All Chapters of The Alliance : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
231 Chapters
ROSALINA'S POVAs I sat in front of my vanity mirror, I could feel the soft touch of the makeup brushes against my face. The heavenly scent of my favorite rose-scented foundation filled the air around me, mingling with the faint aroma of the lavender-scented candles that adorned my room. I took a deep breath, attempting to ease my troubled mind before breaking the news to my cousins. Elizabetta, always the studious one, was at my desk, engrossed in her books. Her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose as she furrowed her brows in concentration. Isabella, on the other hand, sat on the bed, texting someone on her phone, completely oblivious to the world around her and Lily was busy painting her toenails white.I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my heart heavy with worry as I brushed a delicate layer of blush onto my cheeks. The rhythmic back-and-forth motion of the brush against my skin was strangely soothing, but it couldn't mask the anxiety that gnawed at me from within. "You
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LEONARDO'S POVI stepped out of my car and offered my hand to Selena, my date for the night. She smiled warmly, her dark eyes sparkling under the streetlights of bustling New York City. Tonight was supposed to be a special evening, a date night in the city that never sleeps. But deep down, I was feeling a little bad for using her to get close to Rosalina. I knew I had to stop, and I was going to come clean tonight and break up with her.As we strolled down the vibrant streets, the scent of hot pretzels and roasted peanuts filled the air. Selena held onto my arm, her fingers delicately brushing against my leather jacket. She seemed genuinely excited, her laughter echoing through the night as we passed by the brightly lit marquees of Broadway theaters.I didn't love Selena. Our relationship had started as a mere charade, a ploy to maintain appearances after Tristan cheated. She wanted to get over Tristan, and I was the easiest route.As we turned a corner, a familiar figure emerged from
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A friend in need
LEONARDO'S POVDazed and disoriented, I found myself submerged in a neon-lit haze, the pungent scent of alcohol clouding my senses. Sweat trickled down my forehead, mingling with the sheen of arousal that coated my skin. My limbs felt heavy, as though anchored to the plush leather chair beneath me, while the thumping bass from the speakers reverberated through my bones. Amidst the raucous cacophony of the strip club, the curtain of my drunken stupor lifted slightly, allowing me to take in my surroundings. Blinking back the blur, I focused on the figure dancing on my lap.Hazel eyes, brunette and so fucking seductive. I blinked a few times to realize that it was Cherry, the stripper who looked like her... A mere imitation.I turned to see my ever-so-sober brother watching the circus around him with a glass of whiskey in hand. Our cousins had been acting like a bunch of dogs in heat. Shit, I was no different.Enzo looked rather bored being here, at his own bachelor party, surrounded by
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Can't stop thinking bout you
ROSALINA'S POVAnxious, I surveyed the sprawling garden with its meticulously arranged pink and white decorations, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. As the wedding planner for my cousin Lily's big day, it was my responsibility to ensure that every detail was flawless.With the ceremony about to begin in three hours, I couldn't afford any slip-ups. Taking a deep breath, I straightened a cluster of roses that adorned the entrance archway, their aroma filling the air.The sun's warm rays shimmered through the lush green foliage, casting a beautiful glow over the blooming flowers and ornate decorations. I heard giggles and chatter behind me, and turning, I spotted my cousins Isabella and Elizabetta, busy arranging delicate rose petals on the pathway leading to the ceremonial arch. Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but watch Leonardo from afar in his crisp black suit, white undershirt and pink tie just like he had promised. He leaned in closer to the group of men, his expression ser
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Hard to resist
LEONARDO'S POVI absolutely despised being forced into wearing those damn suits, like a tight corset squeezing my life out. I suddenly grew respect for my brother who wore this every day without wanting to strangle someone. The temperature in this place was fucking scorching. I loosened my pink tie to get this suffocation off my chest.I meticulously planned the security measures for my brother's wedding, making sure they were discreet and thorough. I instructed guards to monitor the entire venue and carefully scan the surroundings for any potential intruders. I stressed the significance of checking every guest, without exception, to minimize the risk of unauthorized individuals gaining entry to the event. My goal in implementing these measures was to maintain a safe environment while still ensuring that my brother's wedding would be a seamless and enjoyable experience."Everything seems to be in order, sir. All the guests have been thoroughly screened, and the venue is secure." One o
