All Chapters of A STRANGER IN THE WOLVES ACADEMY : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
136 Chapters
( Charlotte’s POV )The worst part when going on a date is when you're in my situation. That situation when you're all cramped up with what you're going to wear because of a huge cast. I will most likely look like a puffed-up person with so much gear attached to me. Nonetheless, I would rather look like a puffed-up person rather than a naked one.I sigh, "Wow!" I say, shocked. "I look like shit!" I exclaim, not at all surprised at my attempt at putting myself together to look decent. My grandmother told me this once, "If you look like shit, act like shit, and if those people insult you because you look like shit, make sure you treat them like shit." You could say I got my whole personality from that wicked woman. We were both sarcastic and short tempered although I am quite reserved…sometimes."Honeybunch, are you ready for our date?" Maddox yells, loudly knocking at my door. "I can help you put on that delicious red dress I bought for you!" He suggests. I scrunch up my nose, hatin
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( Yvonne’s POV )After Connor practically forced me to get my things packed, I decided to take a break in the entertainment room. I need a good movie to take my mind off of things. My personal favorite is fox and the hound, but I personally love horror movies. So, instead of watching a children's movie, I put on Krampus. Something funny, but still horror."Yvonne?" I turn on the couch to see Lily standing in the doorway.Excited to see her, I rushed from my comfy seat."Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" I give her a hug and she laughs."I didn't exactly know I was at first." I give her a puzzled look and she waves me off. "I heard you got taken and tortured." Hearing her say it just makes it worse. It's gotten as far as her pack. That means it's common knowledge to any pack within a hundred miles. "Are you okay?" She gives me a worried look and I shrug."I'm much better now. Connor and Hunter saved me before anything serious was done." I walk back over to the couch and plo
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( Charlotte’s POV )Since our last date, Maddox has been distant lately. I don't blame him, instead, I tried to understand. The Broken want him, and they're trying to compromise with him, giving him such great deals with positions. Somehow, they have threatened to kill those important people who mean the whole world to him, and that would be his father and I.Maddox's birthday is just two months away, and every single time the sun rises, he gets all problematic in the morning. He keeps telling me that his death is nearing, and a new beast shall rise from its silent state. Sometimes, the thought of his changing was driving him insane.I tried to help him stay sane. Surprisingly, he's okay when I'm done lecturing him but it all goes back when the sun rises, he goes back to being so mad at himself for being half insane and sane. I would usually laugh at his wild behavior when we see each other at school grounds. I find it entertaining when he looks so frustrated and messed up, but of c
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(Yvonne’s POV)Connor told my dad that we're postponing when we'll be leaving. Dad didn't really understand, but he also didn't argue. It just means I'll be around longer.Thanksgiving is today, and I have no idea how I'm going to sit through this dinner. Everyone is staring at me, worrying about me. The entire pack eats together on Thanksgiving. Why did I have to be born to an American pack? Why couldn't I just have lived in England? Then I wouldn't have to deal with Thanksgiving."Yvonne?" I hear Connor from inside my bedroom and open my bathroom door for him to come in.He walks to the doorway and leans against the frame. "Are you almost ready?" He looks amazing in his button up vest and khaki pants. The crisp white shirt rolled up to his elbows just makes him even yummier."Yeah, just answer me this." He nods, looking at me intently. "Does my hair look better like this, or down?" I tried to put my hair into an elegant bun, but I don't think I quite succeeded.Connor walks up behin
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(Yvonne’s POV )Oh goddess, it feels so good to run free. The second I shifted, it felt so right. Lily is running right beside me. We both playfully nip at each other, not having to pay attention to our surroundings. This is what I really miss. No worries, no trouble, just me and my best friend running through the hills to our spot.I bet you I can get there faster than you. Lily says from beside me.Oh, you are so on. She takes off like a bullet, leaving me to race after her. She's always been incredibly fast. It's possibly the one thing she can best me at. I never found running to be important.I've always had the fight instinct, not flight.We aren't far from the edge, and I laugh as she speeds ahead, taking the win. Congrats, you've beat me at something.Yes, yes I have. The voice that comes into my head isn't Lily, and I realize, when she ran ahead, I lost sight of her. I stopped running. Lily? She has to be around here somewhere.I don't like this Yvonne. Something doesn't fee
