All Chapters of Married to the Playboy : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
158 Chapters
I'll have Mia do it
Fast forward ....Friday Afternoon...1:00 pm "Hii" Jemimah said as in walked in quickly towards where Ariel and Xavier were seated."I'm so sorry I'm late ""I got caught up with something unavoidably" she said as she took her seat opposite them ."That's alright Sisi Jemimah" Xavier said she laughed at his funny accent of pronouncing her name."It's Yoruba, you're pronouncing it as English " she said and they just smiled "My bad my bad " he said."Oh that's okay , beside the Sisi Jemimah is just like a Business name ""You can call me Jemimah" she said and he sighed "Alright I think that's better " he said and she smiled."So shall we get right into it " she asked and they nodded."Good ""So the kind of wedding theme I mapped out for you is one from the western Nigeria" she said."The Yoruba people , just like you " Xavier supplied and she nodded with a smile."That's right""You seem to know a lot " she said with a small smile."I do !!" He replied and she laughed."So , moving
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Don't you dare raise your voice at me!
"Are you satisfied?!" Xavier asked as he turned to look at Ariel ."More than satisfied " she replied."Okay then let's go ?!" He asked and she turned back to the table and picked up her bag."You added my mom to the list of family members?!" Ariel asked as they got into the car."Ofcourse " he replied."Awwn " she cooed and he ignited the car and drive out."That's just the right thing to do " he said."Or don't you think she'd have been awake by then?!" He asked."I think so " she replied."I hope so ""Infact I pray so " she added and he smiled."Don't worry I have a deep gut feeling that your mom would witness our wedding and it'll be amazing" he said."But what if she doesn't?!" Ariel whispered."Let's not begin to consider the negative aspect of things now baby, if she really isn't awake by our wedding period, we have no choice " he replied."There are still many of celebrations for her to join in with " he said and she smiled with a small nod."But for now let's just stick with
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We need to talk
"Come back here , we need to talk" she said and he paused in his track and turned to face her."You just insulted her I need to apologize to her !" He replied."I said , come back here we need to talk !!" She repeated strictly and he rolled his eyes as he walked closer to her."What was the meaning of this message I got from dad !" She said as she brought out her phone "I should corrupt the app we created and every other copy without remedy?!" She said and scoffed "Do you know how long and stressful it took us to build those apps ?!" She said."The earlier you guys come up with something else the better for all of us !" She replied."Because me I won't be doing this!""My effort , time and everything was included in this project also , now you want me to go ahead and ruin it?!" She growled."How more wicked can you get?!" She said."Huhhh" Liam exhaled deeply."Dad knew just perfectly that this will be your reaction " Liam said."Yes and I'm very happy I didn't disappoint! Because I
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We'll go together
"Just leave Liam !" Rose said as she turned in her bead and faced the other side."I said I'm sorry " he replied."You're sorry ?!" She replied and scoffed."Just let me be , I don't want to see you Liam !" She grumbled."Rose I'm sorry " he said as he took of his flip-flops and sat by the edge of the bed , she immediately turned to face the other way."Rose " he called as he stretched out his hands to turn her to him."I don't think you understand my language Liam ""Or do I have to speak Spanish again?!!""Leave me the fuck alone !!" She growled."I won't leave until we're cool " he said."Okay then Mr cool kids " she said as she turned around to face the other way.He turned her around immediately and just as she was about to rant he slammed his lips on hers.She wanted to resist but he kept on kissing her anyways and she slowly yielded as she reciprocated as she turned fully to face him.*Anyone can have their way with you* Mia's voice rang in her head and she shoved him off immed
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It's a female
Next day .....Saturday morning 8:00 am ...."I hope you're not in the house " Mia asked her mom immediately she picked up her call."No I'm not , I'm in a noisy crowd even if they can see me they can't hear our conversation" she replied."That's good Mom" she replied "Mom I don't know what to " Mia cried to her mom over the phone ."I don't want to do it , I don't have the mind " she said."But they've threatened to kill you if ever I decide not to do it " she said sobbing."That's alright sweetheart , " her mother consoled."You don't have to worry about me " she added."How can I not worry about you mother, how can I not ?!" She replied."If they decide to end my life that's alright as long as you do the right thing , I'll remain happy" she said."Mom why are you talking like this " she said as she sniffed and at up straight in the chair."This is all it takes to be free from their grip Mia, don't you see it ?!" She said."Once you refuse to give in to their demands and you come o
