All Chapters of The Alliance : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
231 Chapters
No more men
LEONARDO'S POVRosalina answered her phone, her beautiful face turning distant and aloof. She glanced at my direction before looking outside the window. I followed her gaze and saw that bastard was glaring at me with a murderous intent. I was all too familiar with that look, many men had given me that look before, before I plummeted them to near death.I didn't think twice before I snatched the phone from her hand. "Hey!""Listen here, you punk," I growled into the phone, my New York accent thickening with each word. "You're interrupting our date and I ain't got time for your bullshit. So why don't you crawl back into whatever hole you came from and leave us the hell alone?"Sebastian's voice on the other end of the line was cold and threatening. "Stay out of her life. She doesn't deserve a brat like you."I couldn't help but let out a dark chuckle. "Too good for me? Is that what you think, tough guy? Let me tell you something. Rosalina's a big girl, she can make her own damn decision
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LEONARDO'S POVFrustrated and regretful, I watched Rosalina through the rearview mirror as the cab pulled away. I couldn't fucking believe I let shit spiral out of control like this. It was all that fucking asshole Sebastian's fault. If that possessive, controlling prick hadn't been in the picture, none of this fucking mess would have gone down."Damn it, Sebastian," I muttered to myself as I turned away from the disappearing cab. "This is all your fault. You had to come and ruin everything, didn't you?"I walked back to where Sebastian was standing, still holding his bleeding nose with a scowl etched across his face. He looked at me with disdain. "She's not some random girl, Leonardo. She is a principessa, a Russo. Keep your filthy hands to yourself.""Don't you dare bring her family into this," I shot back, my voice low and dangerous.Sebastian laughed bitterly, wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. "You think you know her, but you don't. She's been through so mu
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ROSALINA'S POVI stood in the bustling kitchen, surrounded by the familiar aromas of simmering sauces and freshly baked bread. Nonna, my beloved grandmother, commanded the chaos with graceful ease, her weathered hands expertly maneuvering pots and pans.As I carefully sliced tomatoes for Nonna's famous marinara sauce, a thought escaped my lips before I could stop it. "I'm never getting married," I declared, my voice carrying a hint a rebellion.Nonna's hands faltered for a moment, a tiny gasp escaping her thin lips. She turned to face me, her eyes searching mine for any sign of jest. Finding none, a disapproving frown creased her forehead. "Don't be ridiculous, every woman should get married."I met Nonna's gaze head-on. I admired her for the strength she possessed, for the life she had built for herself. But somewhere within me, a fire burned fiercely, igniting the desire to forge my own path, untouched by societal norms imposed by the Cosa Nostra. I was pretty sure I would be the ne
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Business or ballet
ROSALINA'S POVThat evening, we all gathered around the large dining table for our traditional family dinner. The aroma of Nonna's cooking filled the air, and the table was adorned with an array of delicious dishes, from her famous marinara sauce to lasagna and homemade cannoli for dessert.Almost every family member except Saint and Lily was present. Saint had been absent at most of our family dinners because of his busy schedule. He was practically married to his work now, building up the empire Uncle Roberto had bestowed upon him.As we settled into our seats, Isabella couldn't resist bringing up the earlier conversation again. "So, Rose, when do you plan on getting your pack of pitbulls?" she teased, a playful shine in her green eyes.Nonno frowned as he overheard Isabella. "Pitbulls? What are you girls talking about?"Isabella gave Nonno a wide-eyed grin. "Well, Nonno, you see, Rose here has decided that she's going to replace the idea of marriage with five fierce pitbulls!" she
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Second father
ROSALINA'S POVI sat on the pool lounger, the afternoon breeze gently caressed my skin, carrying the soft scent of blooming flowers from Nonna's garden. While Isabella and Elizabetta were luxuriating in the pool, enjoying their refreshing dip, Benito decided to partake in some aquatic mischief by perching on the edge and unleashing a tidal wave of splashes upon the unsuspecting duo.The cool water droplets from Benito's splashes landed on my legs, sending a shiver up my spine, even in the warm evening air. I let out a laugh as Isabella and Elizabetta squealed in surprise and tried to retaliate with their own splashes."Why don't you go and join them?"I looked up to see Uncle Ricky smiling at me. Whenever I saw him, I couldn't help but see my Papa in that smile."Too childish," I said. The truth was, I wasn't in the mood for immature splashing. My mind was still preoccupied with the intense conversation we had at yesterday dinner.Uncle Ricardo settled into the seat beside me on the p