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A scream fills the air and I can't tell who's it is. The sword leaves my stomach, and I fall to the ground.Lily's face comes into my field of vision, and I see tears on her cheeks."Don't cry." She brushes my hair out of my eyes and cradles my head in her lap.You'd think I'd be able to feel the gaping hole in my stomach, but no, I'm just numb.I hear a deep and depressed howl in the night air, and the sound makes me cry. Connor. My eyes close and I let myself weep.There's no way I'm surviving this.I look around through teary eyes and realize that all of the men disappeared. They at least left me to die in peace.The sound of paws hitting dirt overcomes my senses, and he's all I can feel, hear, smell, see.Strong hands pull me into a bare chest and I cry against Connor. "Baby." His voice is hoarse and he's crying too. He can feel everything I can't. The pain of losing your mate is said to be the most excruciating pain in the world. I look up to him, kissing his cheeks.I didn't eve
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( Charlotte’s POV )Sometimes, all you want to do is dance to a song that busts up your jam. I want to, believe me, I want to shake my ass like there's no tomorrow. I'm just kidding. I'll probably end up looking like a stick, jiggling stiffly. I look horrendous whenever I dance. My body does not coordinate with the dance steps. But I shouldn't care. Actually, I don't care at all. If that's what I feel like doing, then I should be proud of it.I'll give you guys a little tip about something.Hopefully it will work out for you and I think it will. Do the things that you're not able to do. If you get embarrassed, show them that you're proud of yourself. Show them that you're doing the things that you feel like doing and not letting someone stop you. Show them that the crowd doesn't matter, and neither do their opinions. Those people that are embarrassing you, I bet that they're just a bunch of rotten people who don't have the courage to be like you.Admire those viners and youtubers
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(Charlotte’s POV )"What the fuck is he doing here?" Maddox grudges.He trudges towards the front crowd, pushing away other students while he hauls me with him. "Dad, what the freaking fuck are you doing here?" He grumbly exclaims, throwing his arms up in the air. Alpha Reddox smirks at his son, "Well, I've got a fit ass and a nice face." He arrogantly states, keeping up with his smirk. "You're my student, so I suggest you call me Alpha Reddox and I get to call you soney!" He laughs.Maddox puts on an irritated look, "Go to hell Dad!"Everyone in the Training Room laughs at both of them. Some are clapping their hands while letting out silent laughs. Leo, Maddox's friend, thumbs up Alpha Reddox to continue their hilarious conversation. His other friends are gesturing to Alpha Reddox to continue their conversation by yelling out, "Con-tin-ue!" "I'm taking you to hell with detention for you honey!" Alpha Reddox happily states, clapping his hands together. He gestured us to t
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( Yvonne’s POV )I keep going in and out. I know Connor is still close by, but he hasn't talked in a while. A part of me doesn't want to wake up, but I keep fighting to open my eyes. I miss him, and I know this is torturing him. Maybe I'm more trouble than I'm worth.If I wasn't around, he wouldn't have to worry about me being captured or killed. Then again, he'd also be mate less, and possibly a rogue.I really need to wake up. I can't stand being stuck like this. Goddess only knows how long I've been out.Come on eyes, open. I need to see that Connor's alright.A sliver of light breaks through and I fight the urge to close my eyes. My eyes quickly adjust and I look around, only slightly moving my head.I see Connor laying away from me, and I want to get close to him, but when I try to move, my body feels slow and lethargic. "Connor.""Yvonne." The voice isn't Connor's, but still, it's a voice I'm happy to hear."Dad." He quickly walks towards me, looking at me as if I'm not real."
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( Yvonne’s POV )The doctor released me this morning, so Connor gave me the rest of today to pack anything the girls may have missed. I packed several books, a couple photo albums, and a family picture of mom, dad, Greyson and I. I was only seven in the photo, but it's still nice to have."You all packed?" Connor asks as I zip up my suitcase. He hasn't left my side once. Thankfully, he looks much more rested. I'm glad he sleeps when I sleep, or else I doubt he ever would."Yeah, I think so. The girls were pretty thorough.Besides personal effects, they didn't forget anything."He nods and stands up to come over to me. He grips the handle of the bag and carries it for me.The doctor says I shouldn't lift anything for the next couple of days, just to make sure I'm fully healed.I honestly think Connor takes it as a boost to his ego, and his pride.We walk down the stairs and I see Hunter waiting for us at the bottom. He's coming with us, as a safety precaution, he's also bringing along
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