All Chapters of Her Carnal Desires: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
155 Chapters
Best orgasm
Before I could second guess myself and cover my chest, the king was moving up my body and placing his hot mouth on my breast. A cry left my lips as his tongue pressed against one sensitive bud and a strong hand grasped the other. His tongue flicked over my nipple and his hand kneaded the soft mound of my other plump breast.Without a second thought I wrapped my legs around his midsection and lifted my hips to grind myself against him gasping at the need to relieve the ache between my legs."Eager for my filthy shadow elf cock, are you?" He mocked before biting my nipple. I cried out and rocked against him again as electricity spread over my skin and his tongue laved over my nipple to ease the ache from his bite."Your cock is hard for a sun elf whore," I scoffed."That it is," his gruff voice growled, and I felt it in my bones as he continued to bite and lick across my breasts and up my neck. The bites were so hard I knew I'd see marks from his teeth in the morning. It didn't matter a
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Best sex
"What is that?" Caliban traced lazy patterns across my back form where he was laying on the bed. I was sitting up and had the story book in my hands."A book I found while snooping through the cabin. It's a collection of Thanaten stories," I sighed and leaned back onto the bed into his arms."Let me see it." He held out his hand and I have the book over. After flipping through the legible pages, the king gave me the book back. "It's a children's book. Common to find in every household. I'm not surprised they have one here.""The beasts in these stories, are they all real?" My heart dropped into my stomach thinking about the monsters in this book."In some form or other they are. Gwathendor is a much deadlier place than Laernear, little flower." Caliban's free hand played with a stray curl of my hair."So, if I were to run away in the night?""One of the beasts in this book might find you before I do." His tone was emotionless, but I knew it was a warning more than a threat.."Would yo
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Am not a whore
When Caliban had filled the tub of fresh hot water, I was eager to submerge myself, but waited impatiently on the bed as I expected him to wash up first."Are you coming?" I heard his deep voice call out and a shock ran through me. Despite what we had already done an intense blush was spreading across my face.The shadow king was already in the copper tub with his arms resting on the ledge. When I appeared in the doorway his glowering eyes roved up and down my body and he leaned his head back like a man enjoying a piece of art. I didn't know what to think or feel when he looked at me that way."It saves time and water if we bathe at the same time." One long finger flicked the surface and the water and sent ripples along the soapy contents. Biting my lower lip, I nodded my head and took the few steps to the tub.At first, I lowered myself into the steaming water at the opposite side of the tub, but Caliban was quick to reach forward and grab my arm. He pulled he through the water and s
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Do you hate me
The shadow king left me alone in the cabin so long that I had collapsed on the bed after hours of crying my heart out. My tears fell for my family and the life behind me. I didn't think I would ever see them again and now I was worrying over my future and my actions with the Thanaten king. Sleep took me away and by the time the sun was shining over me through the window Caliban was back. At first, I'd tensed in the bed seeing him sitting at the table watching the dying embers in the fireplace. He must have heard what I thought was a silent gasp because he spoke seconds later. "Get ready to leave." And then he was up and out the door again. This time I could hear him outside at the shed where he'd left Abaddon the other night when the snowstorm had begun. Swallowing hard and rubbing the sleep from my eyes I shakily got up from the bed. Despite sleeping through the night, the crying had left me so drained I wondered if I could've slept for days. After a meager breakfast of leftover d
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Painful pleasure
"It is gratifying to hear I distract you enough to have you off your guard." Leaning back into his chest I heard him inhale sharply."Flower, you have no idea just how much you distract me." His hand snuck up from my waist and brushed against my breast. "Having that round ass pressed against me while we ride is torture.""I'm not exactly bereaved to know you suffer, your majesty." My voice turned breathy as his large hand massaged my breasts."Hmm, am I to assume that I have no distracting effect on you then?" When his hand flew between my legs to cup my heat I gasped audibly. Even with the layers I was wearing it was hard to ignore his touch and the warmth it brought."None at all. More of a nuisance than anything." But my head was full of clouds and my skin was buzzing with the energy blooming inside of my body. Some little voice in my head screamed that reacting in this way at Caliban's touch was obscene. Yet my entire body was shamelessly aroused at the barest touch.Visible light