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LEONARDO'S POVIt's been a while since I visited our family home, ever since Nonna passed away. The mansion was written off in my brother's name and for good reasons. He was a married man now, which meant he had one more responsibility placed on his shoulders.And I spotted that responsibility reading a book on the sofa. I couldn't help but notice how different she was from Rosalina even though they shared the same genes. Lilliana was like a shining light, always sticking to the rules and embracing her responsibilities, while Rosalina was the mischievous wildfire, constantly pushing limits and questioning those in charge.I could see why Enzo would choose her. She was everything she was looking for in a woman. She would be the perfect wife who would never question his decisions.I quietly made my way toward Lilliana. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn't notice me approaching. Just as I was about to reach her, I let out a sudden, exaggerated gasp. "Boo!" I exclaimed, my voi
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Bad cop
[TRIGGER WARNING: Violence ahead.]LEONARDO'S POVI descended into the dimly lit basement of the nightclub, a stale odor of spilled beer and musty dampness filled the air. The flickering fluorescent lights cast eerie shadows dancing against the graffiti-covered walls. The sound of muffled music from the dancefloor above vibrated through the floorboards, creating a disorienting cacophony. Enzo stood in the center of the room with his eyes fixed on a figure huddled in the corner. Carlo, his consigliere stood beside him with his arms behind his back, his bald head shining under the light."We caught the rat," Carlo said as he turned his head at me. "We needed some information, but this rat is one stubborn son of a bitch."With every stride, I sensed the eagerness sizzling in the atmosphere, a shiver of exhilaration running through my blood. Tonight was going to be a different kind of interrogation, and I was ready to take the reins."Let me be the bad cop this time," I declared. Enzo l
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ROSALINA'S POVI nervously adjusted my pale pink leotard as I stood outside the bustling auditorium. The New York Ballet Company was renowned, and this audition could potentially make or break my dance career. I took steady breaths, attempting to calm my racing heart and looked around the sea of confident dancers. Among them was a girl with her hair pulled up in a sleek and secure bun. I had always been envious of blondes and redheads because brunettes felt too ordinary even if I was brunette myself. The girl was pretty, with bright blue eyes and freckles feathered across her pale face.Spotting an opportunity to break the tension, I walked up to her and flashed a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Rosalina," I introduced myself, extending a hand.She shook it firmly. "Liora.""Liora? That's a unique name," I commented, trying to strike up a conversation to ease my jittery nerves. Up close, I noticed she was a lot shorter than me, and for some reason, that detail made me feel even more self-co
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Ice Queen
ROSALINA'S POVA wave of relief washed over me as Mr. Bennett announced my name. This was it, my chance to be a part of the New York Ballet Company. I couldn't help but glance over at Liora, hoping to catch a glimpse of her reaction. But her face remained impassive, giving nothing away. How odd. She gave the most authentic-looking expression on stage, but off-stage, she was an ice-queen."Congratulations, Liora," I said.She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Thank you," she replied curtly, almost as if she was disappointed. "You were really good up there," she commented, almost grudgingly."Thanks," I replied, trying to keep the conversation light. "You were incredible too. Your performance was so... gripping. It was hard to take one's eyes off you," It was true. Liora had the elegance in her which I clearly lacked. I ought to aspire to be that cool, feminine part of me and Liora was her.She subtly rolled her eyes, seemingly dismissing the praise. "Yeah, well, we'll see what Mr.
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New Home
ROSALINA'S POVStepping out of the car, I found myself immersed in the lively atmosphere of Manhattan's busy streets. The constant honking of taxis, the animated conversations of passersby, and the enticing scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from nearby cafes enveloped me. The vibrancy and liveliness of this city was a stark contrast to the less chaotic streets of Brooklyn that had become my norm.I followed Sebastian, as he led the way towards my new apartment. Tall buildings loomed overhead, their glass facades reflecting the golden rays of the sun, which seemed to illuminate every inch of this concrete jungle.Carrying a few boxes in my arms, I marveled at the diversity of people passing by. It was a melting pot of cultures, each person with their unique style and story. Amidst the sea of strangers, I felt a sense of belonging, a sense that I, too, could find my place in this vast metropolis.When we reached my new apartment building, Sebastian held the door open for me and I e
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