All Chapters of Her Carnal Desires: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
155 Chapters
I'm pregnant
MELLISA'S POVJust as i was seated in my office, Gearhead popped his head in the office. "Hey, are you okay." I looked up and smiled. "Sure, why wouldn't I be okay?""Just that Alexander left today and won't be back for awhile." He shrugged."Am fine. That was bound to happen", I shrugged my shoulders.I totally didn't care plus, if I ever thought I was going to get over Alexander, this time apart is what I needed. I had trusted him way back when, so sure that he really and truly wanted me, but I had been wrong. I knew I wasn't a wrong about this. I was going to leave the club and this was another step closer to seeing that happen.My first step was mailing off a package this morning, which included a demo of me singing and playing my guitar, to a music producer.I found in Memphis that was taking a on new talent. I had no idea what was going to come of it, but I would know unless I tried, right?"True, well let me know if you need anything." He turned to leave when I stopped him."A
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You fucked her for so long
DRAKE'S POV."Talk to me, Aaron, what the hell is going on?!" I was full of nervous as I walked in the tiny space that would be my living room and kitchen."Jane antagonized Melissa. Oh, man, it's really bad, Alexander."My heart fell into my gut. If anything happened to Melissa, I was going to lose my shit."What happened, Aaron?!" I was getting impatient and very fucking pissed off.Melissa put Jane into a comma. She beat the fuck out of her. I have never seen anything like it, man. Melissa went fucking crazy after what Jane said about you. I don't even think she knows what happened because afterward she looked freaked out. Melissa was white as a ghost."I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I know Melissa was a badass, being a Dunkens and all, but to put someone into a comma? Fuck me."Is she okay? Melissa? Both of them?""I don't know. Do you think you can come back for a night? I know it's such a long fucking drive, but it's fucking nuts around here right now. Pres is back at hi
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You mine
"Oh, for fuck's sake. We're back to that again?" He grabbed my hip and kept me from going further."Don't do this."I gave him a hard glare. "Why did you come back here?", I asked angrily.His brows furrowed. " What do you mean? I came back to make sure you're okay. What kind of stupid question is that?""I didn't want you to come back. I am fine." This time when I moved, he let me. Deep down, I was disappointed that he let me go again, just once, I wanted him to fight for me but he unfortunately didn't."You're seriously going to push me away again?" He sat up, rubbing his hands over his face. "I just drove five fucking hours to get here." He added while looking disappointedly at me."I just told you I didn't want you to come back! So, you wasted your own damn time, not my fault." I puffed out my chest. "And I am not pushing you away again. The last time I checked, I pushed you away once but you won't let me go! Why won't you let me go?! I want to be happy, but you won't let me!",
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Now just friends
I woke alone, reaching out for Melissa but found the bed to be empty and cold. I just didn't understand her sometimes. Why would she leave after we shared a pretty intimate moment the night before? Why does she have to be damn stubborn? Crawling out bed, I headed for the bathroom to freshen up before I went out into the bar to find Careen manning the men. Danny, Gearhead, sergeant the prospect sat at the bar nursing on their beers. Looking at Gearhead still left a bad test in my mouth."Beer me." I stood at the bar as Careen slid me a fresh cold one. Taking the first sip of the morning was glorious. My eyes scanned over my brothers, but I didn't see the one person I was looking for. "Anyone seen Melissa this morning?"Gearhead was the one to answer, making me groan. "She went home. Just left about thirty minutes ago."Of course, she went home. I took a few more pulls before I slid my still half-full beer across the bar and winked at Careen.."See you later."I didn't know what I was
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He loves you
MELISSA'S POVThe next day, I found myself at the clubhouse waiting for my dad to get here so we could discuss what to do with Mom. But he was taking much longer then he said he would be, and I was staring to get impatient.Sliding into the stool at the bar, Careen came over with a beer and set it down in front of me. I shook my head and pushed it away."I can't have it, you know that."Careen nodded, "I just wasn't sure since you've been drinking."I glared up at her. "Yeah, well I have decided it isn't good for the baby anymore." And I didn't need her to judge me for it.Careen winked. "Your secret is safe with me,. Darlin'."Before l could reply, the clubhouse door swung open and Axel Dunkens walked in, looked around the room, and then pointed his glare on me. He nodded toward the back before he marched across the room and disappeared down the hallway.I slid off the stool and went in pursuit of my dad, shutting the office door behind me before I took a seat in front of him."W