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Afraid of him
The third day would undoubtably be the worst. Conversation was relaxed but minimal. My thighs and bottom hurt from days of riding in the saddle and Caliban's rough treatment at night.My saving grace was the great quantity of sunlight I was exposed to as the forest thinned out and the thick copse of trees became increasingly sparse the further north we traveled. Although the sun's rays only went so far to fight off the frigid cold."What do you know of the Thanaten capital?" Caliban questioned."Nothing, really." I shrugged and jut my lower lip in a pout I knew he couldn't see."We'll be there around sundown." An uneasy chill crept over me at the thought. Some old instinct in my bones wanted me to be afraid of whatever I was going to see when we arrived. Or maybe I was scared of my future still.Following the last argument, I had done my best to push those fears to the back of my mind and not even consider bringing it up again.After rutting with the king in the woods last night as th
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City of Umbra
The sun continued to set as we got closer to the capital. Once down in the valley my ears began to pick up on the sounds of life in the distance. Even though it was near fully dark there was still so much activity I could hear."Is your capital still so active this late?" Leaning forward in the saddle I tried to see as far as I could."It stays active well into the night. Plenty of shops stay open until just before sunrise. We may not be monsters, but we are still creatures of the shadows and night is the perfect time for Thanatens to thrive.""In Laernear we rise with the sun every day." And now the sun was gone.It seemed no time at all that we crossed the field of tall grass leading to the outer edges of Umbra. The outer canal acted similarly to an ancient moat would have around a castle, guarding the capital. Along with six towering buildings that had the appearance of a black quartz crystal sticking up from the ground in even intervals around the city.The closer we got I was abl
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A prisoner
The shadow horse nickered impatiently as the soldiers worked to swing open the gate doors. The heavy iron creaked and groaned as one side was pushed open to make way for Caliban and his warhorse of living shadow. Meanwhile I kept my head down and covered but feeling the increasing stares of Thanatens the entire time weighing me down.Unease slithered into the pit of my belly and pressed into me like a beast as we crossed over the bridge and the gate behind us was slammed shut and locked once more. I could feel the claws of anxiety sinking into me and attempting to drag me down as that dark castle got closer.The king wasn't talking to me, instead we rode in silence towards his home. I didn't want to be afraid, but there was no promise of what was awaiting me once me arrived at his home. It didn't feel real in a way, where I was. This was all beginning to feel like some nightmare and that feeling wouldn't stop plaguing me.A paved stone pathway led us from the bridge to the gatehouse o
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Loneliness and abandonment
On the first day I woke up disoriented with my head pounding. The sun was just beginning to rise, and I left the four-poster bed in the tower and trudged over the thin rug to the balcony door. At first the door stuck as though it hadn't been opened in ages, but once it swung free a rush of cold morning air blew in and my tangled hair whipped around my face.It was a small, round balcony with a thick iron railing. In the horizon I saw where the sun was beginning to rise. Leaning against the railing I released a sigh and surveyed the land while I awaited the sunshine. The long river continued to wind away into the valley, and I could see the ridge to the south where I had been when I first saw Umbra.Further to the right I could see some of the capital in the growing light and despite my circumstances I was still impressed with the colorful city and glistening blue water of the canals. From this height and distance, I tried to enjoy the sight.When orange and red light blossomed over th
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Starving herself
A few items had been left behind in the white oak dresser and I picked at what was available. All the clothing colors were dark and most of the materials were thick and soft for wearing outside in the cold. I pulled out a black silk dress that was small and lightweight enough to wear to sleep and slipped it on. Having nothing better to do I sat at the vanity and brushed through my hair while avoiding looking at my reflection.When the sun had been gone for hours, I turned off the gas lamp on the desk and crawled into the bed on the dais. In the pitch black of the room my mind wanted to run over me with dangerous thoughts. It didn't feel good to admit that the darkness around me was sinking into my mind and becoming its own creature.The second day was much the same as the first. I tried harder to stop and question the servants when they brought my meals but the guard with them was always there to warn me away with a stern glance and flash of weapon. Those meals were left mostly untouc
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