All Chapters of Her Carnal Desires: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
155 Chapters
Feeling pain
MELISSA'S POVI woke the next morning with a slight headache as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I recalled most of the night before, but toward the end, it went a little blurry.Alexander had stayed away from me for most of the party after I tried to seduce him, and I cursed myself out now that I was sober. There was still a desperate feeling of want for him deep inside that l couldn't tame, though. No matter how hard I tried to squash my feelings.After I got dressed, I headed out to find the bar was mostly empty. All the people that were here last night were all gone and back on the roads. Gearhead, Danny, Aaron and Careen were all sat at the bar, looking worse than I felt."Well, good morning, sweetcheeks. Can I get you anything for that hungover?" Careen smiled. I grumbled as I slid oto the stool next to Danny. Bloody Mary. You know how I like it." Careen winked at me before she started on my drink.Looking around, I couldn't help but wonder Alexander had laid his head down for the
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Horny and cranky
MELISSA'S POV "It was over ten minutes so I ran in. What the hell happened, Melissa?" Aaron sounded distraught, driving out of the parking lot like a madman.I couldn't speak; couldn't move. I was just thankful that he had come inside to get me when he had."Melissa, talk to me," Aaron urged.My head shook as I pulled my knees up and hugged them to my chest, resting my head on them as I quietly cried.When Aaron pulled back into the clubhouse parking lot, he honked the horn several times before he stopped at the front doors.I was still frozen in fear as all the memories came rushing back at once. Aaron had jumped out of the truck before I heard his muffled voice talking to someone."I don't know what the fuck happened. I gave her ten minutes inside and when it hit ten minutes, I ran inside and found her on the floor hysterical."My door opened as I jumped and looked to find Alexander standing there. A look of anger and horror flashed through his gaze.I sobbed again and threw my arm
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He is hurt
"What's this lead you're talking about?""Some Skeletors just rode through town. I figured we could try to catch them before they left." The smile on Smokey's face told me that he was ready for a fight.It had been months since anything really exciting had happened around her, and I could tell that Smokey was ready for some danger. We all were."Prospect! Get your ass over here!" Smokey yelled for Aaron before he ran over, wiping the grease from his hands. "Suit up, kid. Us big boys are going to show you how to handle business."Aaron's eyes lit up as he dropped his towel and ran for his bike, starting it before I could even slide onto the seat of my own bike. Kid was excited, I'll give him that.The familiar rumbled between my legs was just what I needed right now. I needed a clear mind for what we were about to do, and riding on the open road tended to do just that.Smokey took the lead out of the lot as I followed right behind him, catching Aaron out my peripheral vision behind me.
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We want each other
MELISSA'S POV I left my dad's office feeling a bit more relieved than I ever I would feel. I finally understood what Alexander had gone through all those years ago, and why he had become the man he was today. I remembered him being a normal teenager, laughing with me under the sun, running through the fields hand-in-hand, and even making love under the stars. But after that run with my dad, he had changed. He became dark, distant, and a total hard-ass, and it finally all made sense now.I headed toward the bar, seeing that everyone had calmed down enough and were drinking beers, but I didn't see Alexander in sight. Walking up to the bar, I tapped my fingers lightly against the wood top until Careen walked over."What's up, darlin'? Can I get you a beer?"Shaking my head, I asked, "Where's Alexander?""Went to his room to shower up, I think." She shrugged as she reached under the bar and brought up another bottle of whiskey.Nodding, I headed back to the bedrooms and straight into Ale
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I hate you
It was a photo of Alexander. .A photo of Alexander fucking Jane Wilson. The night of my mother's funeral. The night when I thought me and Alexander might be okay. The night I slept alone and woke to find Alexander nowhere to be found. Slept at Axel's, my ass.Lies. There were always lies.I couldn't help but stare at the photo. No matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. This simple photo was all I needed to see for me to know that my decision to leave was the right one."What is it?" Alexander asked behind me, making me jump.My blood boiled at the sound of his voice. I spun on my heels and threw the photo at him."Why didn't you tell me?"Alexander looked confused before he bent down and grabbed the photo from the floor. When he looked at it, the color drained from his face as he let out a breath and looked up at me."How could you?!" I screamed, trying to stop myself from completely freaking out. "I tried to fix things with you that night, but you pushed me away. You're
