All Chapters of Her Carnal Desires: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
155 Chapters
The bond
LeanderHycinth and I walked in comfortable silence back to our room. When we entered, my little mouse stopped and snickered as she examined the destruction, eyeballing the bed that was now at quite an angle due to the broken frame. She looked up at me, her lips twitching.I shrugged my shoulders sheepishly. "It couldn't be helped.""Of course not." She nodded solemnly.I raised an eyebrow. "Are you mocking me, little mouse?"She bit her lip to keep from grinning and purred again, "Of course not."I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself at my expense.""So now what? Do we sleep on the floor?"I huffed, "Of course not."She giggled. I couldn't help returning her smile. "We'll sleep in one of the guest rooms until ours is repaired. Grab whatever clothes you need for tonight and tomorrow morning."She disappeared into the closet and came out wearing her usual nighttime attire. Sleep shorts and a tight little T-shirt. I bit back a groan as I looked at her slender and athletic
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HycinthThe day flew by quickly. After spending most of the morning dress shopping, Leander and I caught lunch at a local Italian restaurant and then headed back for the Announcement Ceremony. I suspected Leander had purposefully kept us away until the very last moment to avoid any more potential drama. When we arrived, Gwen met us at the door and quickly followed us into our temporary room. She waited in a comfy chair while Leander changed clothes in the walk-in closet and I went into the bathroom to get ready. I could hear them talking through the door.Leander's voice was curt, "Stay with her.""I will. Don't worry. I've got this. I won't let anything happen," Gwen assured. "Now get going. We'll meet you down there."I didn't hear him give a response, just the door opening and closing again. It took several more minutes for me to sweep my hair up onto my head, leaving soft tendrils wisping around my face. I didn't apply much makeup. The cut of the dress was so elegant and simple th
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LEANDER'S POVI held my little mouse close, tucked under the crook of my arm, splayed fingers applying pressure to her lower spine to keep her exactly where I wanted her-no distance between us, not even an inch. The pert mounds of her breasts pressed against my side, her two hardened nubs, the evidence of her arousal, poking into my chest. Her little hands rested flat against my back and right pectoral muscle. She was a perfect fit tucked under the crook of my arm, her tiny shape molded and created for me, two halves of one whole, just right together.I hadn't anticipated clutching her tightly during the speeches part of the ceremony. Typically, the Alpha and Luna stood next to each other, holding hands. But after the sweet scent of her arousal filled the air, she was lucky that's all I did, instead of listening to every primal instinct in my body, demanding I toss her over my shoulder and find the nearest den so that I could make her mine.My posturing was much more than physical. Na
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Joy and anticipation
Ever gave a hard nod to Alpha Cyril and stepped back. My father's deep baritone voice was easily heard as he spoke to Sydney, "Your sentence is fifteen. Count each one out loud. Is that understood?""Yes," she whimpered.Fifteen wasn't bad. It shouldn't take too long. I was more than ready to move along to the next step.My father didn't waste any time. His hand came up, and the paddle came down, the slap against her bare skin resounding loudly in the air. Sydney flinched hard but made no sound other than to gasp, "One!"As the punishment continued, and swat after swat rained down, Sydney was no longer able to contain her cries of pain. Her chest heaved as she panted hard. The wolves all watched on eagerly, twittering among themselves, pleased with the spectacle. I was a little surprised at their vocalness. They were usually reserved during public punishment, and I wondered what their conversation amongst themselves consisted of. It was hard to hear over the constant slapping of the p
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Erotic pleasure
HycinthThe air teemed with excitement. Howls, shouts, and cries of happiness- a symphony of the Wolves' hearts. Even the ground beneath our feet pulsed as hundreds of Wolves stomped their joy. I heard and felt it all, but none of it mattered. There was only one Wolf I could focus on, and he captured my complete attention- Leander.His bite had overwhelmed and stunned me. I didn't know what I expected, but not the utter bliss that wrapped around me like a cocoon. Being in his arms, surrounded by his warmth -words were pitifully inadequate to describe the sensation, only to say it felt like it was where I belonged -I was home.Leander's violet and cerulean irises glowed dark as he pulled back from my neck. I stared at his full lips, wanting him...wanting more. He guessed my thoughts and whispered, "Not yet, little mouse."I frowned. He'd told me that twice now, and I wasn't feeling any more patient than when I'd heard it the first time. If anything, my desire for him had doubled. Uncon
