All Chapters of The Alliance : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
231 Chapters
All mine
ROSALINA'S POVAs we sat down to eat, he gently grabbed my arm to stop me from taking a seat on the chair next to him. "You know, bella, this sandwich tastes even better when you're sitting on my lap."I arched an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Oh, is that so?"Without waiting for a response, he patted his thigh. "Come on, then. Let's make this breakfast a bit more interesting."My throat went dry. Of course, I couldn't say no. I moved to straddle his lap, careful not to disturb our plates. Leo's strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in close as he continued to eat his sandwich.As we ate, his fingers began to trace lazy circles on my lower back, slowly making their way down to my smooth, toned legs, and I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. I was wearing nothing but a baggy Star Wars shirt and a thong so it practically felt close to skin-to-skin. "You know," I said, "I've never really cooked for a man apart from my Nonno before."Leo raised a curious brow."I guess
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First time
ROSALINA'S POVI knew it was supposed to hurt the first time, but I didn't think it would hurt THIS MUCH. Tears prickled my eyes, the pain making me freeze from head to toe. It was as though my body was being torn apart, and I clung to Leo desperately, my nails digging into his back, seeking some anchor from the discomfort.I tried to focus on his words as I took shaky, deep breaths. "That's it," he whispered against my mouth, his breath warm and calming. "Relax, baby." His words were like a soothing balm, and I held onto them like they were my life support. I bit his shoulder, seeking something tangible to hold onto, and Leo didn't flinch. Instead, he held me tighter, whispering reassurances and words of encouragement."You're my good girl," he murmured, his voice filled with an affection that warmed my spirit. "So tight around me. I'm going to make it better, baby. You're going to feel so good, I promise."My cries of pain gradually turned into gasps of pleasure. He continued to
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LEONARDO'S POVI was a fucking idiot. I thought maybe, just maybe once I had her, I would finally pull myself out of this addiction. I was so fucking wrong. Instead, it felt like giving an addict the biggest hit of his life to cure his addiction, a temporary relief followed by an even stronger craving.The virgin blood tainted my conscience and cock alike. I don't think could ever wash it away. I was her first, and I would be her last. The cool, air-conditioned interior welcomed me as I entered the drugstore. The scent of antiseptic and pharmaceuticals shrouded the space, a sterile yet strangely comforting aroma. Shelves upon shelves of colorful boxes and bottles surrounded me, each promising a different remedy or relief but not the one I needed at the moment. I ran a shaky hand over my mouth. Hell, I looked like I was the one who just lost his virginity. Her soft hazel eyes, her parted plump lips, the sway of her wide hips, and her moans played the back of my head like a lethal di
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ROSALINA'S POVI closed the lid of the salve. It was the one I used to treat my cuts and bruises after the intense dance practice. I glanced at the mark, guilt nagging me. I wanted to show the decency to say sorry, but I couldn't. Pride held me back. "You should get going." Leo looked up at me, "Why?" "I just need some space, that's all." His face contorted. "We both wanted this, Rosalina. Stop acting like I forced you into it."I took a step back to steady my nerves. "Leo, just leave."I didn't want this to repeat again. It was too reckless, too risky. I was going to be a dancer, and getting pregnant was the last thing I wanted. He clenched his fists, frustration evident in his tightened jaw. "You can't just push me away whenever you feel like it. I'm done playing games with you." I turned away from him, unable to meet his eyes. "It's not that simple. Ballet is my dream, and I can't let anything jeopardize it.""You think I would do that to you?""I don't know," I muttered, even
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What mattered
LEONARDO'S POV"Did you fuck Wolverine or somethin'?" Lucio's question caused me to pause while I was putting on my shirt. I let him see the fine art my girl had made on my back. Red nail marks tracing down my back. I wore them like battle scars, a reminder of how I made her come on my cock. Hell, I had fallen too hard to get back on my feet. I wanted to kiss the ground she walked on. I knew I was being a simp. But fuck it, I will just roll with it. "More like a feisty cat," I grinned to myself as I buttoned up my shirt. Stefano stifled a laugh. "A cat named Rosalina Russo?"I shot him a warning glance. "That's your future sister-in-law, show some fucking respect."He shot his hands in the air. "Alright, Leo, we're just messing around.""Never thought I'd see the day where you'd be monogamous and shit." Lucio rubbed his nose. "Isn't that boring as fuck?" "Nah, she keeps me well-entertained," I replied. Rosalina took up so much of my thoughts and my heart that there simply wasn't a
