All Chapters of Letters to a Dangerous Billionaire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
121 Chapters
Chapter 71
I awoke to the warmth of the morning sun on my face and felt a hand gently stroking my inner breast tenderly, massaging it in soft circles.The sensation was exquisitely enjoyable, radiating through my whole body and filling me with a sense of pleasure. As I took in this moment of blissful comfort, I thought to myself how lucky I am to have someone who cares for me so deeply that they can make me feel this way.I was startled awake by the thought of Aiden. It has become a daily occurrence for him to invade my morning thoughts in such a way. I let out an involuntary sigh, which soon changed into a smile as I allowed myself to reminisce on all that he has brought into my life. He is more than just a passing acquaintance, he became part of me and my everyday routine. Every morning, his presence rouses something deep inside me that no other person ever could.“Good morning…”Suddenly, all those thoughts collided and shattered like a plane plunged to the ground when the tone of his voice s
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Chapter 72
“A-aiden…what are you doing here?”I was astounded that I even managed to get the words out of my mouth, considering my internal state of panic underneath it all.My breaths were shallow and raspy, as if something were blocking my throat and preventing me from speaking properly. My heart raced faster than ever before and my mind was foggy with uncertainty while looking at those dangerous eyes.Aiden was silent, but he was brimming with rage. He rapidly strode towards me and without hesitation, grabbed ahold of my wrist tightly as if his grip alone could express his emotions. His movements were slow but firm, and I could feel the veins in my arm beginning to pulse from the pressure he applied.“We’re going home.”The deep, powerful timbre of his voice sent shivers down my spine as he spoke. I could feel the emotion and intensity that coated each syllable and I could sense something stirring within me.But also dangerous.Before I could do anything, Aiden suddenly grabbed my arm and rus
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Chapter 73
“I am not the father of the child…”Those words had an almost eerie effect on me, playing on a loop in my head as I questioned what I was doing with my life and how I could even begin to try and make sense of it all. But now that this information has been presented to me, it's impossible for me to ignore.Even though Aiden had already left us, I felt like I was stuck here, trapped in my own thoughts. The memories of all the time we shared together swirled around me like a never-ending storm. The thoughts weighed heavily on my heart and I couldn't shake them no matter how hard I tried. This emptiness within me is suffocating and it's difficult to look beyond the sadness that now consumes me.“Leilani…”I couldn’t bring myself to look up when Adam called my name. I could feel his warm, firm grip as he tried to offer me solace and comfort in this difficult moment. But I just couldn't seem to be able to accept it right now. Despite his kind gesture, the turmoil within me seemed too overwh
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Chapter 74
I stood still and transfixed on the entrance to Aiden's residence, unable to bring myself to move away.My mind was preoccupied with a million thoughts, all centered around the fear of not being welcomed back after my unannounced visit. I had hoped my instincts were wrong and that Aiden would be understanding and forgiving of my unexpected appearance without warning.Will Aiden still accept me despite what I did? My stomach churned nervously, my mind racing with anxious thoughts. I couldn't stand still, so I fidgeted with my fingers anxiously. There was a deep fear inside me that he would never be able to forgive me or look at me the same way again. What if this changed our relationship forever? It seemed like such an impossible feat; will he ever be able to get past what happened between us and move on?I took a deep breath, my hand trembling as it hovered over the door handle. Before I could knock, the door suddenly swung open and there Aiden stood in front of me. I was taken aback
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Chapter 75
The atmosphere between us had suddenly shifted, wary and tense.Even though Aiden had forgiven me for my wrongdoings and I had done the same for him, I still couldn't shake off this feeling of unease. Despite our reconciliation, something felt off and it was hard to ignore. We were both apologetic for our actions, but part of me felt like something still hadn't been addressed. The tension between us was clear and neither one of us wanted to be the first to break it. We would have conversations but there was always this looming silence afterwards.This guilt that I hold inside hasn't disappeared yet. The fact that I had a sexual encounter with Adam and then proceeded to go back to Aiden, knowing full well he isn't the father of the woman who showed up here has been consuming me day and night. It almost feels like I don't have any right to be here with him, now that all this information has come out. The reality is, if things were different then maybe nothing would have happened in the
