All Chapters of The Alliance : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
231 Chapters
ROSALINA'S POVThe mirrored walls reflected my reflection, reminding me of the countless hours I had spent practicing here. And tonight, we were preparing for the most important performance of our lives - Giselle. This was the last day of practice. Three more days to go for the actual performance on stage.I glanced at my dance partner Julian who played the character Albrecht, the male lead. He stood there, tall legs and graceful, his blue eyes focused intently on me. We had been dancing together for three months, and our chemistry on stage was undeniable. But lately, I had been noticing he was being a little suggestive lately offstage. I always thought of him as someone who was overly friendly, like a human version of golden retriever.Regardless of what he was feeling for me, or not feeling for me, I wanted a purely platonic relationship between us.As the music began to flow through the room, I delicately extended my arm to Julian, and he gently took my hand. We moved in perfect sy
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ROSALINA'S POV"Stop the car." I said."Rose...""I said, STOP THE CAR!" I shouted. I was too hurt too to be thinking straight.Initially, I had the urge to open the car door and flee, desiring to escape from his presence. However, I gathered my strength and resolved not to be a coward and hide.I never really cared about who Sebastian spent the night with because I knew he could never love those women.Love.That thing bound people and he was a man who prioritized his duty over his personal life. So I didn't understand why Sebastian would have a change of heart for this particular woman."Who is she?" I questioned, my voice cracking with desperation. "And why her?"Why not me? The girl you spent most of your life protecting?"She is pregnant with my baby and I plan to take responsibility." Sebastian said, with a hint of regret in his voice.Betrayal was a suffocating vine that wrapped tightly around my heart, constricting every beat. Not only did he love this woman, but he even got h
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ROSALINA'S POVI faced the dressing room mirror, my reflection a haunting echo of uncertainty. The weight of recent events pressed upon my heart, trapping it in a suffocating embrace. This was meant to be a day of triumph, a grand display of my ballet prowess and boundless passion. Yet, it morphed into a bottomless pit of despair, devouring any flicker of joy in its wake.The stage lights would be merciless, exposing every flaw and emotion etched on my face. I took a deep breath, willing myself to find strength from within, to step onto that stage and embody Giselle, despite the torment that engulfed my heart.But every time I looked into my own eyes, I couldn't help but see Sebastian's face intertwined with my reflection.Time seemed to move both too slowly and too quickly as the minutes counted down to the start of the performance. My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but I knew I couldn't let my personal tragedy overshadow the art form I loved so deeply.As I picked up
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***ROSALINA'S POVA big round of applause crashed the air, and a torrent of emotions flooded my being as I got off the stage and navigated towards the recesses of the backstage. My heart continued its frenzied pace, fueled by the performance, and the surge of adrenaline only grew more potent with each step I took.It was as if I was living in a fantastical dream, and the mere thought of awakening from it was unbearable. The exhilaration of dancing, the electrifying energy of the crowd, and the sensation of surrendering myself completely to the music – it was a truly unparalleled experience.Upon reaching the backstage area, my eyes roved over the familiar faces of my fellow dancers and the crew. Everyone bore a smile, and their genuine displays of pride and gratitude filled my heart with a comforting warmth."Rosalina, my dear," Madam Marisha said warmly as she approached me, "that was an exceptional performance. You danced with such grace and emotion. I am incredibly proud of you."
