All Chapters of Stuck Between Two Alphas : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
134 Chapters
The coronation day,"I present to you King Stiles; the king of Moonstone pack!" A moderator announced. The crowd erupted into cheers, as Stiles climbed the podium. He was full of smiles, and there was a loud hoot as the pack clapped loudly. The noise was almost deafening." Good day everyone," Stiles said and silence ensued. " It's an honor to be bestowed this crown and honor today. I promise to serve you better." He said." Also, I promise that this pack will be run with love and equity also any form of undue punishment or maltreatment will not be tolerated. No order is above mine." He said. A few days ago, he would have said these same words without meaning it. But today he was making these vows not just mere words. There was a pause before the crowd erupted into cheers. They must have sensed the vulnerability in his words. It had meaning. A goblet was brought before him. He slashed his palm and recited the oath he had been memorizing, " I am Stiles a descendant of Thaddeus. I ta
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The loud applause caused Alexia to turn. 'Oh my goodness, Stiles what are you doing? She thought. When other women gushed. " I love the way he looks at her." A woman gushed as she fanned herself. "It reminds me of how my husband used to stare at me when we first began our lives." Another Luna said. Were these people blind? Didn't they see that this was a sham? " She will make a fine Queen." Alexia and Nicky hummed in mockery as those people went on in their delusion. She was happy that it looked believable to the masses. After all, that was the goal. " Look at that. The same way the king used to stare in my eyes. Such a lovely couple." Alexia commented when the woman kept staring at her. Nicky coughed. Like mother like son. Highly delusional beings. They weren't ready for life. " We can only pray for their longevity." She chirped in and lifted her glass to her mouth, smirking behind the rim. Alexia forced a smile. " We can only hope for that. No one will be able to separat
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Two Weeks Later, Cisca had a birth scare that caused her to be rushed to the hospital with immediate effect. Thanks to Martin who came to visit." How are you feeling now?" Martin inquired and reached for her hand, as she lay on the bed. His heart had almost jumped out of his chest when she collapsed.She offered him a weak smile, " Fine. Thanks for bringing me here." Martin snorted, " That's nothing. I couldn't have left you there." He said. It was a given." All the same, thank you." She replied. He didn't have to, but he did and for that, she was exceedingly grateful.Dr. Bart entered the room, " Oh, I didn't know you were awake." He apologized when they turned to see who was at the door.Martin waved him off, " It's fine, you can come in." He said.Dr. Bart smiled with his notepad in hand and walked towards her bed. "How are you doing?" " Fine, I guess. I'm alive, so it's fair to say that." She joked. Martin stared at her with concern." Good those are the things I love to hear
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Cisca raised her head when she heard a knock at the door. Thinking that it was one of the girls who was supposed to clean today, she replied. " Come in." " Hey, how are you doing?" Amelia greeted when she walked in. Amelia took a surreptitious glance at the living room. It was well laid out. She trusted Alden not to spare anything in constructing this place. "This could have been my house." She thought. " This looks nice." She commented. " Thank you." Cisca kept watching her, as she waited for Amelia to state her purpose for coming. " I observed that Stiles has been frequenting this place." Amelia finally broke the silence. " He drops by when he can," Cisca replied as she watched Amelia closely. She didn't trust her. " Aren't you going to ask me to sit?" She asked. She motioned to the chair, " Please have your seat. Let me get you something to drink." Cisca responded. "What has he been discussing with you?" Amelia replied and followed Cisca to the kitchen. ' None of your bus
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" You should stay, this is the time you are needed most, how do you think he will feel when he sees no one beside him now that he is ?" She suggested. Stiles was going to be in pain soon." I don't think he will appreciate that, Amelia replied and walked away.Nicky smiled and returned upstairs, she saw Stiles lying helplessly on the bed and she rejoiced greatly. She thought that Mary deceived her, meanwhile she didn't. " How are you feeling?" "Not too good" Stiles groaned in pain. He couldn't bear it anymore. " The doctor will arrive soon." Nicky soothed him. Alexia walked in and shot Nicky a suspicious glare, " Good morning, I decided to check up on Stiles when I heard." Nicky replied and exited. It would stir suspicions if she didn't show a little concern. " When will Dr. Bart arrive? Have you met with the investors?" He asked.Alexia nodded. How his condition worsened baffled her. Just yesterday was fine. " Let's take you to the hospital." She said and he shook his head again.
