All Chapters of Married To The Villain : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
169 Chapters
Chapter 101
Sophia started to cry as she held her neck. She let out a loud sound at first and then started wailing. She didn't hold back. Her loud sound brought him back to reality."Why are you crying?" He said to her as he reached out to her and held her chin. "It doesn't hurt so much as it hurts me to do it. Behave accordingly and I won't have to do this too often anymore. Okay?"Sophia ignored him. She kept on crying while he watched. He said nothing as he raised his eyebrow and continued to give her a death stare. "I have an appointment to catch up with in the next few minutes. For now, I need to ease myself so I will let you do this but when I come back outside, you better be done with whatever it is you're doing" he said then rose to his feet. Sophia held her neck in her hand while she still cried. She managed to move her neck to see him leave. Tears still rolling from her eyes, she looked the other way. It was clear William didn't care about her or how she felt. She slowly bent her head
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Chapter 102
Before Sophia could get the chance to complete her words, he rams into her with no warning whatsoever.She made irking noises which annoyed him and so he took his hand up and slapped her."I told you not to say much when I'm with you. You're getting me very angry these days. Why?" He said to Sophia while he rode her. Sophia attempted to answer him but as she opened her mouth, William made another effort to slap her." Shut up!" He screamed at the end. " You're hurting my ears"Sophia nodded as she immediately faced her front. She pressed her eyelids shut while she allowed William to ride her. He on the other hand rode aggressively as he tossed, scratched, grabbed, choked, strangled, beat, kicked, bit and even tickled her. Sophia had been filled with a lot of confusing emotions. He had never, since the time they spent together, ever handled her this roughly. Sophia started to feel very uncomfortable but she kept mute for fear of saying something that could poss William off. When Sophia
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Chapter 103
Sophia cleared her throat and then started to speak."William, before you knew me, was there a time you knew my father?" She asked him with a soft tone. William raised his left brow. "Why?""Well, nothing really. I just thought to know. I remember the last time I was in here, I saw a picture of my father in your room. I wanted to ask you what that was about but I forgot." She said with a smile, "So now that I am here, I thought to ask you about it. Hopefully, you can explain""What did you see in the picture?" He asked her to be sure. "Was there anything funny or peculiar about the picture?"Sophia shook her head. Maybe it was a little too early to let out the real details of the picture. She decided she was going to play a fool. "No, not really. Was there something on it I was supposed to see?" She asked back.William shook his head as he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a while as though he was thinking and then finally, he opened them wide and spoke."Well. I knew your f
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Chapter 104
William checked his drawer and saw nothing. He pulled out the compartment and checked for it, emptied the other drawer too but yet, he also saw nothing. The photo of Sophia's father had gone. He straightened his back as he stood tall, trying to remember where he had kept the picture but nothing came to mind."Where could I have kept it?" He said as he attempted to take one more look but stopped halfway at the sound of his phone.William's phone rang out loud in the bathroom. He turned and walked there as he tried to find it. He had found it and answered, "Hello Boss" he said after he had cleared hai throat. "Yes boss, I'll be on my way please" he said again after a few seconds. Immediately, he pulled the phone away from his ear and tucked it behind his back pocket as he walked out the bathroom.There was no time to waste as William looked around his room for his bag. Walked to where it sat, flung it over his shoulder and turned his feet to the door. He got to the door and made his way
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Chapter 105
Andrew peeled off his body from Sophia as he looked at her with a wrinkled forehead, "Is anything the matter?" Sophia shook her head. Nothing was the matter but she was going to share what she had just seen. "Can I trust you?" Sophia said to Andrew as she pulled away from hai body and tried to dip her hand into her blouse.Andrew smiled. He must have thought she was trying to undress while she stuck her hand into her blouse."Yes, but I don't think you need to ask questions like that if you need us to make love. You could just ask, anything, I'll be available" he nodded, rubbed his palms together and dropped his hand to the head of his belt. He started to unbuckle the head when Sophia bursted out laughing. He stopped and lifted his face."Wahts wrong?"Sophia had pulled out a paper which looked like a photo. She flipped it over and handed it over to him."I wasn't trying to get undress, silly. I was trying to bring out a phot I hid in there. See" she said as he took the photo off he