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Don't cheat on her
ALEXANDER'S POV,I lied there in bed, staring up at the ceiling as Mandi's naked body draped over mine. I had one arm behind my head and the other resting across my chest, too afraid to move or touch her. I couldn't stop thinking about Melissa and what she would think if she ever found out about this.But at the same time, anger built inside me and I didn't care if she found out. Part of me wanted her to. If she honestly didn't want me anymore, then I wasn't going to sit around and wait for her.Mandi shifted next to me, running a hand up my stomach to my chest. "What are you thinking about?", She asked."Nothing important," I lied, but it was none of her damn business. She was just a good lay that took my mind off of things for a short period of time.Nothing more.I pushed her leg off as I sat up on the edge of the bed and grabbed my jeans. I needed to get out of here before my thoughts took over and made me over-analyze things; which I was often good at doing."Where are you goin
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He isn't my boyfriend
MELISSA'S POVI had an impromptus trip to the doctor's office after I experienced some sharp pains in my stomach.Worried, of course, that something was wrong with the baby, but my doctor said it was just stress- induced pains, and that I should try to separate my self from stressful situations for the sake of the baby and me.But what the doctor didn't realize was that my entire life was one stress situation after another."It looks like you're about seven weeks long now".I have printed off a photo of your ultrasound here." She leaned forward and handed me the photo as a ball of emotions formed in my throat. I looked down at the tiny ball on the black and white photo and gulped back a sob. "It's just a little peanut right now, but it's growing just how we want it to. Will your husband be joining you next time?"I tore my eyes away from the ultrasound photos and up into her eyes. "I'm not married, and the father and I are separated right now." That's all I could tell her without gi
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You slept with him
ALEXANDER'S POVI paced the meeting room floor with fustration as I tried to get them all on the same page. This new chapter needed more work than I ever imagined. They all had their own ideas on how to run things, and I knew that if they didn't put their heads together and agree in one way or another, they were never going to be a successful club. All of my time here would be a huge waste of time.Then I looked around the table and scolded myself for not realizing it sooner. Someone was missing."Where the hell is Jimmy?"Charlie sat forward and put his forearms on the table."I sent him south to take a few days under Axel's wings."I felt every hair on my body stand up on end. If Jimmy went South then he was with Melissa, and that thought didn't sit well in my stomach."You did what?", I asked again."You two were butting heads too much that I thought it would be good for him to get away and learn a few things from Axel." He responded.But I didn't think it was a good idea at all;
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Late night club
MELISSA'S POVI woke the next morning when my door bell ripped me from my slumber. I was still on the couch and didn't remember falling asleep here last night, still in my clothes from the day before. My music sheets were scattered on the coffee table, and my guitar was still leaning against the end of the couch.The doorbell rang again, clearing my mind as I quickly fumbled with the music sheets and shoved them under the couch cushion before I tucked my guitar behind the couch.Answering he door, I wasn't surprised to find Jimmy there to greet me as he held two styrofoam cups in his hand,holding one out for me to take. He looked me up and down, smiling. "Looks like it was a good thing I brought you some coffee this morning.""What are you doing here, Jimmy?""Your dad sent me over. Said he couldn't get you on the phone." The images of my shattered phone entered my thoughts as he continued, "There's an event tonight for the club in the mid-state so he wants us to go for the club, sai
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Rough sex
ALEXANDER'S POVI had one thing on my mind and it wasn't pleasant. It had something to do with my fist and Jimmy's jaw, and the closer I got to them the angrier I became.Melissa was acting like an idiot. She was clearly drunk and Jimmy was taking the full advantage of it. I saw Jimmy reach up to her chest and pull her bra cup down as he exposed her, then his head lowered and his mouth wrapped around her nipple. I went into a rampage."Hey!" I screamed.Jimmy released Melissa to look up at me as his expression went from seduction to surprised, agrin spreading across his stupid fucking face. He didn't have anything to say because my fist connected with his jaw and sent him flying backward.Melissa jumped back and covered her chest, wobbling on her feet."Alexander!" She protested, but I wasn't listening.I wasn't listening, though, before I stormed after Jimmy again and when I got my hands on him, I didn't back down. I pinched his smug face over and over again with such a face and ange
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