All Chapters of Married To The Villain : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
169 Chapters
Chapter 111
The sentences that came out of the maid's mouth after Andrew asked those questions made him feel lightheaded almost immediately. He took a step back as he leaned towards his door. His back was straight on it."What did you just say?" He asked again. It felt as though his ears were too weak to receive what she had just said."I said the master had a camera or something like that installed in this house. I will find it for you" she said again with a smile."William did that?" Andrew asked with a serious face. "When?""It must have been the day before he left. You were in your room and so was the Madam when the security guard installed it. The boss said it would help him monitor his wife much better" the maid said calmly. Andrew blinked multiple times. If William had it installed ever since, did that mean he had seen them and was pretending not to? Did he have his own plans? What was he supposed to do?"Do you have any idea where he must have installed it?.. maybe a particular spot. Ma
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Chapter 112
Andrew jumped from his bed as he immediately ran to his door. There was no time to waste as he had to see what the maid has gotten. He pushed the door open and was now standing before her."Where did you get this from?" He said as the elderly woman gave him a flat chip card. She smiled at him and proceeded to speak."I called the security guard by the door and asked him where he thought they could have installed it." She turned to point, ".. it was there"Her hands pointed at the corner of the ceiling that stood directly opposite Andrew's room. Andrew lifted his face to see and immediately felt his heart sank. He was grateful that the maid had found it."Imagine if the master got a hold of this. You would be in big trouble, Mr Andrew." She smiled again at Andrew. Andrew nodded. She was right. William would kill him.Andrew sighed. He thanked her and asked her what would happen next."Well, you would have to erase the memory and then give it back to me. You know the master can not fin
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Chapter 113
William had finished his deal with the boss and was on his way back.It was brief and smart. The boss had promised a good profit if things went well. He even apologized for Tiffany's interference when William had seen Tiffany. William said nothing as he nodded his head, waited patiently and then left when the deal was done.Tiffany stopped him by the door to talk but he brushed shoulders with her as he walked by really fast. William didn't want to start developing feelings for her again. There was no need for that."We'll see again!" She yelled to him as he walked out the door. William didn't fret. Even if he saw her again, he would still ignore her."In your dreams…"he mumbled under his breath.William got into his rented car as he pulled the seat belt and drove out of the car park. He turned to drop his document's bag in the driver's seat and then pulled his phone out to call."Hello Andrew"Andrew's voice sounded dry on the other end of the phone as he answered but William didn't m
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Chapter 114
The dumb maid was standing before William with her head bowed. She had brought the steak, along with plates and cutleries to his room."I asked you to prepare my meal, not to bring them here. Get out!" He yelled at the maid.The young maid quivered. The tray in her hand almost fell off but she caught it just in time. William angrily closed the door as he retreated back into his room. He had expected to see Sophia but that was not her. He grew even more furious at her. He was sure going to punish ber for this."Why isn't here to welcome me?" William said as he stomped his hands on his table.He had expected his wife to welcome him but she didn't. Why?William shook his head as he tried to clear his head of those thoughts. Why was he even getting upset when she was his plaything? His object of satisfaction?'No one gets worked up because of their plaything, why should i?" He wondered. William shook his head again as he came to a decision. He took a deep breath and smiled. He was going t
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Chapter 115
Natalie stood by the door with her luggage beside her. She was smiling while she waved at her step sister."I've missed you," she said with a warm smile.Sophia blushed. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her step sister was right in front of her. Finally, someone she could call family.Tears started to roll off her eyes and down her cheeks. Natalie lifted her arm up as she covered her mouth. Both sisters started to cry again and then, Sophia moved in. She moved to embrace her sister as she hugged Sophia tightly."I've missed you so much."Natalie tightly gripped on her step sister's body as they stayed in their embrace for a while and then gradually, Sophia peeled off. "I thought I would never see you again" Sophia said with a smile. The tear had now rolled down to her shirt.Natalie let out a short laugh, "Sophia, that's so silly, why would you think that of me?" She wiped her eyes."You're my sister, of course I would always see you, no matter where you go"She giggled afterwards.Sop
