All Chapters of A STRANGER IN THE WOLVES ACADEMY : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
136 Chapters
( Olivia’s POV ) We managed to get through the whole pile of movies which resulted in no sleep, it's a good thing it was the weekend. It broke my heart once I saw the look Lena had on her face when she arrived back home at around 9pm, she cried for about an hour thinking the worst possible scenarios would happen to Jack while he was away. I let her cry for an hour but after that it was it, no more because we are about to have some serious fun, so to start it off MOVIE NIGHT whoops! and the best part was that we started with Captain America. Isn't Chris Evans just Bae or do you go for Bucky?Then instead of sleeping we got the squad together and went out for breakfast at a cute little dinner 20 minutes away from the academy. The island that we were on is so cool because it's got everything, a movie cinema, huge shopping center, fast food places (my personal favourite ) and so much more.After breakfast we went bowling and then to see the movie The Shallow. It was AWESOME!!Although A
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( Charlotte’s POV )Warnings are given, signs may show the possibilities of me getting killed on the day I shift or on the day I'll disperse from the air like I know it all.Gosh, these things are killing the inside guts I have penetrated. It makes no sense right now, I feel so stupid to the fact that I've been saying words that don't even sparkle with an appropriate grammar."Would you please stop pacing?" Mason groaned.He must've gotten a little woozy due to my wandering all around the medium sized dorm room."I could stop, but I won't until I find these people and hunt them down." I say, confidence all rubbing in the back of my head. In all honesty, I was dying inside from fear.Axel stood there, rubbing the bridge of his head.Which I may add is a quite large space to rub if you're frustrated. He didn't look calm. I'm worried that he might punch a wall-and for the fact that it never sounds great when you hear a frustrated Axel. "Are you okay?" Axel hisses. I could see some of hi
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The Broken, they're werewolves who are much more complicated to deal with. Rogues are tolerated to the werewolf community. They're acceptable to our kind. That unless they do something unacceptable.The Broken community were like gangs in human life. They did drugs, dealt with Alpha's, stole a whole lot of land, killed authorities and terrorized the whole pack community. They weren't elite. In fact, the broken were bitten by past punished werewolves. It was a long time ago, they didn't even listen to the council nor did they listen to elders.You have to live the Broken life, more specifically the day you were born. There are many of them-since there were a lot of Broken werewolves who were punished. You'd have no choice to choose what werewolf you wanted to be-you'd sentence yourself to death. A Broken will stay Broken.In their community, you'd have to live with Broken Dean. He was the highest Broken in their community. He was the person you should never encounter or deal with. He c
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( Yvonne’s P.O.V. )Connor and I walked over to my brother's dorm. He's been off since he came to get me. I hope it's not because of my brother. He's really a sweetheart, just a bit scary.I look up at him, hoping to calm him down. "It's okay. My brother is a big teddy bear when it comes to me. I'll tell him everything and you'll be fine." I say reassuringly.He gives me a small smile that doesn't really meet his eyes. He's definitely still worried. "I know everything will be fine. I'm just worried he'll think that I'm not good enough." I can see the lie in his eyes."Why are you lying?" He looks at me shocked."Mate bond Connor." He nods in understanding."I, uh, got stopped by your rogue friend. I don't really like him. He gives me a bad vibe." I stop in my tracks. He met Hunter? "What did he say?" The guy intrigued me since he said he wouldn't hurt me."He said he has patrols watching you, which I don't understand because this is school grounds. There's no way the headmaster would
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(Yvonne’s POV)Greyson completely agreed on the fact that I needed to know how to keep myself safe. "Alright, do you want to call together? I'll get my news out and you can get yours out too." Greyson pulls out his phone and dials our dad.Of course he picks up. I see my dad's worried face on the screen. "Is everything okay? Is Sophie alright?" I laugh at his worried dad's voice."Dad, I'm fine. Greyson and I have something to share. Is mom there?" I ask."I'm right here dear." I see my mom's face move beside my dad's. I smile at the warmth that exudes from her.I nod at Greyson. "My news first." I pause. "Mom, dad." They nod, patiently waiting. "I found my mate here, at school." My mom squeals loudly and my dad growls."You're too young. I don't want him alone with you, ever. Do you hear me Greyson? Never let him be alone with your sister." Dad gives Greyson a cringe worthy glare.Greyson nods. "Already on that." He turns to look at Connor. "Is the boy there?" Big mistake. Now dad wa