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Between Cisca's frequent visits and cheering Stiles up, Cisca became a bit ill. She didn't play with her health this time as she visited the doctor immediately. Dr. Bart couldn't just stop her from staying with Stiles because he was the king, but he feared that she could catch his sickness. " You are running on low fuel." He said. " I thought that I told you not to stress yourself anymore?" He asked. "Yes, you did." Then he lowered his voice and listened to see if anyone was passing by. " Why are you staying with Stiles? You need rest." He scolded her. If Stiles was that useful, why was she mandated to stay with him? "I know, you said that it wasn't contagious right?" Dr. Bart nodded and watched her, " Yes, that doesn't mean that you should endanger your life because of whatever. I'm sure you are doing this out of pity which is good but very dangerous to your health. I don't want you to lose this baby." He said. "Alden will have my head if anything happens to you." He added. May
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" How are we preparing for his burial?" Elder Drew inquired. Queen Alexia looked up with an ashy face which was puffy from crying too much. " We are doing nothing about it. The elders can around " I want an autopsy to be conducted for him." Queen Alexia ordered and the elders looked at her. " He was murdered." She explained she needed to find his murderer. The elders exchange glances between themselves. " Okay, we will inform the doctor." Elder Drew said. Martin patted her back gently as she sobbed after they left. " Everything will be fine. They'll get to the root of the matter." He assured her. He stared at her with pity-filled eyes. Alexia was unable to eat for days and she began to lose shape. " It's so sad. I know who did this." She said. Martin's hand stopped moving as he turned to look at her. " Who?" Why didn't she say anything? Moreover, didn't she also kill the king?" I suspect it was poison. Someone in this house did it." Alexia replied flippantly. Intrigued by the
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Dr. Bart stood amid the office with all the elders in the room and his notepad in hand. " The autopsy took longer than we anticipated." "What have you discovered?" Martin asked. Dr. Bart looked at each of them and wondered and saw the tension on their faces, " Poison was discovered in his system. It was in his system for five months. It was wolfsbane." He said. Alexia rose, she faced Nicky, "I knew it, you killed my son." She said. Everyone turned towards Nicky, and Nicky rose to her feet. " This is ridiculous." She said, " I will not allow your stupidity to rub off on me." She said.Alexia looked at Nicky, " I want an investigation to go on." She said. "I want to find out who killed my son. When I get to the root cause of this issue, I promise that I will not spare the person." She said." How do you intend to do this?" Martin replied. Alexia smirked, she already had a plan." We will visit a seer. She will tell us who killed him." She responded. Nicky's heart skipped a bit at
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The man managed to escape, and Martin carried Amelia to the house. Cisca was waiting at the foot of the stairs and her mouth fell open when she saw an injured Amelia." What happened to her?" she asked as Martin called for other guards at the border. It was almost three a.m. before the pack house was stabilized. Alexia was baffled by what was happening. She locked herself in her room. She saw the intruder that came into the house through the window. Cisca paced around as Dr. Bart worked on Amelia. Her bleeding finally stopped and she slept off. " How did he manage to break into the house with this amount of security?" Alexia queried the next day. " We don't know, your highness. We chased him to the border, but he was able to cross it before we got it." A guard said.Alexia crossed her arms. " We will know the truth in the morning." She said. She could bet that this was targeted at her. This was what she could do." You can all leave. We'll speak about this in the morning." Martin d
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A week later, Cisca decided to go for a stroll in the garden. Boredom had gotten the best of her. If she spent another minute in that house, she wasn't sure of what could happen.What a sunny day, she thought as she reminisced on the recent incidents. It was very painful because she had lost very important people in her lives. First, it was Reagan, now Martin.A hand suddenly closed over her eyes and she screamed. A light familiar chuckle calmed her nerves. " What the hell?" She asked and turned to see the culprit. Alden stood before her with his hands stuck deep in his pockets. " Hello, love." Cisca burst into tears, and Alden panicked. " What is it?" "These are tears of joy." She sniffled and hugged him and sniffed his scent. She was so happy to see him. How did she not notice his scent? "I'm sorry, I should have returned much earlier. I was tidying up some things." He apologized. Cisca wiped her tears with the tip of her cloth. " It's fine. I'm just happy that you are here."
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