All Chapters of A STRANGER IN THE WOLVES ACADEMY : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
136 Chapters
( Yvonne’s POV )Connor and I have been out for about twenty minutes. He's laying on his back, clothed, and staring at the sky. We had our fun in our tiger and wolf, then decided to shift back. "It's amazing out here." I hear his dazed voice, almost as if he's high off of the view.I look at him, then back to the sky. "It really is, isn't it." We sit in silence, just enjoying the soft grass and warm morning sun.My fingers dig into the grass, feeling the soil beneath, connecting myself to the earth.Yvonne! Hunter's voice pushes into my head, forcing me to sit up. We've had a breach. Get back to the house.Connor immediately stands, taking me into his arms, but the pounding of paws nearby alerts me to the magnitude of what we're dealing with."Connor." Just before he takes off to the house, I stop him. "We can't. We'll just lead them to the house." He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, allowing my feet to touch the ground. "Anything, and I mean anything, that presents itself as
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( Yvonne’s POV )The walk back to the house was silent. Hunter ran ahead, beginning the preparations to move back. I couldn't bring myself to talk anymore, and I think Connor realised that.My brother renounced his title. What could have possibly happened that he would give up his title?Greyson is a lot of things, but a quitter isn't one of them. Just thinking about it is upsetting.We reached the house, Connor following me to our room. It's still daylight out, but I can't be around other people. I have half a mind to kick Connor out. "Come here." His arms wrap around me, cradling my head against his chest. "We'll get through this." Then again, he really does know how to make me feel better. Maybe I should keep him around, just in case.I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his torso. Neither of us speaks and eventually we lie down on our bed. The bed we've shared for three years. The bed we won't sleep in ever again. I knew this would come, but I thought we'd be making the decis
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( Yvonne’s POV )I'm not sure what to do. My mate can't even find comfort in me. Why does he get to be so good at making me feel better, but I do a crap job of it for him when he needs it?I suck as a mate.."Yvonne?" Lily's sweet voice comes from the other side of the door. She is such a blessing."We saw Connor head out in a hurry." Trish is here too. My friends are even good at comforting me.I'm a crappy friend…"We brought ice cream." I open the door slowly, trying to not look like a mess. Trish hands the tub of ice cream to Lily. "Come on honey." She pulls me into the room, Lily closing the door behind us."What's going on?" Trish sits down beside me on the bed and Lily hands me the tub with a spoon before doing the same."Well, I guess I should start off by telling you guys about this morning." And I do. I tell them everything, about being surrounded by wolves, the weird man, being demanded to appear in front of the Senate, everything.Trish and Lily patiently listen, both nodd
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( Yvonne’s POV )I can feel how nervous he is, and he's just as nervous as me. What is waiting for us behind this door? Is it the same man we left three years ago, or has he lost his mind trying to fix things?Hesitantly, I lift my hand and knock on the door.There's movement on the other side of it and I hear him gasp before it flies open. I'm pulled into a ferocious hug. "My little Yvonne is back!" He sounds so happy, and I wish I could be too, but everything here seems so wrong."Dad, it's nice to see you again, and after all this time." I give him a gentle squeeze. "What happened here?" It's almost like everything is covered in a gray cloud.He pulls away, groaning and shaking his head."Something that never should've happened. I let myself believe he was ready, that he could handle everything, but I didn't prepare him for this. I never could have.""Dad, what's happened?" I watch as he walks to his desk."What happened is a warlock happened. One that spun everything here out of
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( Yvonne’s POV )"It says that you die three times." His hands hold the notepad loosely. My hand snatches out and I take it from him, and read it. Right there in black ink:Dies 3 timesWhat?Edna skims through her book calmly. "How do I die three times? You only have one life given to you."She only shakes her head. "Ask your mate about your first death."My head spins to Connor, his eyes staring at the pad in my hands. "What is she talking about?"Connor looks away, staring out the window. He's silent, and I almost ask again. Before I can though, he clears his throat and begins to speak. "You died that night. You died. They revived you, but you died, and I couldn't do anything." A soft, shaky breath passes his lips and he looks at me. "I felt it.Both the bond and I were shred to pieces. Everything stopped at that time." I stand up and walk to him, placing my hands on his face. "I gave up, on myself, on everything." Connor places his hands over mine, holding them. "When they revive