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ROSALINA'S POVI didn't know where men get the audacity to touch women's bodies like they have some fucking right over it.Julian immediately withdrew his hand off my waist, visibly threatened by Leonardo, his expression shifting from arrogance to defensiveness. "Oh, easy there, tough guy," Julian retorted, taking a step back. "I was just congratulating her on a great performance. No need to get all territorial."Leonardo's jaw tightened, clearly not buying Julian's excuse. "Congratulating or not, keep your hands to yourself," he warned, his eyes never leaving Julian's face. "Otherwise--""That's enough," I shot back. "Both of you."Julian's eyes narrowed, and he scoffed. "Whatever," he said dismissively, though it was evident that he was still seething inside. "Enjoy your bouquet of roses," he added sarcastically before walking away, his pride bruised."You okay?" Leonardo asked, concern evident in his voice as he turned his attention back to me."I am," I replied curtly, glaring a
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LEONARDO'S POVWhile walking out of the restaurant with Alessio, Isabella, and Elizabetta, I couldn't resist stealing glances at Rosalina. The way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the fire in her spirit, and her unapologetic confidence were alluring beyond words. She had a magnetic presence that drew me in, and I found myself captivated by her every move.It was the way she carried herself with that high-and-mighty aura. Some might mistake it for arrogance, but I knew this woman was the epitome of confidence.But there was also a vulnerability beneath her tough exterior that I could relate to, having lost my own mother at a young age. Our shared experience of loss seemed to have lifted a certain barrier between us.With each step, her dark hair swayed gracefully as we strolled down the sidewalk, and I couldn't help but admire her elegance. Despite her initial resistance, I respected her fiercely independent nature. It was a refreshing change from the typical social norms I was accu
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ROSALINA'S POV"Thanks for dropping me off," I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached for the door handle, ready to step out of the car and end this cat-and-mouse game.Leonardo's hand gently caught my arm, stopping me from opening the door. His eyes bore into mine."Wait," It was a plea. "Before you go, there is something I wanna say."I sighed, feeling a tug in my heart at his earnestness. "What is it, Leo?" I asked, bracing myself for whatever he was about to confess.He took his time, gathering his thoughts. "I don't want to just be acquaintances with you. I want us to be more. I want to explore where this could lead."I stared at him, conflicted. Part of me longed to give in to his advances and see where this newfound chemistry could take us. Even if it was purely physical. But another part of me, the more cautious and guarded part, reminded me of the consequences that could arise from getting involved with a man like him. "Leonardo," I began, my voice firm. I wanted to make things
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Boy, not man
LEONARDO'S POVI watched as Rosalina walked away, her figure receding into the distance like a fading dream. The sound of her footsteps echoed in the silence of the driveway, each step a drumbeat of uncertainty that reverberated through my soul.As I leaned back in the driver's seat, the scent of her perfume lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the woman who had captured my thoughts and desires. The leather interior of the car felt cold against my skin, mirroring the emptiness that had settled in my chest.Her rejection stung, and yet, there was a glimmer of hope in her words, a chance that she might one day give me a chance. But for now, I had to respect her boundaries, give her the space. I could never force her to love me, nor could I manipulate my way inside her heart. That was I wanted her so much. She saw the real me. Perhaps that was why she wanted to keep her distance. However, I was aware that my feelings for her were genuine in their own way.And I had made up my m
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Just a friend
LEONARDO'S POV"Leo, you're up next!" the fight club organizer called out, and I cracked my knuckles, ready to deliver some pain.I wrapped my hands tightly with worn-out tape. I glanced around, taking in the eager faces of spectators, each looking for that thrill that only a brutal fight could provide. Tonight, I was the one who would give them that thrill.As I stepped into the ring, the cheers and hollers from the crowd fueled my confidence. I knew they loved my ruthless fighting style, and I was ready to show them why I was known as "The Enforcer."My opponent took a step towards me. I couldn't help but notice the tightness in his muscles and the intensity in his eyes, which were firmly locked onto mine. He exuded an intimidating aura, with his formidable size dominating the space around him. However, instead of feeling fear, I found myself welcoming the danger that lay ahead. I loved the rush of facing someone who looked like they could kill me.With the bell's resounding ring,
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Coffee Date
ROSALINA'S POVI exited the bustling college campus after a long day of classes, the weight of my backpack seemed to lighten with each step. The warm spring breeze gently tousled my hair, creating a sense of calm as I looked forward to my evening coffee date with Leonardo. He had promised to pick me up after my last lecture, and now as I walked towards the parking lot, I spotted him leaning against his sleek red Ferrari, the embodiment of his charismatic charm.He flashed the most brightest smile as he laid his eyes on me and I could help but smile back at him. Cazzo, he had the most contagious smiles known to mankind.But as I drew closer, a frown etched its way upon my face, my eyes darting towards the bruises near his lips.I reached out my fingers to touch softly brush them against his bruise. "What happened?"His brows eyebrows raised, taken aback by my unexpected gesture. But then he took hold of my hand and kissed my palm, catching me off guard instead."Fight club." He replied
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