All Chapters of Married to the Playboy : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 Chapters
Oh love oh love
This seemed like the end , she thought as she slowly made to turn to face him, thinking of possible stories she can make up to justify why she was there. Just as she was about to face him she heard him groan in pains and felt him drop to the ground. And she turned at once to see Liam with a thick stick in his hands. "Quick come on let's leave here " he said as he stretched out his hand to her . "Liam ?!" "What are you doing here ?!, She asked I'm shock " "This is not the time for questions and answers " "He'll wake up soon , let's get out of her immediately " he said and she turned one last time to look at Xavier's unconscious body on the floor before running off with Liam. "Why did you come ?!, You said you weren't coming?!" She said as they drove home. "Your visit there didn't go down well with me " he replied. "I had a bad feeling and I just felt like I should follow you there " he replied calmly and she nodded as she turned to look outside through the tinted glasses. "
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Just a phone call away!
3:00 pm .... Carl sat by Mia's bed as he stared at her , she laid calmly there here face as white as snow and her lips very red. It was the first time he was seeing her so calm , and he had the opportunity of taking in her features very closely. Xavier was right he has grown a liking to Mia and it grew deeper after them working together on Hilton's death, but they never really had a deep conversation , except that they almost kissed once. It broke his heart to see that she was this conflicted and he had no idea , she really had gone through a lot , especially with her dad and her brother. Right now he couldn't even start to imagine how she must have been feeling. His mind wandered over to her mother that just died also , he couldn't imagine how she'll feel if she wakes up to that news. This is bad professionally, but what could he do , it was matters of the heart and he couldn't tame it . "You have to survive this Mia " he whispered staring down at her face. "You're a strong w
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Make me understand
"Make me understand what exactly is going on ?!" Rose said.She was now in the car with Liam , they had a small conversation with uncle Mark and now they already left."Understand what ?!" Liam asked with a small smile."Now I see this is quite deeper than I thought " she whispered."Xavier is your cousin ?!!""Jeezz !" She whispered and he laughed."He's not my cousin , he's just a fucking idiot " he replied."Now I get why this is so important to you !""Uncle Mark is your dad , if the company and been given to him , then you'd have been the one in Xavier's place " she said "Jeez I thought the hatred you had for him was just based on friendship , I never knew you guys had the same blood flowing through your veins" he said."So you're a Dunlop!" She whispered."Whose Surname then are you using?!" She asked."My mom " he replied."I never had good intentions towards Xavier , I became close to him just to help my dad get the company " he replied."But clearly he ruined it when he walk
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They're trying to harm me
One week later ....Sunday evening...."Aww, I'll miss you " Ariel said as she pulled Olivia into an hug."I'll miss you too bestie " she replied as she wrapped her hands around her tightly ."Make sure you call me Everyday alright " Ariel said."I sure will " she replied."Don't worry, I'm not going away forever , I'll still be coming back every weekend" she said."But you won't come back this weekend ?!" Ariel said."I need to settle in " she replied."I understand, I understand" she replied and Xavier stepped forwards as he hugged her also."As hard as it is for me to say this Olivia , we'll miss you " He said and she smiled."I for one will miss our squabbles" he said as they disengaged and he stepped back."I know right " she replied with a small laugh."Mama " Michaela called and she squatted to her level "Yes baby " she replied."Come give Mama a hug " she said as she spread her hands out and Michaela stepped in and she wrapped her hands around her body."Mama loves you alrigh
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You can get hurt
"I don't !" She replied. "This is your boss and his friends , you're sure you don't know them?!" The doctor asked again."I don't have a boss , and I'm definitely not Mia " she said and they all looked between themselves."So what then is your name and where do you come from, what do you think brought you here ?!" Miguel asked."I have no idea " she whispered."I can assure you these guys are good people, they're after your safety and they brought you in here" "See all these body guards here ?!" The doctor said and she looked around."There are more outside and it's all their doing ""They want you to be safe " he replied."Are you sure ?!" She asked as she looked at them again."Yes " he whispered as he began to take a look at her vitals and all "She's okay now " the doctor said turning back to the three of them ."But the thing now , is that she's having temporary amnesia ""I feared it would happen" he replied."You should have warned us about it " Carl said "It's only temporar
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I'm against it!
