to the chaos she was living, not so much in the physical world, but in her mental world. Although it seems that this story did not have a victorious salvation, it is totally wrong, she studied each of the steps of the DEA chiefs, she knew what could happen and what could not, she was sure of the mistakes that could be made in this operation, she doubted Jeremias Lopez, the young man did commit clumsiness.The day after the interrogation of Jeremías López, the boy did not say much, he told in a final university way, exactly what he had talked about so much, he studied the whole monologue that his sister had prepared for him, he felt a little extroverted, maybe he had not handled the body language, as they had practiced so many times, but in general terms, there was not enough evidence to hold them for long, at least not to the twin male.Meanwhile Pablo Olmos, received in a corner of the garag
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Juan Carlos Velázquez was a meticulous man, dedicated to his work, he had never married, he was very young and since he was a child he always dreamed and worked to become a great policeman, he was the best of his class, he graduated with honors. He came from an aristocratic family, but despite this, he never mentioned it to anyone, the only ones who knew were his bosses, but they always knew how to respect his secrets, and admired the humility he knew how to build for himself and for others. As every human being had his childhood and pre-adolescent traumas, and this was that he could not become a famous executive as his father always dreamed, he became what they call a simple slave of the state, that disappointed his parents so much, that they cut all family ties, and that blood feud was so strong, that he decided to leave his European lands, his beautiful city of Riga, and emigrate to where he could be valued and recognized for his merits and not for his economic acquisition as he ha
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Plan B, both Juan Carlos Velázquez's and María De La Cruz's, had worked out perfectly. Even though it meant putting his life at risk. She woke up, opened her eyes carefully, afraid of what she might find around her. She was surrounded by dark walls, full of spider webs, bats, and all the rodents that usually harbor such a place. When she woke up she realized that she was chained by one arm to a wall, she felt like an animal in captivity. With her she had a wire bed, without any mattress of course, through a high window she could see some trees, by the size of them she could guess that she was in a tropical place, besides the birds could be heard singing happily, all the senses of Maria De La Cruz, were alert.The hours passed in captivity, there was a disturbing silence, where she felt more and more restless, she did not know anything about her brother, hunger and thirst were already noticeable, the night came, the stormy noise of the insects disturbed her and insomnia became part of
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Maria De La Cruz, was still a prisoner in what she had called the island, the colonel came to see her every two or three days, she did not limit herself to answer anything she asked, and she was to the point of wanting to be raped. If the colonel knew her sexual condition, she would be dead, because no one in society understands that there are people like her who have both genitals, and practice both sexes, it would be a total abomination and she would die without hesitation.Those days locked up, Maria De la Cruz, had studied all the movements of the evildoers who had her locked up, that was good because she considered escaping, she did not want to be a prisoner anymore, and if she had to die, at least it would be trying to obtain everything she had wanted one day, freedom.That night, in the twilight of the night, a shining moon let the night light shine through. He had been digging the bars of the window, but on the outside, every night with a sharp stone and a nail, he had taken t
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South & North
It was important for Maria De La Cruz, to be able to locate Emiliano Romero, because with him they would begin a reorganization of the drug, but not just any drug, but the Pink Hormone, the one they had tasted that day, the passion and the wild love of the moment had materialized in it. One of the gang members managed to know where he was; he was lodged in the first police station of San Martin, the task was easy, to talk to the commissioner, for a green commission, and then that he would leave through the small door, although he would be a fugitive from justice, they would not encourage violence, nor any other savage, besides the fact that the veterinarian hated those situations where the adrenaline made him sweat drops. It is also important to clarify that he was not accused of murder, or any charge that could not be settled with bail, and finally note that he was a detainee, he had not even been sentenced. That is why the gang members suggested to Maria De La Cruz, that they would
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The business in Colombia had been a total success, Maria De La Cruz, continued to keep out of justice, and to tell the truth the power felt quite good to the Mexican.On the part of Emiliano Romero, love sprouted between them, they never left each other's side for a second, that is to say, where Maria was, Emiliano was, they were inseparable, although the important business was always handled by the Mexican.They stayed a few months touring the dark streets of the country, where the exciting and restless night, left naked the urban cultures, which like them, slipped in the dark, managed to open a hidden laboratory also under an old and historic church, Catholic, which showed once again the corrupt world institution, but that did not matter to these crooks, the only thing they considered was the Machiavellian secret that everyone shared in the dark soul.After a considerable time and having the laboratory in evolution, they decided to leave towards the promised land, towards the absolu
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