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Rather than let me calm down and get myself under control, the asshat leaned in and whispered hungrily in my ear, "The things I'm shortcake. His expression changed. He positively radiated sexual intent as he slowly brought his mouth down.Was he going to kiss me?! Here? Now?My already racing heart took off like a rocket, thumping in my chest. I sat frozen, unable to move as he slowly eliminated the space between us. However, rather than finding his lips against mine, I felt his tongue sweep out and lick the corner of my mouth- apparently a bit of cream was left over there.Regardless of the benign reason for the touch, seeing his I'm-going-to-taste-you-e verywhere-soon expression and feeling his tongue lick the edge of my lips caused arousal to positively burst out of me. It was like a ripcord had been pulled and stunning heat shot through my belly making my pelvis clench and my toes curl. I had to wrap my hands into keep myself from jumping on him and riding him hard like
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Too overwhelmed
I refocused on Leander. "Stop it. Whatever you are thinking, stop it right now! My brother's just being an ass. It comes naturally to him. He can't help it."Leander looked at Lucky, not quite ready to let it go and said, "Maybe we should keep your brother with us during the rest of the celebration. Just in case he has any other pearls of wisdom he would like to share.""Maybe, he should go back to the dungeon until he learns to behave," I retorted.Lucky's face fell, genuine hurt crossing his expression, and instantly, I regretted my words. I said hurriedly, "I didn't mean that! Of course, I want you to stay with us for as long as possible.""Why don't you find him a seat nearby," Leander said to one of the wolves guarding him. The Wolf did as ordered and all three sat down close by.Leander and I went back to the still waiting line of wolves and continued where we'd left off. I enjoyed hearing their stories and was fascinated as I watched Leander interact with them. He made eye cont
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Need for him
Running With The WolvesLeanderI kept Lucky close by during the ceremony. Not just for the reason I gave Hycinth...because Lucky didn't seem to give a shit before he said whatever the hell he wanted...I liked his boldness and the opportunity he might spout other useful tidbits of information about my little mouse. However, the other reason was much, more simple I wanted him to see how she reacted to me, I wanted him to see us together. Regardless of his parentage and his history, he was a full adult male Wolf. I could sense it pained him not to have his own mate...and he understood how nature was driving me to possess mine.I also wanted his blessing. I would never tell him that, but I recognized how invaluable it would be. All I had to do was be transparent enough, and let him see the truth for I felt about his sister. Maybe it wouldn't change anything, maybe it wouldn't help...but maybe it would. It couldn't hurt to try. And I was willing to try anything at this poin
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So beautiful
Lucky's expression was still affected by the scene that had unfolded in front of him, but he nodded his head and walked away with the guards.Ever turned to Hycinth and murmured, "We have stalls located on the east side where you can remove your dress in privacy and shift.""Okay," she responded and looked at my Wolf hesitantly. It was obvious she wasn't sure what he would be doing while she changed. He answered that question for her by walking toward the changing stalls. She quickly scrambled after him. When they reached their destination, he nudged the door open with his big head. She went inside the large sectioned off space that was open to the air above. And he followed along right with her, not intending to leave her side for even a moment.Her heart raced as she understood what he wanted her to do get undressed in front of him and shift. Amazingly enough, there was no negotiation like I'd had to go through to see her creamy flesh. She simply complied with his wishes, removing h
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No panties
HYCINTH My Wolf was in heaven. The wind whipped through her fur as we flew by tall trees rising out of the earth to kiss the sky. Her nostrils flared with the scents of moss, bark and wild mushrooms. The spongy surface beneath our paws gave away easily, still damp from the recent rain showers. Acorns, pine cones, and fallen leaves were strewn about the well-worn path like spilled trinkets.And her mate by her side.There was nothing better for her. No other place she would rather be than right where she was. Leander's Wolf was magnificent. Powerful and sure, sleek and dominant-a potent elixir to our senses. Primal.Addictive.We were running at the front of the pack. He was pushing her endurance and testing her ability. His big paws powered ahead, silently gliding over the uneven ground, pitted with rocks and roots, easily leaping to clear dead logs, and maneuvering around encroaching thick brambles -a virile display of his strength and agility. My Wolf had to put forth considerable
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