All Chapters of A Whopping Great Marriage: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
322 Chapters
Chapter 191 Is That Kind of Persistence Right or Wrong?
Not long ago, it was in this study that Su Mo first met Xiao Zhendong.This person, apart from being Xiao Nan Night's grandfather, was also a respected senior of the revolution/life.At that time, the shock in Su Mo's heart could be imagined.At first, she was a little afraid, but after spending time together, she realized that her grandfather, who looked fierce, was actually a very nice person.Every time she saw Grandpa Xiao, it reminded her of her own grandfather, who held her in his heart at that time and liked to take her with him wherever he went.Su Mo stood in the doorway for a while, thinking of all the tolerance and defense that her grandfather had shown her when she was in the Xiao family, and her heart followed with a hidden pain.On the mahogany coffee table in the study, there was still the same tea set from before, and the tea inside was already cold.Su Mo clenched her fists and walked over, both knees seemed to have broken t
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Chapter 192 Let's Get Married!
Su Mo's condition was not good, and the child was no better than she was, skinny at birth, living like a malnourished little monkey.Adults are sick for three days and children run to the clinic every day.Under Julie's careful care, the child was finally getting healthier day by day, but Su Mo's condition was getting worse day by day.On several occasions, the water was up to her neck when Maurice found her on the beach.Maurice has to earn money to support the family, Julie has to take care of the children, and dare not in letting Su Mo alone at home, finally they discussed, decided to send her to the hospital.It was the only hospital in town that specialized in treating mental illness, and after Su Mo was sent in, she lived a life of captivity.The people at the hospital forbade her to go out, insisted on giving her injections and medication every day despite her cries, and forced her to think back on the horrible things she had done.Su
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Chapter 193 Who are You Marrying?
The moment he sent Su Mo to the hospital, Lin Jin Yao swore that he would never let anyone hurt Su Mo again.Never again!Lin Jin Yao smiled gently and said, "You take a good rest first, I'll make a trip home just in time to tell my parents about this, if they know we're getting married, they'll be very happy.""Brother Jin!"Lin Jin Yao had just walked to the door when he heard some angry low growls behind him.He turned slowly to see a pair of almost pleading eyes.Su Mo said, "Brother Jin, count on me to beg you, don't bring up the matter of marriage again, and don't waste any more time on me, it's really not worth it!"Lin Jin Yao pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and asked her, "Do you prefer to have your wedding in a church, or by the sea?"Su Mo looked at him and smiled as she spoke, "Brother Jin, do you still remember what happened on my eighteenth birthday?"As if he knew what she was go
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Chapter 194 She's Destined to be My Woman
Seeing that Su Mo was so understanding, Xiao Nan Night then nodded with satisfaction and carried her outside.Just before he came to the ward, he had already gone to see the attending physician, who said that Su Mo's condition was quite stable, and as long as he could ensure that he could change the medication on time, he didn't need to stay in the hospital all the time, theWhen Su Mo saw him heading out, she tugged on his collar, "Xiao Nan Night, where are we going?"Xiao Nan Night lowered his head and looked at her coldly, "What? Do you want to continue staying here?""Not at all." Su Mo panicked and shook her head, she didn't want to stay here.The other man in the hospital room, as if completely ignored, covered the small of his back and a mouthful of fishy sweetness welled up as he watched the two men interact as if they were nothing."Wait." As he brushed past, Lin Jin Yao calmly called out to Xiao Nan Night, "You can't take her away, she m
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Chapter 195 Where's the Boy?