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"Oh ! , My ! God!!" Xavier exclaimed gobsmacked."Mia ?!" Xavier whispered as he stepped out of the car."Yes boss , it's me " she replied and he immediately walked towards her."Let her come into the car please " Carl said to him and he nodded as they both walked back inside the car.Xavier took his initial position beside Carl in front and Mia took her seat in the back seat."You sent this message ?!" Carl asked immediately she sat and she nodded."I do " she replied."So what you know about Liam " Xavier asked."I've been keeping a lot from you boss and I can't do this anymore " "You and Ariel you don't deserve the agony , Liam has in store for you " she said ."Explain " Carl whispered."First of all Liam is my brother , twin brother !" She replied."Wait what !!!" Xavier growled immediately as he turned in his seat to face her."Where is that coming from , how did that come about""How is this even possible you and Liam , I've never pictured that !!" He rushed at once ."We're f
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This is the time to be stronger
Xavier's Residence ...Xavier slowly twisted the key in the door knob before pulling it open."Babe , you're back " she said as she stood up and walked towards him, she was currently on a video call with Olivia and Miguel and they were connected via the TV."I was just talking to Miguel and Olivia " she said as she stood on a tiptoe and placed a kiss on his lips , he wrapped his hands around her waist pulled her closer and deepened the kiss."Hm hm " Miguel cleared his throat but Xavier wasn't bothered at all."What's going in baby" Ariel asked as they disengaged and he slowly walked to where Ariel was seating before and took his seat there while Ariel joined him in the chair too."Ariel told us about where you went , what's going on did something go wrong " Miguel asked and Xavier exhaled deeply."Guys " he whispered."A lot of things went wrong " he replied."What exactly is going on , can you stop keeping us in suspense?!" Olivia said."Remember , Liam's twin I told you about ?!" H
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I really want to see Ariel suffer!
"Mother" Liam whispered as he walked towards the bed where his mom was laid. "I never wanted to do this " he whispered. "Mia did this to her" Uncle Mark said as he walked into the room . "I'm sorry mother " Liam cried as he knelt by her bed "I'm sorry mother please forgive me " he repeated "But you being alive will be a huge threat to us , you'll reveal all our secrets to Xavier " he whispered. "I had no idea , Mia would do what she did " he explained like he was talking to someone who could really hear him. "That's enough Liam" Uncle Mark said. "No dad it's not enough " he said. "I had always thought whether I see her dead or alive , it wouldn't bother me " he replied. "Then what is this heavy feeling in my chest " he replied. "What's this pain and hurt I feel right now " he said. "You love your mother and that's alright , at a point in everyone lives their journey ends , this was the end of hers " he replied. "And I had to be the catalyst of her end ?!" He asked. "You
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I should say it more often
Next week ...... Monday morning... 10:00 am .... "It's nice doing business with you " "Same here Sir" Xavier said as he stood up with a small smile and stretched took his hand in his. "It's a nice work you're doing here , cheers to doing more business together in future " he said and Xavier smiled. "I'll totally be looking forward to that " Xavier said with a small smile. "Miss Ariel !" He called and gave her a side hug. "You're doing well , you're one of the newbies in business that makes us proud " he said and she smiled. "Thanks for the kind words sir " she said and he nodded. "You deserve it " he whispered. "I should be on my way now , I have a lot of other important things to attend to " he said and they nodded with a smile. "Thank you sir " they said finally as he stepped out. Immediately he stepped out , just as they were packing their things while talking to themselves and laughing the door opened and all the shareholders began to walk in. They stood up straight i
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There's no escaping
12:00pm .... "Hmmm" Ariel moaned as Xavier kissed her , they were in the car at the airport waiting for Olivia and Miguel and one thing led to another they began to smooch. "I never can get enough of you " Xavier murmured. "I know " she replied with a small giggle as they kept on kissing, he slowly reached for the control of the chair and pulled her chair downwards as he kept on kissing her touching her all over as she moaned in ectasy. "Baby" she murmured and he deepened the kiss. An harsh knock on the window brought both of them out of whatever la-la land they were in. Xavier looked up and he saw Miguel staring at him with a shrug and Olivia standing behind him with her palms over Michaela's eyes. And he quickly let of go of Ariel as he pulled her chair back to a sitting position. "Hey welcome back home Man!!" Xavier said as he and Ariel stepped out of the car. "Welcome back home Man ," Miguel mimicked while rolling his eyes. "Please leave my front and open the trunk " he s
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