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Chapter 76
I felt completely overwhelmed, my mind in knots. My lungs were heavy and a voice inside me was warning that this may not be the best course of action. It was like I was standing at the edge of a cliff and unable to step back, not out of fear but willingly accepting its consequences. Every part of my body told me to stop but there seemed to be something in the air that whispered 'move forward'. The idea seemed so enticing yet so dangerous at the same time.“Hey, you need to relax. They won’t hurt you.”I glanced up at Aiden who's standing behind me. His hands were placed on my shoulder in an encouraging manner, providing both support and comfort. His expression was stoic, but his eyes conveyed a glimmer of apprehension that matched my own. I could tell he was just as anxious as I was, despite his composed exterior.Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady myself while I waited for the medical professional who would be coming to examine me. It wasn't the thought of an examination itself
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Chapter 77
I’m scared.For countless reasons I have come to be in this state of distress, but the primary instigator of it is undeniably Aiden. No other person has impacted me like he has; his presence is a source of both pain and pleasure. His every move, every conversation - it all haunts me like an echoing wave. His mere existence unsettles my soul, and yet I can't seem to shake the feeling that he's something special in my life.Part of me wanted to tell Aiden about my pregnancy, but I couldn't bring myself to, due to the fear I was feeling. In the back of my mind, there's a voice that tells me that the baby could be his, but until I know for sure it's impossible for me to confront him with this news. It's a scary thought and it weighs heavily on my heart and mind. This uncertainty is not something I can easily bear; it feels like a heavy burden on my shoulder.“Do you want me to tell him, Ms. Villarreal?”I was suddenly brought back to the present when Dr. Preston uttered a few words after
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Chapter 78
Aiden's character changed dramatically after discovering my pregnancy. He became much more attentive and caring, noticing my smallest needs and doing his best to ensure that I was always comfortable. His enthusiasm for our child was almost infectious, as he began to eagerly plan out our futures together with an excitement that I'd never before seen in him. This newfound tenderness left me feeling incredibly appreciated and loved; I felt like nothing mattered more than the bond we were carefully forming as a family.“Are you feeling a little hungry? Are those cravings for something specific starting to kick in? Is it the same kind of strange and sometimes off-putting food cravings that many pregnant women experience?”He was diligently going over the list of possible food items that a pregnant woman can consume. His notebook was filled with scribbles and notes, making sure to have everything accounted for. He was determined to make sure he had all the necessary information on what I ne
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Chapter 79
“We will move out of this unit tomorrow.” I said nothing when Aiden announced that our long-awaited move to our new home was finally about to happen. It's a mix of emotions; excitement, but also a little fear. As much as I am looking forward to making this place feel like home, there is still an unknown element that can be unnerving. We have been waiting for so long and all the little details are starting to fall into place and before we know it, the big day will be here. I looked down at my stomach, still not able to make out any hint of a growing bump. But Aiden was doing everything he could do to make sure our unborn baby was safe and healthy. He had been creative in his approach to prioritizing my safety first. From keeping an eye on me while I went for long walks, ensuring I took my vitamins every day and making sure the food he was providing was nutritious - all these considerations had been taken into account. “What do you want to do before we move out?” I gaze at Aiden, who
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Chapter 80
“I…i-”My hands started to shake with fear as I looked at Adam, my breath catching in my throat. I wanted to say no, but the words were stuck in place. A million different excuses and arguments tried to escape from me, yet nothing came out as my mouth remained frozen shut. Every instinct told me this wasn't something I should agree to, yet here I was still unable to express myself. Is it because of Adam's intimidating presence or my own fear that kept me from voicing my opinion?“Please…” he begged.I shifted my jaw, looking over to Alicia next to me who appeared incredibly perplexed trying to fathom why Adam would want to suddenly speak with me.The intensity in his gaze made me hesitant but intrigued at the same time.“O-okay…”I was just about to get up from my spot on the couch, preparing to follow Adam wherever he went when suddenly Aiden stepped in between us, his expression ominously intense.He had a clear message in his gaze; he was warning me not to go anywhere with Adam. I
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