All Chapters of Her Carnal Desires: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
155 Chapters
The healer
Two days later I woke up with the sunlight streaming into my eyes through the tall floor to ceiling windows in the warm room. My head was throbbing, but I managed to sit up and look around the room. A large black stone fireplace was in the wall across the room and the pale grey walls were nearly bare. A few shelves held medical tools and medicinal supplies. At the back I noticed a large Ashwood desk with scattered papers and books.A closet door stood ajar and I could hear someone within rustling through the shelves inside. At my left a small table held an empty bowl of what smelled like broth and an empty pitcher of water. When I swung my legs over to get out of the narrow hospital bed a wave of nausea rushed over me and I nearly fell from the bed with a loud groan as I swayed toward the floor.My breath whooshed out of me when a sturdy body caught me and gently laid me back into the bed once more. After a few dizzying seconds my head stopped spinning and I managed to open my eyes ag
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You not a prisoner
"Nonsense, I never doubted you." His tone was deep and reserved now. I let my eyes roam over his cleaned-up appearance and marveled at how splendid Caliban looked.His long white hair had been braided at the side and was out of his face showing off how perfectly sculpted it was. A black cloak of some fine material was draped around his shoulders and held in place with a gold clasp across his chest. New black pieces of jewelry befitting his status adorned the length of his ears and fingers now and a thin black gold circlet graced his brow.A king in his castle.As if he felt me staring his eyes drifted back in my direction as he looked me up and down in the infirmary bed. I was painfully reminded that I must look like a wild beast after sleeping for so long without a bath and nothing more than a rumpled sleeping gown on my body.Caliban took a step further into the room in my direction and my breath lurched in my throat. His hand at his side opened and closed repetitively and I noticed
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Cuddling together
The shadow king stepped closer once more and leaned in until his mouth was near my ear. "I'd much rather give you a reason to spread your legs for me again.""No, wait." I pulled away with a continuing sinking feeling in my gut. "I might not be a prisoner but I'm still a Mithran princess and you're the king here. What happened on the journey here... We both know it was wrong."Caliban growled and straightened to his full impressive height. "You think I don't know that? That I don't know my desire for you is depraved and dangerous?"He grabbed me by my upper arms and pulled me into his hard chest and I gasped. Tears were building in the corners of my eyes as my swarming thoughts and exhaustion slammed into me."Why else do you think I avoided you to the point I didn't know what state you were in? I was trying to purge you out of my system by burying myself in busywork. Yet it didn't work!" His lips fell on mine and I whimpered from the force of his kiss."You've plagued my mind since t
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The fury
Soft moans left my lips and my lashes fluttered as I began to wake up with the pleasurable sensations between my thighs rousing me. As my senses came to me, I gasped lightly and felt a hard tongue pressed to my clit and rough hands holding my thighs. The tongue circled my sensitive bud and my back arched against the soft mattress.It was still dark in the room with nothing more than the barely rising sun sending in a hint of light. I lifted my head to look down, but a thick blanket was still covering my body, yet I could feel him between my legs.A gasp flew from my lips when I felt teeth gently bite down before his tongue went back to licking and flicking my sensitive folds. My body began to squirm as the luxurious bliss grew stronger in my core and waves of heat spread across my skin. I reached below the blanket and grabbed the silky white hair at the back of his head.I felt hot air on my wet core as he growled against my skin when I lightly tugged his hair. His hands gripped my wa
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Need for him
I clamped my teeth down on the blanket and released a muffled scream while kicking my legs wildly."What just happened?" I hissed to myself while looking around the room. "This is the bedroom of the shadow king and I woke up with him between my legs!"I palmed my face and rubbed my eyes as if when I moved my hands away, I'd wake up from a dream. But I needed this moment alone to think through the situation I was in as everything seemed to be happening at breakneck speed.On my way to marry Duke Ayden Sulien my carriage was ambushed by the Thanaten king, Caliban Mor'gen. His soldiers had killed my handmaidens and guards then his soldiers were slaughtered by a ghoulcat.During the journey to the shadow elf capital, we had argued and given in to the veracious desire that drew us together even though we were born enemies. Now we were in the palace and after the misunderstanding of my brief imprisonment there was a strange sort of relationship that was continuing to develop between me and