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Chapter 116
Sophia quickly wiped her eyes and adjusted her dress as she heard the voice. She peeled off Natalie and stood straight."Hello.. Darling, I'm sorry, Sophia." The thickness of the voice sounded familiar. It didn't sound like that of William. Regardless, Sophia's heart skipped. Had she been caught speaking ill of William?What kind of punishment was he going to give her today?The door opened wide and Andrew's head popped into the room. His hair was wet and his chest bare. His bicep looked fresh and fair as he pushed his way in. He had a towel in his hand which he was drying his hair with. His hair had covered his face when he lifted his face up, parted his hair and smiled.Sophia looked at her step sister beside her as Natalie's jaw fell. She was literally drooling. Sophia blushed inwardly, the man her step sister was drooling over was begging to be hers. She felt a sudden need to be proud."Hello there!" Andrew said to Natalie as he wiped his wet hand on the towel he had on his waist
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Chapter 117
Sophia grew curious. What was her step sister talking about and did they perhaps know each other? She took a deep breath, waiting for Natalie to say something. Natalie gasped again. "Oh my fucking gosh!!!.. I can't believe it!" Sophia straightened her neck as she leaped to see what her step sister was talking about. "What is that, Natalie?... What's going on?" Natalie did a little twirl for her sister as she smiled at her step sister. With a loud laugh, she jumped. "Sophia!! You won't believe it!!" "Believe what?" "Andrew goes to my school!! He and I are a building apart!" Natalie said excitedly. "We're literally windows away from each other!" She said as she did her happy dance. Sophia's heart sank as her chest fell but she refused to show it. She was a married woman after all! "Is that right?" She asked with a fake smile. Natalie could barely notice her sister over her own excitement. She was already too happy to see anything beyond the phone screen in her hand. "Yeah!
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Chapter 118
William moved closer to his cousin as he stood face to face with him. They were barely inches apart as William looked into his eyes."Do you perhaps have any idea what I am talking about?"Andrew shook his head. "I don't understand you. How could you think that?"His face looked curious to know what William was thinking."I have this feeling inside me." William turned around and walked to where his cousin stood. Again, he was inches away from his cousin. He stood tall and huge while Andrew shrunk before his cousin.He held his breath, one wrong move could lead to William suspecting something.Andrew had to act cool.How would he do that?!"Whatever you do, do not scratch your head" he said to himself. William knew he was one to scratch his head whenever he was sad. "Actually, I wanna know how you found this out"William smiled, "I had other things I set in place." He turned around as he pointed to a specific spot in the wall, just above the wall art of a tiger he had, which stared a
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Chapter 119
Andrew smiled wryly. He coughed a little and then smiled again."What do you mean by my name on the Teddy bear?" He coughed again, "I don't remember giving your wife a teddy bear"William nodded, "But the teddy bear in her room has everything you described it to be and it even has your name on it. Why?*Andrew shrugged, "Maybe it's a coincidence. I wouldn't know"While both men stood to speak in the hallway, Sophia strolled past, she was headed to her room. She had her head hanging low as she dragged her feet across the carpeted floor, peeling off the scales of glue on her palms. Natalie had asked her to help design her room and she was on her way back when… "Come over here, Sophia!"A voice called her.Sophia lifted her face to see William and Andrew standing together, they were both inches apart. Sophia felt her muscles tense up. What was going on?Immediately, she started walking as she lifted one foot in front of the other. She came close to them and stood beside her husband."Y
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Chapter 120
Sophia was about to tell her sister about the mysterious sender when she came to her senses. She shook her head in disagreement with her silent thoughts."Don't… " she whispered to herself."What's that?" Natalie asked as she took her ear closer to her sister's mouth. Sophia cleared her throat, "Nothing!"Natalie straightened her back and asked again."No o!" Sophia started to walk away fast. Before her sister could say another word, Sophia had reached her room and was already closing the door behind her.Natalie got to her step sister's room as she started to knock."What's so bad about telling me who gave that to you?" She knocked a few times," Come on. I'd love to listen to who it was"Sophia had stopped talking as she tiptoed into her bathroom, got in and locked the door behind her again. She went to the corner of her bathtub, folded herself in and turned the tap on. Hopefully, the noise of water rushing would send Natalie away.Sophia waited for a while and then went out to chec
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