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Newfound Alliance
ROSALINA'S POVMy reflection in the ballet studio's mirror seemed like a fractured image of my own uncertainty. The scent of sweat and effort lingered in the air, a testament to the dancers who had already left. But not me. I couldn't leave, not until I perfected the white swan. The clock's gentle ticking echoed around the room, each second a reminder of the weight on my shoulders.Then, the door clicked open, and Liora entered. I turned to her, my question slipping out almost instinctively. "Why are you here?" She greeted me with a frigid expression. "The same reason you're here." She studied me, her eyes critical as she delivered her verdict. "You are trying too hard." Her words struck me like a slap, and I released a harsh breath, frustration bubbling inside me. "At least I'm trying and not sleeping my way to get a role."Liora's eyes narrowed sharply, "Are you calling me a slut?""Isn't that true?" I taunted. "You two seem pretty close enough to see each other most nights." Lio
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ROSALINA'S POV10,000$I stared blankly at my bank balance and blinked back in disbelief. This couldn't be real. The last time I checked it was forty thousand. How the hell did I manage to spend so much money in such a short time?Great, what other options did I have left to earn money? I was sure as hell Nonno wouldn't be giving me any allowance this month so I had to find SOME WAY. Option A: Get a job at a fast-food restaurant constantly dealing with the unending stream of drive-thru orders that seem to multiply faster than rabbits.Option B: Be a babysitter and deal with toddlers from hell. Option C: Sell feet pics on Onlyf*ns. I stood there, contemplating my options. Option A seemed like a grueling, grease-filled nightmare. Option B, dealing with unruly toddlers, didn't sound much better. Then, there was Option C – selling feet pictures. It was an unusual idea, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I mean, I did have nice feet, right?I was now officially poor. Non
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Dance with me, baby
LEONARDO'S POVGod knows how long I kept watching her as she prepared tonight's dinner for us. It almost felt like we were a married couple, and she was my wife cooking me dinner after a long day of work. It was strangely... wholesome. The soft glow of the pendant lights above cast a warm ambiance over the room, highlighting the subtle play of emotions on her face as she focused on her task– a creamy mushroom risotto. The aroma of sautéed onions and garlic filled the air, blending with the earthy scent of the Arborio rice.Rosalina's hands moved with practiced precision, her fingers deftly stirring the rice in a pan, a wooden spoon clutched in her hand. Her dark, wavy hair was held up by a hair claw, a few messy strands occasionally falling forward as she leaned over the stove, but she didn't mind it. Her eyes sparkled with the flickering flame beneath the pot.She glanced over her shoulder to look at me, who stared at her from the kitchen island. "You could go watch some TV, instea
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Missing you
ROSALINA'S POVA smile crept up my lips as my phone tinged with a message. I didn't need to read the ID to see who it was. [Leonardo: I'm taking you out for dinner][Me: Are you sure? The debt isn't settled yet.][Leonardo: And I don't want it to either.]Cunning bastard.[Me: You want to keep me owing you?][Leonardo: If that gets you closer to me then yeah.][Leonardo: I'll pick you up after practice.]After our dinner and a session of hot sex in my bed last night, our relationship was more easygoing than before. Of course, I had my occasional outburst whenever he tried to be a tease, but besides that, we enjoyed each other's company more than anything else. "Boyfriend?" My head shot up to look at Liora who leaned against the locker with a knowing expression on her placid face. Was he my boyfriend? I mean, we were in a relationship... sort of..."Kinda," I answered. "Complicated?" "Sort of.""Can I have some water?" Liora asked as she approached me.I passed my water bottle to
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LEONARDO'S POVI leaned against the bedroom doorframe, my eyes feasting on the spectacle before me. There she was, a tornado of excitement, pink and glitter, twirling in front of the mirror. She had transformed her bedroom into a war zone of clothes, shoes, and makeup—her once tidy sanctuary had become a glamorous battlefield."Leo, do you think the black stilettos or the white ones?" she asked, her eyes darting between the two pairs of shoes, both with heels that could probably double as medieval torture devices.I scratched my chin thoughtfully, pretending to weigh the options with utmost seriousness. "Well, the black ones say 'I'm here to party,' but the white ones? They scream 'I'm pure as the driven snow but ready to get a little dirty.'"Rosalina burst into laughter, a sound that made my heart do a little happy dance. She held the white stilettos high above her head "I guess the white ones will do."I admired her dedication to creating the perfect look for our dinner date while
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