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Comfortable with him
The king used his free hand to grab my right leg and jerked it up until he could place it onto the balcony railing. Cool air whispered over my wet lips and I shivered at the sensation. But when his thick cock was pushing itself into me, I couldn't stop the low guttural moan that reverberated through me.In seconds he was fully sheathed, and I was clenching around his cock and rolling my hips to adjust to his size. A rumble of approval rolled through his chest and I could feel it through my back where he was heavily pressed into me. Caliban's free hand went back to my pussy where he began to rub my clit in a torturous circular movement in time with the harsh thrusts he picked up.I braced myself against the flat top of the stone railing and in doing so allowed Caliban to pound into me at a much deeper angle. I bit my bottom lip and whimpered when his grip on my neck tightened briefly. As he leaned more into me, pressing me against the rough stone I inhaled deeply when his hand left my
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In danger
"Daddy!" I sputtered and coughed in the upstairs hallway, lungs already dangerously full of smoke.The fire crackled all around us-my childhood home going up in flames.My father gripped my shoulders tightly, painfully, giving me a little shake. The eyes of his Wolf glowed with fury and hate. Not at me. But for the Alpha who had come to destroy him. The monster intent on cutting us all down and wreaking havoc...until not a person or a possession remained.My father yelled to be heard over the roar and crackling of wood around us, "Get back, Hycinth! Go to Luca at the safe house! Go now! Run!""No, Daddy!" I wailed again, tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to leave him. He was hurt. I could smell it. Blood from several deep claw and bite wounds wafted into the air. The scent of iron oxide, a byproduct of his leaking life-fluid, combined with the oppressive stench of carbon dioxide released by the flames, burning my sensitive nose. I could barely breathe.His beautiful face twi
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Ruined by him
My father had prepared an evacuation plan for me, my mother and brother, as well as his most trusted Beta and his Beta's mate, in the event our pack was compromised beyond repair. My mind whirled with his instructions, my body on autopilot.Three more steps and I reached the kitchen, located at the back of the house, positioned right over the cement bunker. I threw open the back door to make it appear as if I'd run out that way, and then I flew into the large walk-in pantry, closing the door behind me.Diving to the floor, my fingernails scraped along the wood, feeling for the security latch.It clicked open!Lifting the lid just enough to shimmy my body through, I agilely dropped the remaining eight feet to the floor below. The fall didn't hurt me. Even though I had yet to shift, I had vigorously trained my entire life. My father had insisted on it, making me surprisingly formidable for my small frame.The door settled in place above my head, and I heard the latch reengage. The avenu
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The heat
"Why?!!!" I roared out my frustration and prowled across the room like a caged animal, then back again, stopping only to hurl a bottle of hundred-year-old Scotch across the room at a bookcase. I watched the glass break, amber liquid saturating the books and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Why her?! Why couldn't it be anybody but her?!" Clearly, the Moon had it out for me, the sly bitch. Because there was no more hilarious mistake than making that female my mate!My father sat reclined in a comfortable chair, utterly unaffected by my foul mood. When he could get a word in edgewise, he asked evenly, "Are you ready to tell me why you're having a temper tantrum like a two-year-old and destroying the study?"I growled and flashed fang.Instantly, he was on his feet and in my face, a sustained growl reverberating in his chest. Even in his fifties, the man was cut with rugged bulk and muscle, hewn and cultivated over thirty years as Alpha of Adamant Moon. He was respected, and he was feared.
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So protective
I motioned toward one of my enforcers. "Get her down and do as I promised. Prepare her body. Find out if she has any family who wants her remains. If not, we'll include her in our mourning ceremony." Not a ceremony I was looking forward to. Many of our wolves also perished in the battle. I hated losing any Wolf, but the events of today needed to happen.I waited until they removed her body from the room. And then focused on the remaining two men. The taller one had dirty blonde hair and glared at me in the same fashion as the female had. But he didn't have that rare special spark of loyalty she had. Still, he would be the more difficult one between the two to break.Getting right in his face, I made sure he paid attention and fully understood my words. "I'll give you one chance-and one chance only-to tell me what I want to know. How can I find her? Where would she go? She couldn't have just disappeared. I have wolves combing through the woods, and there's no trace of her. Surely, a ju
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