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The best man
ROSALINA'S POVThe melodic strains of a soft piano filled the elegant churchyard, perfectly harmonizing with the delicate tinkling of crystal glasses. The scent of fresh roses hung in the air, mingling with the unmistakable aroma of buttercream from the towering wedding cake. The ambient light cast a warm, golden glow upon the room, ensuring every detail was captured with pristine clarity. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale, a moment of bliss that should have been filled with joy and love.Yet, Lily stood there as if she could pass out any second now. After all, she was getting married to the most feared Don in this City with a notorious reputation.I held a satin pillow adorned with two glittering diamond rings. My grip on the pillow tightened, my knuckles turning white with the effort to keep my composure. Every inch of my being wanted to release the rings and escape this suffocating charade. Her fingers were slightly quivering, eyes fluttering anxiously as she took the ring
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Dance with me
LEONARDO'S POVDespite their initial grumbling about having to don pink ties at the wedding, my cousins' moods miraculously transformed from sour to sparkling when they caught sight of the Russo girls sauntering in, rocking their perfectly matching pink bridesmaid dresses. It was as if someone had flipped a switch, and suddenly, their faces lit up like a Christmas tree on full power."Damn, I think I'm in love." Alessio remarked, eyeing the Russo girls with bright green eyes who were conversing with Rosalina at the corner."Which one?" Stefano asked."The one with green eyes," Alessio nodded towards the two girls."The two of them has green eyes, dude," Stefano laughed.Alessio scratched the back of his head. "Maybe I should go ask her number?""She's not some club girl, she's a Russo." I reminded him as a small warning. "Ask her name first."Alessio grinned like an idiot. "Sure thing. I know how to treat a lady.""Knowing you, I highly doubt that," Lucio chimed in snarkily from the c
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A Rake
ROSALINA'S POVI sat alone on one of the poolside loungers, gazing up at the vast night sky. The stars were scattered across the dark canvas. The gentle sound of water rippling in the pool provided a soothing backdrop to my thoughts. My family members and some other guests were inside the mansion, enjoying the festivities while I needed some escape from the claustrophobic environment to clear my head a bit. Or more like I wanted to avoid a certain someone.Earlier, I had lied about my cousins about my relationship with a guy in my college which was Tyler just to show that I was still my old self. Tyler was the last guy I had a fling with and who I actually thought worthy enough to hook up with. He was an intellectual and I liked men who actually knew how to use their brains instead of using their dicks all the time. But Tyler turned out to be a failure in foreplay and revealed he was a virgin. I had nothing against the virginity of a man, but the thing was...I was a virgin too, and I
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LEONARDO'S POVAs Rosalina walked away from me, my eyes hungrily devoured the sight of her retreating figure. The ethereal glow of the fairy lights gently traced her graceful curves, enhancing her every step. A collision of longing and impatience churned within me, a tempest on the verge of engulfing everything.So, I decided to take a risk, a risk that could potentially sever any connection between us. "You look like a slut in that dress," the words slipped out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think. I wanted to hurt her, to push her as far away from me as possible.Rosalina's steps halted abruptly, and she turned around to face me, her eyes ablaze with anger. "The fuck did you just call me?"I had hit a nerve, and I couldn't help but feel a twisted satisfaction at her reaction. "Is this how you want to be seen?" I continued, my voice dripping with disdain. "Walking around like some cheap whore, desperate for attention?"Rosalina's nostrils flared, her face contorted with r
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F*cked up
ROSALINA'S POVAs I walked into the hall, my drenched state seemed to amplify the silence. Every pair of eyes followed me, their gazes like probing needles. I clutched Leonardo's coat tightly around my body, feeling its weight as a shield against the judgmental stares. The air was heavy with tension, thick with the unspoken truth that hung between us all.I squared my shoulders, suddenly not feeling cold anymore, the embrace of Leonardo's coat offering an unexpected warmth as his lingering body heat clung to the fabric.Nonna rushed forward, "What happened?""I fell into the pool," I said rather dryly before I glared at Leonardo with the suppressed rage simmering within me like the lava seething inside a volcano. "Thanks for lending me your coat, Leo," I faked a smile at him.Leonardo's eyes widened for a moment, a flicker of surprise quickly replaced by that smile. "Anytime, sweetheart."His expression revealed a twisted sense of satisfaction, a cruel joy in my discomfort. It was as
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