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(Charlotte’s POV )"I'm Mayo's sister, and this doofus right here is my birdy man." Anna points to Mason. She slung one of her arms around his neck and side-nudged him."I guess we don't only have one over protective brother," Calum mutters. "Don't worry, I'm not that bad. Axel has his hawk eye around Charll twenty-four seven." I shake my head, chuckling."Mason and Axel's group of people, please report to the principal's office, immediately." Speakers boom around the whole campus. Each and every one-except Anna-of us in the group held a terrified face, oh good golly this is not good.We walk quietly to the office. As passersby passed us, the look of disgust was plastered on some of their faces. Some look at us with questioning looks.Who were they to look at us in disgust? We encountered the Broken, what were we supposed to do? Get captured by those idiots and suffer from pain? I'm not doing that.They're a good number of wolves, but they could kill much better than warriors. Sometim
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( Olivia’s POV )It was a normal day, normal lesson. Same old same old or so I thought. We were in Math, the class that has all of us in it and I mean ALL, Jake, Lena, Rose, Derek, Lincoln, Hayley, Maddie, Yoko and Abbie.It's quite funny actually how we didn't talk at all at the start but now we're really close. When Headmaster Dean made an announcement that we had to go to the auditorium immediately."I wonder what it's about" Hayley said curiously."Me too" Lena replied.We made our way to the auditorium and found some seats for all of us in the middle on the left side. So we sat down and started chatting untilHeadmaster Dean walked up to the stage and asked for quiet, when we were he started talking."I hate to inform you all that the Brokens attacked the other section of the academy and it was bad. People died, kids, teenagers and warriors. Some of which were our own." “Although we had some alpha’s who fought them off before we got there to defend” He said sadly."Oh no", Lena
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(Yvonne’s POV )I'm in my room packing my bag for Thanksgiving break. Connor's parents said they would meet us at Midnight Moon pack to meet me. No surprise there really. They didn't want to step on my dad's toes, so they just decided they would come instead. A knock on my door brings me out of my packing trance."Come in."My door opens and I immediately smell his scent.He smells like aftershave and A87 body spray. I involuntarily close my eyes and take in a deep breath. His arms wrap around my waist and I smile at the tingles he sends through me. "Are you ready to go? The train leaves at twenty." He says softly into my ear.I nod against him and lean into his arms. After a few minutes he grabs my bag and closes it. His fingers intertwined with mine and he carried my bag down with us. Trish and Lily smile when they see me and crush me into a hug. Trish is the first to talk. "Okay, text me when you get home, and tell me everything that happens between Connor and your dad." She smile
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( Connor's P.O.V. )"Is everything okay?" I hear the worry in Yvonne’s voice as she snuggles against me. I turn and look into her caramel colored eyes."I am now." She doesn't look convinced so I add, "I promise." I can tell she still doesn't believe me, but she doesn't pry any further.How could I be okay when that rogue, Hunter, is always following her around like a lost puppy? I see him every time I'm with her. Even here. I saw him in the station while she and Rachel were talking. I wrapped my arm around her out of instinct, and I didn't think it was a good idea to let her go. I don't even know what happened, only that I am in trouble with her dad now. Maybe I should tell him about the rogues that are following her. He can do something about it and I won't get in trouble with Yvonne. I nod to myself knowing it's the best strategy. Her dad probably wants to talk to me alone anyways. I cringe at the thought. Her dad would kill me and not even care. Well, he'd care, but only because I
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(Connor’s POV)My wolf growls and becomes extremely angry, and I do the same. "What do you mean? She is mine." I say with venom laced throughout my words.Her dad sighs and I glare between the two of them."You're already the Alpha of your pack, correct?" He asks and I nod. My dad already passed down the title. "She is the mate of every unmated Alpha, until she is fully mated with one of them."It will be me. I love her." I growl protectively.Yvonne’s mother puts her hands up in an effort to comfort me. "We understand, but you need to know she isn't like every other tigress there has been." I nod, not completely understanding. "We planned on keeping her hidden, but the school called for her. We didn't understand why, but we do now. It was for you." She says calmly. "We'll pull her out." I stand up abruptly. They aren't taking my mate away. Hell no."You just told me that I'm not the only one that can claim her, and now you want to take her from me? No. I will take her to my pack." He
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