All Chapters of The Alliance : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
231 Chapters
Black Swan, White Swan
ROSALINA'S POVI stepped through the double doors of the ballet studio, the familiar scent of wood polish and rosin filling my senses. The spacious room was bathed in soft morning light, casting a serene atmosphere that never ceased to calm my racing thoughts. As I made my way to the center of the room, the worn wooden floor creaked beneath my ballet slippers."Rosalina!" Stacy's vibrant voice called out, puncturing the tranquility of the studio. I turned around to find her, dressed in her neon pink leotard and matching leg warmers, bouncing towards with the same friendly smile plastered across her face."Why didn't you reply, girl?" Stacy questioned, and I could trace the annoyance in that question."Well, I was busy so it just went over my head," I told her, my smile turning fake."So you're coming this Friday night, right?" Her voice pitched loud, garnering attention from the other dancers who looked at me expectantly. Nina stood in a corner with her arms crossed over her chest, wa
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ROSALINA'S POV"Figlia mia, I'm afraid you will starve yourself without my cooking." Nonna's concerned voice echoed through the phone's speaker as I stood by the stove, a wooden spoon in my hand, gently stirring the rich tomato sauce for the pasta. The aroma filled the kitchen, a fragrant dance of garlic, basil, and home."You have nothing to worry about, Nonna. Of course I'll cook something for myself otherwise, I'll just order takeouts," I continued to stir the sauce, my brow furrowing slightly as I listened to Nonna's concern through the phone. The familiar, comforting scent of simmering tomatoes filled the air, reminding me of Nonna's kitchen. Nonna always had a way of making me feel loved, even from miles away."It's not just about eating to fill your stomach. Take care of yourself, cara. Takeouts and quick fixes can never replace the taste of my cooking." I could almost envision her shaking her head on the other end of the line."And how is your new apartment? Have you adjusted
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Knight in a shining armor
I walked through the front door, my ballet slippers making a soft shuffling sound on the polished marbled floor. The dimming sunlight streamed in through the window, enveloping the room in a comforting, golden warmth. With a sigh, I let my shoulders relax as I took off my sweat-drenched leotard. Hours of practice at the studio had left marks and bruises on my skin.My body moved on autopilot, the actions of hanging my leotard, carefully folding my tights, and placing my pointe shoes on the shelf, were all familiar and oddly comforting in their routine. My eyes swept through the apartment, a growing ache in my chest echoing the emptiness that surrounded me. It was as if the walls themselves whispered the absence of company, and the silence settled like a heavy fog, wrapping me in a shroud of solitude.I shook my head firmly. I was just alone, not lonely. I should learn to enjoy my own company more than anything. Alright, Rosalina, let's turn that frown upside down and focus on all
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ROSALINA'S POVMy heart executed a pirouette inside the confines of my chest. His demand tugged at my senses, causing my eyes to widen involuntarily, much like a startled arabesque frozen in time. I found myself trapped by the fiery intensity that blazed within his eyes – a hue reminiscent of aged whiskey. His fingers, firm yet gentle, held my chin, anchoring my gaze to his as if I were a marionette under his masterful control. I bit my lower lip, and his heated gaze slid down my lips. "Alright," I said, my voice turned into a breathy whisper. "Kiss me." A slow smile stretched his lips, those devilish dimples making an appearance. Something seriously mischievous glinted behind that smile, setting my nerves ablaze.He moved in, slow and deliberate, and my eyelids lowered like theater curtains, waiting for his lips to meet mine. But a second ticked by, two seconds, three seconds. Confusion creased my forehead, and I opened my eyes to find him looking down at me with a smirk like he h
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LEONARDO'S POVIf this was some sort of vivid dream, I'm hoping to high heaven that I never have to snap out of it. Rosalina Russo, my fiercest rival in the hotness department, the one who both drove me crazy and intrigued me, was reacting to my touch. She gazed at me with those eyes, the golden sparks swirling in her pupils becoming so gentle, that it was almost hypnotic to watch.Meanwhile, a wave of discomfort surged through me, a stark reminder of my own physical response. My dick was hurting like a motherfucker against my flyers and all I wanted was to take refuge in her wet heat until I was thoroughly spent. "Leo," her voice was almost a soft plea, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on my chest through the thin fabric of my shirt. I brushed a strand of hair away from her face, my fingers lingering against her skin. "You're an inferno beneath me, baby, and I want to stoke that fire until we're both consumed by it. Tell me you want this as much as I do." I demanded, leaving n
