All Chapters of A STRANGER IN THE WOLVES ACADEMY : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
136 Chapters
Connor leads me back into the bedroom, tossing the invitation onto a small table. "We aren't going." "I would love to agree with you, but it's the perfect opportunity to get more people to listen. I feel like I need to communicate more with them, maybe I can convince some of them that helping is the right choice. Anything is better than nothing, and right now, I'm pretty sure we're working with nothing." Connor takes a breath to say something, but then lets out a sigh.He walks towards the bed and stands in front of me. "It's not that I don't want this to succeed, but I feel like this just isn't our thing. We don't do large parties and gatherings."I nod. "We dont, but maybe we should. It benefits us to attend. It also gives everyone else a chance to relax, and have fun. We shouldn't pass it up just because we normally don't do these kinds of things." He kneels down in front of me, his head being level with mine."Alright. We'll go. I trust you to make the right decisions." He kisses
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( Charlotte’s POV )I feel the sunlight burning my face. Oh dear lord, it's too early. Where's the fucking moon when you need it? Damn you sun!Squinting, I groaned as the burning light hit my eyes."What the?! Maddox! Why are the blinds open?!" I yell. I shield myself from the light and sit up from Maddox's bed. "Maddox, where are you?" I yell.All I hear is the tic of the clock. I don't sense Maddox's presence anywhere."Maddox?" I erratically jumped out of his bed."Maddox?" My breathing hoists up. No. This isn't what I think it is. He can't do this to me."Maddox?" I call for his name repeatedly. He'll come back. I know he will. I shuffle around his dorm room with a panicked face. Going back to his bedroom I look for his phone and find it in its exact spot. It's where he always keeps it.I frustratingly comb my hand through my hair.Scrolling through Maddox's contact I select his dad's number. I press the phone to my ear and silently pray that everything's okay."Maddox?" Alpha R
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( Olivia’s POV )Pulling her into a hug, he placed his face into the crook of Olivia's neck and inhaled deeply several times, "Olivia! God I missed you so much, I thought something bad had happened to you when you didn't come to Morning tea, then classes and lunch. It was the same for the other guys, god I'm so glad you're okay."Rubbing her hands up and down his back she whispered comforting comments into his ear, which caused him to shiver in pleasure as her hot breath hit his neck. He pulled back minutes later and looked ather."Wha--but your-- you-hair--huh" Cameron stammered, staring at Olivia with googly-eyes and his mouth open wide.Raising her arm she placed her hand under his mouth and said, "close your mouth or you'll catch flies."Smirking at him when he had a sheepish look on hisface."Sorry, you just look so different I didn't recognise you," he said, "b- but it's not a bad difference, a good difference. I like it, it suits you." He exclaimed, trying to clear his meanin
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( Olivia’s POV )Once the blackness had faded, Olivia came into view of a cell. It was dark but she could still make out what the room looked like. The room was cramped and eerie, made out of many chipped stones for the sides with dirt covering the ground. On one-side of the room there was a black stain. It made Olivia shiver as she thought about what it was. A scent of death and suffering hung in the air. Chains hung from the walls, with hammered metal shackles on the floor, which were otherwise occupied by a girl with black hair, who sat on a flimsy mattress with her back towards me."Hello? Are you alright?" Olivia called out trying to move towards her but nothing happened. Ugh I'm in a vision, she won't hear or see me and I can't all she was literally stuck, like that game stuck in the mud. Anyone play that as kids?BANG!"Look, it's finally up guys. Are you ready to keep playing?" A deep, creepy voice spoke from the cell door as it opened and in came 3 big bone-chilli
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( Connor's P.O.V. )She didn't even slam the door shut. I think that makes it worse. If she was angry, at least I'd know she was feeling, something, anything. Instead, the soft click felt like a bullet to the chest.I knew that she wouldn't leave me for him, yet I let my jealousy get the best of me.I didn't want her to leave, but how could I have made her stay? Apologizing won't fix it. Actions speak louder than words. Yvonne doesn't believe much in words.I sit down on the edge of the bed and grip my hair hard. "What am I going to do?"Mate is disappointed. Maybe we can impress her.My wolf suggests, but it's a half hearted suggestion.He knows Yvonne isn't one to just bend. She's stubborn, and very opinionated. If she is disappointed in me, it'd take a lot more than some good acts to impress her.Someone knocks harshly on the door. "Connor, open the door." I groan and stand up.I know who it is from his voice, but that doesn't make me any happier to see him. "What is Hunter? I'm ki