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After hours of being pulled in and out of my own head, I finally plop down on the couch in the living room.Lily, Trish, Desmond and Hunter were all sitting around, chatting, when Connor and I finally finished with Edna, and now we're all just talking."I never thought that there were small packs like you guys." Desmond says thoughtfully.Connor shrugs and he puts his arm around me."We never really meant to separate ourselves. It was really a means of protection. Not just for Yvonne, but for the girls too."Lily smiles at Desmond. "I wasn't always a cheetah.I used to be a russet colored wolf."Trish nods. "I was almost golden.""I like my cheetah more though." Lily says, frowning slightly. "My wolf was so small, and weak."Trish scoffs. "Yours? The best thing I could do was track. Now I'm a predator, ready to pounce." She shows sharp teeth, courtesy of her panther. "I'm deadly." A proud smirk crosses her face and she leans back, arms intertwined over her chest.There's a moment of
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When Connor reappears, we head downstairs. It being so early, no one's awake, or so we thought. I sit at the table and prop my head up with my hand.Connor grabs two bowls and makes us some cereal. He sits down beside me, sliding the bowl and spoon towards me. "Thanks." I mutter, still stuck on what happened in the shower. Connor watches me closely, and I know he's worried. I honestly feel bad for him. Every second of every day, he's worried that I'll get hurt, or that someone will try to kill me.I know it bothers him not to be able to control the situation. He's an alpha. Control is in his blood."Well don't the two of you look depressed." Trish pops up in the doorway, eyeing us carefully. "So what's the problem now?"Connor glances at me and I nod my head. Trish is one of the most caring people I've ever known . She may be brash, and have a bit of an attitude, but she cares deeply for all of us, and I know she'd do anything to keep us safe. "Yvonne had a..." He stops, unsure what
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( Yvonne’s POV )When we get back in the car, I don't go back to sleep. Instead, I begin to think of all the possibilities that await me at the Senate. I'm not sure what they can offer us for help, but maybe we can figure this out together. I know that I can't unveil my identity, not yet anyway. I'm not prepared for the responsibility that comes with it.What I can do though, is offer help. I will ask for their help finding my pack members, and to help me bring them back home."We're approaching the main gate now, according to your father." The driver, a man named Dante, says."Alright. Thank you for the heads up." I say, pulling myself out of my own mind. The car becomes tense, everyone staring out the windows.A large white metal gate appears, as if out of thin air. "Carrying Alpha Yvonne Sinclair Desperte." Dante says out the window, and the gate slowly opens, definitely magic.Our caravan enters without an issue, which kind of surprises me. Why are they letting all of us in if the
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"So what are we looking for, exactly?" Trish asks, running her hands along the spines of the old books.When Philip had told me of the library, I immediately told the group to meet Connor and I there. I had expected a grand library, filled with people and books. I was surprised to find that the only occupants of the vast library were the books themselves. Not a single soul lingered in the rows, nor was there anyone in charge of keeping them sorted."Anything that mentions the tigress." I say, and my voice echoes against the high ceiling.There's some silence, and everyone looks through the books along the shelves. Maybe we should go to the library with archives of all the books that mention the tigress, but I prefer something I can hold in my hands. "I think I found something." I hear Lily say, just loud enough to echo around the room.I walk towards her and see a set of volumes in front of her. "What are these?" I ask, lifting one up. Lily flips through one. "Well, I went to the arc
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( Charlotte’s POV )This apparently is the last day. Tomorrow is Maddox's birthday and all I'm thinking about is how I will prepare this small gathering between us and his father. It's not a big celebration but I know how much meaningful it will be to Maddox. He did say that he cared about the both of us the most and I wanted to make him the happiest person today.As usual he's mourning to himself. I can't help but feel sad. I seem to think that I cannot make him a happier person.It's harder to wake him up today. I'm thinking that he's probably tired from yesterday's activity.We all ended up having a great time with each other. We came home late after midnight because they showcased some fireworks before the fair ended. Maddox wanted to go home early but I refused, he'd go mourning once again.I was starting to think it was becoming a daily basisfor him."WAKE UP!" I scream.Maddox turns to his other side and ignores me. Well then. If you want to do things the hard way, then that's
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