All Chapters of A Whopping Great Marriage: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
320 Chapters
Chapter 211 If you Knew It Would Come to This, Why Did You Do It?
The LEO's room is next to the den and just a staircase away from the master bedroom.Looking at the tightly closed door of the room, what Xiao Nan Night wanted to do most was to kick it open, but considering that this might wake up the woman next door, he held back from doing so.Xiao Nan Night opened the door with a key, and after entering, his eyes roamed around for a week before finding the target person on the carpet.Obviously Wu Ma's worries were unwarranted, she really should have come in to see how well the young master she described as a troublemaker was sleeping?Xiao Nan Night bent down and picked up the man, walking over and placing him on the big, fluffy bed, casually rubbing his hair, also an unconscious little thing.This kid fell asleep with something still clutched in his hand, Xiao Nan night pulled out the thing in his hand, it was a photo.When he saw the person on the photo clearly, Xiao Da Shao's face immediately went black, w
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Chapter 212 Let's Break up!
Xiao Nan Night didn't say anything, just looked at her with cold eyes, what else did she want to say when it came down to it?Different from every time in the past, Xiao Nan Night's reaction made Su Mo feel scared, she even hoped that he would lose his temper like before, or better than this cold indifference.But he should be angry, because this time it was indeed her fault!After a long time, she heard him say, "Is it because of the LEO? Or is it because that person is me that you don't want to!"As he said this, he suddenly laughed softly.Laughing in a self-deprecating tone, he said, "Hate me that much! Hate it so much that you carry the birth control pills around with you every day, Sumo, are you that afraid of getting pregnant with my child?"If he hadn't been worried about her health, if he hadn't realized that the bottle of pills was running out and thought he just happened to go to the hospital to get some filled for her, he wouldn't have
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Chapter 213 A Lost Woman
Hearing Su Mo's words, Lu Shaoqi secretly said that it was not good, it seems that this time these two are really in conflict.It was hard to imagine what Xiao Nan Night had done to actually make the good girl Little Jasmine turn into this appearance, as if she had lost the world overnight.Lu Shaoqi had a brainwave for a while and firmly suspected that it was Xiao Da Shao who was cheating on him outside.As much as she wanted to confirm this suspicion with Sumo, this was clearly not the time, and Missy decided to calm the person in her arms first.So Lu Shaoqi held the person in her arms to coax, "Little Jasmine good ah! Let's not cry, Xiao Nan night that scum don't want to don't want to, some other day sister to introduce you to a hundred times better than him, then bring over to show him, angry dead him!"Who knew that a drunk could hear those words, shaking his head hard in her arms and saying, "No, no one else."Once Lu Shaoqi heard this, she
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Chapter 214 It's Just a False Start
After avoiding Xiao Nan Night, Jiang Shengze turned a pair of black eyes, pulled out his cell phone and began to send a message, [Qiao Qiao, see the quick return, the boss is very wrong ah!Qiao Mingyuan's reply came quickly, asking him, [What happened?Jiang Shengze typed quickly, [I don't know! I asked him, and he even told me to shut up!Qiao Mingyuan, [... Don't you mess with him.]Jiang Shengze nodded his head while tapping the words, [Uh-huh, that's what I think too, and then what? What should I do?"]Qiao Mingyuan put down the book in his hand and turned his head to look at the alarm clock on the table, [Send me the address and the box, I'll call Hanzi to go there with me.]After Jiang Shengze sent the address to Qiao Mingyuan, a heart was finally put down, put away the phone and proceeded to hook up with Cheng Xueyang this second generation ancestor to drink and talk about women.The Lu family has a door ban, and never allowed to sta
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Chapter 215 Can't Live without You Anymore
Why should he be the one who can't eat or sleep?The more Xiao Nan Night thought about it, the more upset he became, coupled with the alcohol in his head, he simply didn't hurry to leave, took off his clothes and shoes and laid down on the bed, and immediately felt complete.Su Mo slept extraordinarily long this sleep, and when she woke up the next day, the clock on the wall had already passed ten o'clock.It was a nice day and the sunlight penetrated the gaps in the curtains, leaving two bands of light on the quilt.It was not the first time that the consequences of alcoholism had been experienced, and Sumo covered her head as she sat up from the bed, her head buzzing and vaguely able to hear the DJ and the hustle and bustle of the bar.Memory slowly came back to her as she remembered going to the bar last night, though she had little recollection of exactly how she got back last night.The person suffering from a broken memory tapped his groggy