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Just as our passion threatened to consume us completely, a familiar, infuriating sound shattered the air. The ringing of my phone pierced through the haze of our desire, the jarring intrusion on our intimate moment.Rosalina's eyes, heavy with desire just moments ago, now widened in surprise and frustration. I growled under my breath, torn between wanting to ignore the call and wanting to pick it up to see if it was important or not.With a frustrated sigh, I reluctantly withdrew from her embrace, reaching into my pocket to retrieve my phone. The display showed an incoming call, and I cursed silently at the timing of it all. As much as I wanted to remain lost in the intensity of our connection, duty called.Rosalina watched me, her lips slightly swollen from our kisses, her chest rising and falling with the remnants of desire. The more I watched her, the more I wanted to throw away all the responsibilities I had and go back and lose myself inside her. I fished my phone out of my pock
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Afraid of love
ROSALINA'S POVLet him go. I said to myself, brainwashing myself into thinking that this was nothing more than a waste of time, a useless fling that would lead to nowhere. However, my heart had a different narrative. The way he stared at me as if I were the most ruthless woman in the world, left me with such an awful feeling.Guilt. I wasn't afraid of getting slapped, but I was scared of falling in love. Of falling for someone so hopelessly, it left you crippled. I didn't have feelings of love for Leonardo, but being around him did make me feel strangely vulnerable, just like before.He was right. I was running away from him for this reason. Yet, the idea of vulnerability never crossed my mind as something potentially enjoyable. Submitting to his skillful touch left me craving for more, even practically pleading for them. My annoyance knew no bounds when he received that stupid call, abruptly shattering the illusion that I shouldn't have given in so quickly. I didn't want to become
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Not some fanstasy
ROSALINA'S POVLeo hadn't come back to his apartment last night after our argument.For some reason, that idea made me sore to my stomach. After my breakfast of oatmeal and a smoothie, I found myself re-reading the motivational quotes on my walls. They had transformed from beacons of inspiration into mere strings of empty words, taunting my doubts. With a sigh, I left my apartment behind, stepping out into the world outside. I didn't see Leonardo anywhere in sight, even Frankie asked about him and I acted like I wasn't the reason Leonardo had left, maybe to never come back again. Today, the ballet studio beckoned. Its polished floors and grand mirrors seemed to hold promises of escape from my chaotic thoughts. As I entered, the warm smile of Mr. Bennett, the director, greeted me. He had been back after days of his stay in France for a famous performance. "Good to see you again, Alina," His use of the name 'Alina,' a moniker I'd never taken to, washed over me. It was my mother's nam
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LEONARDO'S POV I leaned back in my leather chair, my fingers tapping idly on the mahogany desk as I watched Agent Matthews. His sharp regard met mine, and I couldn't help but suppress a smirk. The hound had come sniffing around, looking for answers."So, Dante, huh?" I said, feigning casual interest. "Last seen at my casino, you say?"Agent Matthews' eyes didn't waver, his demeanor unflinching. "That's right, Mr. Salvadori. Any idea about his whereabouts?"I shrugged, my smile widening. "Well, you know how it is in the casino business. People come and go. We don't exactly keep track of their vacation plans."He arched an eyebrow, his gaze piercing through my facade. "Surely, you must have cameras, records..."I arched forward, my voice laced with amusement. "Of course we do, but you think I have the time to keep tabs on every Tom, Dick, and Dante who walks through those doors?""You seem awfully nonchalant about this. Considering your connections and resources, I find it hard to beli
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Sleepless night
ROSALINA'S POVThe distant echo of a car passing by outside was the only reminder of the world beyond these walls. I had just returned from a grueling evening at the ballet, my muscles still tingling with the memory of every graceful movement of the white swan. I had avoided Mr. Bennett as much as possible after he kissed me at his office. Being kissed by a man as old as my Papa made my skin crawl, and I had the urge to give my mouth a serious soap-scrubbing session.I stood in the dimly lit hallway, the faint hum of the overhead light casting a warm glow on the worn carpet beneath my feet. The air held a subtle hint of lavender, remnants of the scented candles I had burned earlier. As I fumbled with the strap of my ballet bag, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed down the corridor.Glancing upwards, I caught sight of the apartment door opposite mine creaking open. His presence seemed to fill the narrow hallway, his tall frame dominating the space. The weariness in his eyes was s
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