Three weeks later ....Wedding day ....Ariel stood in front of the mirror as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.She had a small sad smile on her face , she wished more than anything for her mom to see her in this gown , but obviously you don't get everything you want , even if you deserve it."Hey sweetheart, that's alright" she heard Xavier's Mom say and she opened he eyes to see her standing behind her .Belinda slowly placed her hands on her shoulders."Today isn't the day to be sad sweetheart, it'll ruin your make up " she said ."You should be happy you get to marry the man you love , I'm sure right now if your mom could see you , she'll be supper proud of you" she said and Ariel nodded slowly."Now don't let those tears drop alright " she said as she passed her a tissue and Ariel nodded with a smile and took it from her."I should be tired even after yesterday's traditional wedding but I'm even more energetic" Ariel said with a smile as Olivia walked up to her."Normal
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"Mom?!" "Rose ?!""Mom " Ariel repeated as she rushed down from the altar and ran towards her Mom holding up her gown."Mom " she cried as she pulled her into a bone crashing hug and her mom immediately wrapped her hands around her body in a tight embrace also."Is this really you Mom?!" Olivia whispered as tears fell from her face."It's me my love " She said as she pulled both of them into an hug again."You don't know how much I wanted you to see me in my wedding gown today " Ariel said and she smiled at her."And you look absolutely gorgeous , just the way I remember you " She said ."But this isn't the right person for you , we need to leave " she said ."What do you mean this is not the right person for me " she whisper and they turned to look at Xavier."Xavier !" Rose wailed , she was putting on a simple white sleeveless gown that stopped right on her knees and a yellow sandals."Rose " he whispered as he walked closer to her "Baby " Ariel replied as she let go of her Mom an
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He's only human
"Xavier " Rose whispered as she walked up to where he and Miguel were standing and they turned to her."I have no where to stay " she whispered "Where have you been staying prior " Miguel asked as Xavier just stood there staring at her.One could tell that he was still affected by her , maybe or not he still loved her ?! Nobody knows."I came into town when I heard about the wedding, " she whispered."I couldn't believe Xavier will do a thing like that to me , I came to see for myself and it was true " she whispered as she sniffled."I just happened to walk in at the same time with your wife's mother " she said."Okay , we'll book you an hotel " Miguel said ."You can stay with me " Xavier said immediately."Dude ?!" "Have you forgotten about Ariel ?!" Miguel said as he hit his arms."There are plenty of rooms available " he replied ."I promise you wouldn't even know I'm there , I'll be gone before you know it " she said and he nodded."That's alright " Xavier whispered and Miguel
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I'm so disappointed!
"I'm so disappointed in you!!""Olivia !" Ariel called in tears as she stood up from the bed immediately ."I'm sorry " she whispered as she wrapped her hands around Olivia's body from behind."I don't know what got into me , I was grieving I didn't know how to handle it " she replied."If someone told me earlier today that you would do this to your Mom, I'd bet my life that you wouldn't" Olivia said."You cried this morning Ariel !""And it took Ma'am Belinda and I to console you !" "Just because you wanted your mom to witness today " she said calmly."Have you forgotten the days you were considering postponing the wedding till she's awake ?!" She whispered."I'm sorry " Ariel cried and Olivia slowly turned to face her as Ariel let go of her slowly "She didn't deserve any of these words you said to her " she said."That she just woke up from the coma aside ,""Have you forgotten how she suffered just to make sure we're happy and comfortable?!" She said."Do you even remember how ex
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How did you guys get here?!
Ariel just closed her eyes tightly as tears dropped from them . Her Mom wasn't someone to keep hammering on things unless she was really hurt.She couldn't even start to imagine how deeply she must have hurt her Mom as she kept insisting on the same thing with tears dropping from her eyes as she talked.Right now she just wanted to smack herself really hard for all she said.She wished she could turn back the hands of time and go back to earlier and maybe gave a different reaction.She wished she could just undo her actions and free her mom of Whatever pain she was feeling right now.She knew it was easy for her mom to say she forgives her but she knew it wouldn't that easy for her to forget."I love you so much Mom" she whispered."I would never want you dead ""If you're dead my life is pretty much over " she said."I sat at your bed everyday praying and crying that you come back to me ""I never want to see you dead Mom " she whispered."It didn't seem like that to me earlier " he
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