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Always stressed
ALEXANDER'S POV "What in the actual fuck was that?" Axel stood in the hallway looking around with pure terror on his face. "Alexander."I nodded. "Gearhead just took off. I'm not pointing fingers or anything, but I'm pretty sure this was a direct hit from the Skeletors."Axel ran his hand over his face and sighed. "Fuck. Go after him and bring him back in one piece."I knew what I had to do, but right now, being on the road chasing after the very people who wanted all of us dead was the last place I wanted to be.Nodding, I headed toward the door but stopped when I looked over at Melissa. Her tear-stained face made my heart ache, but I knew I couldn't go to her; she wouldn't want me to. And right now, I should only have one thing on my mind. Saving Gearhead's dumbass.Taking a deep breath, I pushed through the broke and battered door and stormed over to my bike. I jumped on and tore out of the parking lot, hoping I could find Gearhead before they did.But as the miles added up, Gearh
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So angry
ALEXANDER'S POV It was nearly midnight when I was able to finally lay my head on a pillow. I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep the shit away, knowing I'd have to face everything again in the morning. But for now, I could get lost in my dreams. I had been dreaming about Melissa a lot lately, and it was always peaceful dreams; an escape from reality.But just as I was about to drift off into fantasy land, my bedroom door flew open and Smokey turned the light on. My eyes burned from the brightness as I sat up."Dude, what the fuck?" I barked."You're not going to believe this," Smokey choked out between his heavy breaths. "Gearhead is back... and he has a Skeletor." My ears perked as I jumped out of bed with excitement."What do you mean he has a Skeletor?"Smokey grinned from ear to ear. "That son of a bitch pulled it off. I don't know how, but he captured one of them. He's got him down in the basement right now tied up to a chair." Smokey laughed as he turned and stormed out of m
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Meeting the music producer
MELISSA'S POV I woke early and saw that Axel had never come home last night. I hoped that everything was okay at the clubhouse, but no news was usually good news.Since I was alone, I took the time to write some music. Axel had brought his guitar back inside after the funeral and it sat in the closet. I retrieved it and retired to my childhood bedroom, now the guest room, and sat on my old bed with a notepad and pen as I tuned the guitar by ear.I hadn't heard a single word from the music producer yet, and each day that passed made me believe more and more that I wasn't good enough.That wasn't going to stop me from still doing what I loved to do, though.A few notes in as I hummed along with the tune, I was interrupted when my phone rang. My heart dropped thinking that it was news from Axel or Careen, but when I saw the unfamiliar number on the screen, my thoughts went elsewhere."Hello?""Is this Melissa Dunkens?"It was a man's voice that I didn't recognize so I was hesitant to re
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Tell us the truth
Gearhead turned and grinned at us. "We'll get him to talk one way or another, boys.""Jesus," I commented as I stepped up to the table and saw all the torture decives. A blow torch, pliers of all sizes, hammers, a saw, and chains. "How many movies have you been watching, man?" Gearhead laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Like I said, we'll get him to talk one way or another.""I guess so..." I turned back to Vinny who was wide awake now but still battered the hell up. "How are you doing, Vinny?" I stepped in front of him as I looked down and crossed my arms over my chest."I've been better." Vinny laughed and then coughed. "Can I get some fucking water? Whiskey? Something?""We don't waste our booze on the likes of you." Gearhead stepped forward with a cup filled with an unknown substance. "Here." he brought it to Vinny's lips and helped him take a drink.Vinny coughed and gagged. "What the fuck was that?"Gearhead shrugged. "Rusty water mostly.""Mostly?" I asked."Mostly. Probably
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Come back to me
MELISSA'S POVI was all smiles as I drove back to the clubhouse. How could I not be happy? I just signed a piece of paper that was going to change my life, the kind of change I had been waiting for for years and it was finally here.But pulling into the clubhouse, I lost my smile. The guys were running around with serious looks on their faces, some of them carrying guns, and my heart sank into my stomach. What the hell was going on? I flew into my normal parking spot and jumped out. Smokey and Danny were strapping AK's onto the back of their bikes."What the hell is going on?""Well, look who finally decided to show up," Smokey joked. "You've missed out on a lot, sweetheart. Gearhead came back last night with a member of the Skeletors and Alexander finally broke some information from him.""We know where Jimmy is," Danny piped in. "We're heading there now to blow those fuckers into outer space."I felt my heart drop again, knowing that I was a member of the club. Should I be going wit
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