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Chapter 216 A Godly Assist
Lu Shaoqi's words made Su Mo stop in her tracks.She knew she was behaving badly right now, but she just couldn't help herself, and she hated it.Lu Shaoqi is not really angry with her, just see Su Mo so care about Xiao Nan night, the heart is a little uncomfortable, before this girl's eyes in the heart, but only the big lady a person.If she had to describe it, it would be the feeling of having to marry a daughter, a little sweet and a little sour.Suppressing the sourness in his heart, Lu Shaoqi looked at Su Mo and said, "If this matter could be solved by seeing Xiao Nan Night, you wouldn't have gotten yourself into that state, sit down! Even if you are in a hurry, you should always fill your stomach first.""Xiaoqi I'm sorry!" Su Mo felt so sorry that she didn't even dare to raise her head after sitting down.Seeing her like this, Lu Shaoqi couldn't be bothered to scold her, picking up the menu and knocking on her head, "Cut the crap, quickly o
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Chapter 217 The Charm of Women in the Workplace
There's something so special about Lisa at work that it's impossible not to take her seriously.But even so, seeing the thick dozen of information she handed over, Su Mo's corner of her eye still couldn't help but jump fiercely, and asked with some uncertainty, "Are these all meant for me to see?"Lisa nodded, "These are the ones I've picked out, a small portion of the more important ones, I'll organize the rest as soon as possible, I hope Mr. Su can familiarize himself with the company's business as soon as possible."Su Mo's jaw dropped as he looked at her, the hill here was actually just a 'small' part?"Can I not read these?" Su Mo asked weakly.Lisa looked at her with a smirk and said, "Don't kid yourself, Mr. Su."Su Mo wanted to say, "I'm not joking, okay?But she didn't dare, so in Lisa's lightly smiling gaze, Su Mo resigned herself to her fate and started flipping through the information.Throughout the morning, Su Mo was deal
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Chapter 218 A large dog
Ling Feihan walked over with a pious smile on his face.In not very skillful Chinese, he said to Su Mo, "It's my first time in China, I don't know where to have fun, sister-in-law do you have time tonight?"Su Mo is in the heart of the spit, these people after the meeting is not willing to go, just stood ready to get up, heard this is too shocked, 'bam' sound sat back.What the hell is this blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy talking about?Ling Feihan couldn't read the anger in her eyes, as soon as he saw her fall he quickly asked her with concern, "Aiya sister-in-law, is your ass alright!"This person's Putonghua is not standard, originally wanted to ask her whether there is no fall pain, but the expression is not good, the result came up to ask the 'buttocks' whether there is something wrong, annoyed Su Mo's two eyes glared, "Your buttocks is something wrong!""Uh...... "Ling Feihan looked at Su Mo in confusion, seemingly not understanding why she was
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Chapter 219 Is he pushing too hard?
Qiao Mingyuan's gaze swept over the smiling Han Ziyi, and when he looked at Ling Feihan, he casually blurted out with a straight face, "He hasn't been having a good bowel movement lately, so I'm going to check on him."He had dealt with Qiao Mingyuan a few times before, so Ling Feihan didn't doubt his words at all.After Jiang Shengze left the box, he panicked and ran to the restroom, looking at the handsome face in the mirror that was bursting with red, and was a bit dazed for a while.Just now, when Qiao Mingyuan said those words in his ear, his brain was suddenly a little lacking in oxygen, and then he remembered the incident from not too long ago.He had a few arguments with his family that day, and when he was in a bad mood, he ran off to get drunk, and then he seemed to have forced himself on his best buddy.After Jiang Shengze woke up the next day, his memory was broken.Then he found himself sleeping in Qiao Mingyuan's bed, while the owner
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Chapter 220 Xiao Bei Bei
The moment the door of the box was pushed open, all four men's eight eyes turned around, staring intently at the large and small group standing in the doorway.A flash of loss flashed across the bottom of Qiao Mingyuan's eyes, just now he really thought it was Jiang Shengze who had returned.Su Mo received a call from her son in the afternoon, then drove straight to the Royal Garden after work, picked up LEO and came over together.As soon as the door was pushed open, Su Mo felt that the atmosphere in the box was not quite right, was her face blossoming?Why else would these four be staring at her so nakedly?In fact, just now when the door was pushed open, Han ZiYi also thought it was Jiang ShengZe coming back, after all, it wasn't the first time this child had a temper tantrum.He was indeed taken aback when he saw Su Mo appear holding the LEO, but he quickly reacted and his gaze swung around the mother and son before turning to Xiao Nan Night.
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