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( Charlotte’s POV )"Go away!" I yelled at Axel."Charll," he softly says, "Please come out. Don't cage yourself inside your room.I ignore his words. "I don't want to stay here Axel, bring me back to the academy." My voice cracks up."I'm waiting for him.""He's not coming back Charll. It's been a week now, maybe he's forgotten you." He says in the same tone, but I don't like his response."How can you say that?" I bitterly ask. "You're starting to become like our parents. They don't care.They don't give a fuck. Why am I here anyways?None of you seem to care about what I am feeling.Don't you imagine yourselves losing the person who will love you the most?""Me? Becoming like our parents? Do you hear yourself?" Axel asks in disbelief through the door."We're all trying to help you but you're not being open! How can we help you if you're not trying to help yourself?"I stay in silence. I don't know what to say."Little pig, little pig, let me in." Axel says.I said, "Stop using our
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( Charlotte’s POV )I sigh, "Um, I'm not sure. I don't know if I want go with you guys. I just want to go back to the academy, do my school work, act like a good kid and announce a search party for Maddox.""We'll fly out tomorrow." He promises.Quirking my eyebrow at him, "Do we have tickets?" Iquery."Of course we have tickets, with this type of season not much are traveling around. Summer just ended and the humans are back to school already." He replies. Axel stands up and grabs my hand, he tries to haul me with him but I stand my grounds."Do you work out?" He says in an astonished tone.I force myself to be hauled by him. He can't know, only Maddox knows and it's still itches me that he does.I'm afraid of dying and that's pretty ridiculous of me. "No! Of course I don't work out! Do you see me work out? Am I muscle-y?" I let out an uneasy laugh. "My priorities aren't working out bro. I eat, sleep and repeat. I must have gained a lot of weight, you know, due to eating processed
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"There is no 'it is all due in time' Mom. I need to find him. I need to rescue him because I need him in my life. He's like my ball of sunshine. He knows how to make me happy and makes me feel like he'll never leave me alone." I emphasize."Charll, leave your mother alone. She's trying to talk to you nicely." Dad warns."Whatever," I mutter under my breath."Don't talk to me like that, may I remind you that I am your father, your alpha. I am not your friend that you can disrespect." Dad grits out."I lost my respect for you when the both of you turned your backs on us. You left us alone without care. And you tricked me into going to that snobbish school with a fucked up headmaster. I was hoping that you would car again that both of you would but unsurprisingly I'm still a disappointment just because I'm grown up. Your reason was ridiculous,Dad and I were stupid enough to believe you!' I yell at him in a harsh tone."We care about the both of you Charll! You're mother and I, are tryin
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( Charlotte’s POV )I was running. Axel was behind my tail, making sure his eyes were focused on me. I needed a way out of this airport without Axel noticing me."Where are you going?" His irritable voice makes me want to cringe.Where's the crowd when you need one?Alpha Reddox was waiting for me outside. He told me that he was situated at the nearest entrance of the airport.I felt my phone buzz in my hand, it must be Alpha Reddox. Bring your brother with you. Stopping my steps, I quizzically stare at the phone. Why would he want to bring my brother?I quickly text him back. Why? Axel can't go with us.I stop myself from running away. What's going on?Don't question me Charll, just do as I say or else we won't get things done sooner or later.Axel appears beside me with an irritable look on his face. "Are you fucking serious? You made me run all over this airport!" He grabs my wrist; his firm grip makes me wince at the pain."Where are we going?" I desperately ask."We're going to t
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( Charlotte’s POV )I honestly didn't bring anything with me. I just took one of Alpha Reddox's cars and sped off to The Broken.I'm so stupid. I don't know where I'm going and I don't have any food to eat while on the way.I always did things unexpectedly but my plans turned out to be okay, meaning me not trying to kill myself because I was being stupid."Should I go back?" I've been talking to myself since I drove off. Hitting my head on the steering wheel, I realized it would just be a waste of time.I felt my tears once again. I failed. I was being too confident about saving Maddox but I didn't know what to do."I'm sorry" I cried out.I was such a pathetic mate. I'm a shitty person when I'm with him. He cared for me so much that I didn't even get the chance to return it back. And I was the fucking girl in our relationship. He did all kinds of stuff for me just to make me happy. All I did was to irritate him over and over again.I played our relationship as a joke. He was my enter
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