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Chapter 106
Sophia staggered as she pushed Andrew's body off her and tried to move as she struggled to stand on her feet. She was shocked that the maid was still around, standing before her. She quickly looked down as she adjusted the dress she was wearing and looked away."It is not what you think, Madam" she said as she loved over at Andrew who was also trying to get up on his feet."Andrew and I were just playing"The maid said nothing. She also looked to Andrew as he had finally gotten up and was now standing still beside Sophia. He was staring at the maid with a neutral face. She nodded. He must have communicated through his eyes to her and so she gave them a mini bow and left. Sophia watched her leave and when she had gone far enough, Sophia turned to Andrew , "What did you do to her?""Nothing really, why did you ask?" He said to her with a smile. Sophia shrugged. "Nothing actually but I expected a bit more of a reaction from her. Maybe a threat from her or something of that kind. Isn't
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Chapter 107
Sophia managed to free herself from Andrew grip on her. She bid him goodbye and turned as she hurriedly went into her room. She got in there and locked her door as she leaned on the door and tried to catch her breath. For that moment, it was a long distance from the hallway she stood in to her room. It was either that or the fact that Andrew's behavior had caused her to feel uneasy.She pushed herself forward as she pulled her blouse over her head and threw them on the chair beside her bed. She took off her shorts too and then wrapped herself in her blanket as she got into bed. She was tired from the day and needed to get some rest."Sophia, if you can hear me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I frightened you or caused you to feel scared by my sudden approach. I'm sorry if I made you sad. I'm so sorry" Sophia could hear Andrew's voice from outside her door. He was leaning by the door, speaking to her in a tone so low, one would think it was a whisper."It's just that I thought this was going
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Chapter 108
Andrew made a strange face at her. He immediately got off the floor he was sitting on and staggered as he stood in front. He smiled at her while he wiped his eyes."Finally" he said as he sighed. "You opened your door. I've been here for a long time. Infact," he said as he shook his head, "I never left. I've been sitting ever since I stopped talking"Sophia leaned on her door frame and folded her arms. She gave him a raised brow."I said I had heard you. What more do you need?" She said with a neutral face. She didn't look impressed. "What else is this?"Andrew stepped close to her again, "Sophia. I will not leave you if you do not want me to. You know that right?" He said as he put one finger on her forehead. He flickered the strand of hair that was in front of her face. When he was done, he smiled and leaned forward, "I know you don't want me to leave and I won't""What makes you think that?" Sophia shook her head again. The same strand of hair that Andrew had pulled to the back of
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Chapter 109
Sophia laid in Andrew's arm listening to him confess sweet words to her. He had spoken some poetic lines which made her giggle Inwardly but outside, Sophia held her straight face and tried her best to be still. While they spoke, Andrew had moved his hand from on top of her arm to gripping on her stomach. If she ever managed to laugh, she was sure he would hear it and she could not afford to let him know she was enjoying it."Are you still listening to me, Sophia?" He said at intervals. Sophia answered a yes. "I'm Sorry I asked. You just laid too still for me. I thought you had slept off. My apologies" he said and then continued his confession. He went on to tell her he would be a better man much more than William ever was for her."You can trust me on that" he said as he rubbed on her abdomen. Sophia managed to catch her breath while he held her. She was holding her breath a little while she laid by him."I've heard you. I'll consider it" she said nicely and quietly to him."Sophia.."
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Chapter 110
Andrew jumped out of the bed with spee, Sophia thought there was a problem but there wasn't. In a few seconds, he had put on his clothes and Andrew walked out the door and into the hallway. He had stood outside the door and was ready to leave when Sophia called him again. Andrew turned."Is something the matter?" He said with a composed expression. Sophia raised her lips as though she was about to say something but on a second thought, she must have said no inwardly as she closed her mouth again and shook her head."Nothing then. It's alright. Have a good night" she said as she leaned towards her door and grabbed the handle.Andrew nodded and then flashed her a contented smile. He raised his hands to wave as he waited for her to close the door, which she did before he left. He took a deep breath and exhaled before he turned to leave.Sophia on the other side of the door was still there. She stood there for a minute as she raised her head up to her ceiling. She sighed before she push
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