All Chapters of A STRANGER IN THE WOLVES ACADEMY : Chapter 131 - Chapter 136
136 Chapters
**Recap**( Charlotte’s POV )I stared at my loose chains. I had finally got them loose and it took at least a half hour. I just hope they don't notice that it's loose.My hands are still burning from the silver but I had to bear with it. If I saw Broken Dean again I would immediately shift into my wolf and attack."I'm ready, are you?" I whispered."Yeah..." He trailed off silently.We both quietly waited for them to "supposedly" kill us. They're probably thinking of ways on how.The wait didn't take long. The goons entered our cell like they owned the place. They unlocked our chains from the locks on the wall and pushed us out with them holding onto our chains.They led us out in the field. There was a bon fire at the middle along with five people."You're going to enjoy your deaths. It's going to be so painful." The man said. He laughed, "No one will kill us after we're indestructible!""Shut up and bow down to our leader!"The people follow the yeller, all bowing down to Broken De
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As Connor suggested, I search for Lily and Desmond.I find them chatting in a corner, snuggled into each other.When Lily sees me, she smiles brightly. "Yvonne! Where's Connor?" She looks around and I chuckle."He's being Connor. He felt the need to check on my security with Hunter, so he sent me to come hang out with you two until he's done." Lily gives me a knowing smile."Connor just can't let up, even for one night? Who would attack you here? We're surrounded by the most powerful people in the world. Anyone crazy enough to come after you is suicidal." Desmond says, still not fully aware of the fact that I have died, and quite possibly can die again.I simply shake my head and sit down. Lily pats his shoulder and takes a seat beside me.Eventually Connor returns, but he's still tense."Everything alright?" I ask as I stand to greet him.He nods in a stiff manner. "Yes, but I don't feel as if it is." I lean up to kiss his cheek and force him to look at me with my hands."Let Hunter
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Last night, I slept as peacefully as someone can when told they're the biological daughter of the goddess of the sun. It took no time to fall asleep, but my dreams were shrouded in images of Solis. A language I didn't understand drifted through my mind, and flames would burn it away. I didn't wake up too long ago, but I can tell by the lack of light seeping from behind the curtains, it's still very early.Connor is sleeping peacefully beside me, his soft snores are a sure sign he's still asleep. My body is snugly fit into his, and my head is resting on his chest.For some reason, I don't want to be awake alone, so I place a small kiss on his shoulder, then his left cheek, followed by his right. "Mmmmm." Connor shifts beneath me, groaning slightly as he stretches. His eyes open slowly and he smiles up at me. "Morning baby." Connor's arm wraps tighter around my waist pulling me closer. His eyes shut closed again and I snuggled into him. "Can't sleep?" I nod and he chuckles softly. "I w
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A few years ago, I never would've expected to be walking towards the leaders of the world, and talk about my biggest secret. Now, I'm walking confidently down the corridor, ready to face the most prominent men and women across the world. I would've thought of this as terrifying all those years ago.Instead, I'm relieved. I no longer have to hide what I really am. So, as I walk into the crowded room, I don't cringe out of fear. No. I march in with confidence, and stand with all of my friends, ready to take the next step in my life.Out of the sea of faces, only one stands out to me, Edna. The second I stop walking, the room begins to kneel. It's like a wave, person after person, dropping to their knees. "Why is everyone bowing?" I ask Lily, who's to my left.She merely shrugs, just as confused as me. "I'm guessing they realize what you are, and are showing you that they don't question your claim nor title, but I'm not them."I stare at them as they bow. It's unnerving. "You don't have
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2 YEARS LATER ( Epilogue)(Yvonne’s POV)My heart's beating fast, butterflies are going crazy all over my stomach. I try to breathe in and out a few times to try and calm my nerves. The anticipation is overwhelming as I prepare to take this momentous step in my life. Today is the day I marry the love of my life, Connor.I look at Lily, my bridesmaid, as she opens up the door and her eyes meet mine. A wave of excitement washes over her face, and she can't contain her joy as she closes the door behind her. She stands beside me, our eyes locked through the mirror reflection."Are you ready?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm."I think so," I reply, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness."You look beautiful," Lily reassures me, her sincerity shining through. "And trust me, Connor loves you. I guarantee he's gonna cry when you start walking down the aisle."Her words offer solace and encouragement. I take a deep breath, feeling a surge of confidence building within me.
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( Sophia’s POV )No more! I am going to be turning eighteen soon and I will NOT allow myself to endure my family's abuse anymore!"We need to hurry, your brother is coming." My wolf, Krystle tells me.I quickly zip up my backpack and place the straps over my shoulders as I make my way to my bedroom window, that's located on the second floor. I sit on the ledge before jumping down and landing on my feet. As soon as I stand up, I overhear my father yelling out to everyone to find me and bring me back to him. Which I can't let that happen, I know how bad the punishment will be and I already have enough scars and bruises to last me a lifetime.Immediately I start running as fast as I can into the dark woods, without knowing or even caring where I'm going. I just need to get as far away from all of them as possible.Once I feel that I've gotten far enough ahead to stop and catch my breath for a moment, I stop and start trying to look around, hoping I can somewhat see a path. But then Kryst
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