There was no doubt about Ye Yan's beauty.If it were someone else, with such a stunning beauty throwing herself at her, I'm afraid she would have been moved to tears, but it's just a pity that she met the cold and heartless Xiao Da Shao.Xiao Nan Night looked her over slowly from head to toe before lifting his leg towards her.Seeing him go and return, Ye Yan's mouth showed a sure smile, the name of Sexy Diva was not for nothing, she knew that no one could resist this temptation.However, the smile on her face, before it could reach the bottom of her eyes, was torn apart by Xiao Nan Night's icy voice, "Actually, I've always wanted to ask you something."Xiao Nan Night's icy cold eyes, looked at Ye Yan, "Did you know about Su Mo being taken away at Dark Night?"Ye Yan looked at Xiao Nan Night in horror, "Are you telling the truth? Su Mo was taken away? When was it?"Acting really like that, Xiao Nan Night looked at her coldly, "You went to Me
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Chapter 196 I'll See Who Dares to Touch Him
Proud as Zhou Xueyan was, how could she allow herself to be at a disadvantage?At that moment, he sneered and said to him, "You can say these words even in front of a child, Yuan Ye, you are at least a police officer, I beg you to build up a little bit of morality as well."Yuan Ye's face changed, "Zhou Xueyan say that again!"Zhou Xueyan's pretty face raised and said with a cold smile, "Just say it and I'm still afraid of you!"Seeing that these two were about to quarrel right away, the person next to them panicked and stood out, pulling Yuan Ye, "Yuan Ye, you should speak less.""Who scarcely speaks like that!" Yuan Ye held his breath in his heart, glanced at Zhou Xueyan, snorted coldly, and turned around to go into the office inside.Once Yuan Ye left, the atmosphere was a bit strange.But that didn't bother Zhou Xueyan, she carried the LEO to a chair and sat down, asking him in as gentle a tone as she could, "Little friend, we believe yo
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Chapter 197 Finally Waiting for You
After handing the LEO over to Wu Ma and Zhou Mianhong, Xiao Nan Night turned around and went upstairs.He walked to the room, his eyes slowly sweeping around the room before stopping somewhere.Walking over, he lifted the thin blanket covering Su Mo's face and gently called her name, "Mo Mo."The woman's eyes were red, she must have just cried.Xiao Nan Night's brow furrowed and his tone turned commanding, "Su Mo, open your eyes and look at me."Being with him for so long, Su Mo had long since gotten used to his dominance, only to see the wet eyelashes flutter and slowly open her eyes.Su Mo looked at Xiao Nan Night sadly and said in a voice hoarse from crying, "Xiao Nan Night, you won't forgive me right?You're here to kick me out, aren't you?"Tears flowed down his face again as he spoke.Xiao Nan Night frowned as he looked at her, and in his heart he thought, this woman looks so thin, where on earth did she get so many tears?
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Chapter 198 He's My Son Too
After eating and going upstairs, the two of them got into a big fight over some disagreements.Xiao Nan Night couldn't bear it and glared at her, "Su Mo, you dare to disobey!"This woman is still a patient herself, but she is still clamoring to help LEO take a bath, she is trying to get into the hospital again isn't she?Unfortunately, Su Mo did not sympathize with Xiao Da Shao's mood and stubbornly looked at him and said, "I will be careful not to touch the wound."Xiao Nan Night's thin lips pursed slightly as he looked at her coldly, "I said no!""Xiao Nan Night you're not being reasonable!" Su Mo's eyes were red, this person Xiao Nan Night was really getting more and more overbearing, and even yelled at her like this in front of her child!Hearing her accusation, Xiao Nan Night's reaction was only a cold smile, "Reason? Hmph, what reasoning is there to be had with a stupid woman like you?"Sumo: "......"LEO had been completely conf
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Chapter 199 Without me, You're Nothing
"Xiao Nan Night, you really like and love me, don't you?"Su Mo was not confused at all at this moment, and there was persistence written in her eyes as she looked at Xiao Nan Night.On the contrary, Xiao Nan Night still had that appearance of being indifferent to the collapse of Tarzan, and after hearing her words, only a pair of eyebrows moved slightly and unnoticeably.Xiao Nan Night silently looked at Su Mo for an instant, then suddenly raised his voice and said, "Come in!"This was naturally not said to Su Mo.After about three seconds or so, only to see the door to the master bedroom being gently pushed open, Zhou Mianhong stood in the doorway, forcing out a smile, "What are your orders, Eldest Young Master?"Xiao Nan Night glanced at Su Mo and walked over to hand over the LEO to Zhou Mian Hong, "Tonight he'll sleep with you, and tomorrow vacate the one next to the study for him."Zhou Mianhong held the LEO and looked at Xiao Nan night
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Chapter 200 What Is a Concubine?
Xiao Nan night heart tied to the people upstairs, no time to accompany them to play, very dry a foot a direct kick, incidentally attached two words."Get outta here!""Brother you do not bring this have a daughter-in-law do not want to brother ah!"Jiang Shengze, who was kicked out, was unbalanced in his heart and began to hold his cell phone and call again, "Qiao Qiao, where are you? I'm going over to find you now."After driving away Han Ziyi and Jiang Shengze, Xiao Nan Night went upstairs to check on the woman who had lost her temper, but she found that the bedroom door was unlocked from the inside."Su Mo!" Xiao Nan Night coldly pronounced her name.This woman has really gotten her wings, now she even dares to lock him out, against her.Calling for Wu Ma to get a spare key, after opening the door and entering, Xiao Nan Night's eyes roamed around for a week and found the person he was looking for on the bed.The woman seemed to have
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