All Chapters of The Alpha's Feisty Redemption: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
149 Chapters
Neil try to calm himself of the anger he was feeling as he took a short turn towards the Gamma's suite.Everything was beginning to make him mad but he was going to try to be okay, if not for anyone but at least for Naina.It wasn't her fault. Nothing was her fault.He knew about all what she'd been wanting to tell him these days but he didn't want to hear it. He never wanted to have any conversation with her about her past or whatsoever, he didn't matter.All that mattered was that she was with him and that they were happy together. His mother and their foes didn't matter anymore too, he'd thought they did before and that was why he was being mean to Naina them but as he said, that was then." Luna," he called when he saw the blonde figure skipping away hurriedly." Oh, Neil." Estelle gulped as she saw him." Are you hiding from the Alpha?" Neil asked, seeing her nervous, flushed face. She seemed to be glowing more these days, perks of being pregnant." Hiding? From that man? No o
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A DARK ROOM. A figure sat on the bare ground, his head facing the ground but the loud panting and groans from him could be heard and were so loud that they covered the whole room.He was breathing so heavily as he slowly raised his head up, bone cracking sounds could be heard as his head raised and when it was finally up, a pair of totally blazing red eyes that seemed like hell itself could be seen.And in those eyes, laid extreme pain, anguish and above all, hate.The figure murmured inaudible words as his head turned from side to side, the hands and body trembling and when he finally couldn't contain the pain he seemed to be feeling anymore, it gave a loud, raging growl as his scaly hands flew to his head." Go away. G...go away, l...let go." Came the mumbles as it slowly tried to get up but fell before he could."" he was growling like he was trying to control whatever was happening with him but when he seemed to have surrended and couldn't keep up with whatever it was
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The cold and accommodating feel of the night was what Estelle exactly needed and the happiness in her face could be seen as she ran out of the palace, sighing as she felt the breeze seep into the holes of the goosebumps in her skin." This is so good." She murmured. Of course it was a very good one after the tiring day she heard. She didn't even know if this people didn't consider she was pregnant at all with all the workload they were heaping on her.A beautiful smile broke out on her face when her hand unconsciously touched her little bump again. She now found herself doing that from time to time." Two more weeks, baby. Just two more weeks and daddy will be home." She sighed sadly. It's been two weeks her husband was away now even though he was supposed to have come back a long time ago but according to him, the trip seemed to have added a few more days and now, she was missing him so badly that it felt her body was about to break down. She really thought it was going to be eas
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" I'm serious about this, River. He was the one, I could remember his face because I saw him that day. It was him!" Estelle persisted as her husband poured her a cup of water but as she glared at the water in his hands, the man already knew better than to give it to her so he could only sigh as he'd been doing again.Estelle hissed.If she needed water then she knew where to get water." You're just being paranoid–"" I'm not paranoid! I know what I saw and this isn't the first day he tried to kill me!" She shot back at him." Why aren't you listening, Elle? I know you did see him that day and he looked like a complete asshole but he wouldn't try to do that to you!" The Alpha said but deep down, he was already swearing how he was going to kill that old man." But he did!"" Haven't you even been listening to me at all? You may ask Alice, I almost rolled down the stairs the other day because of him. What are you even saying? Listen River, I know you hide a lot of things from me, a w
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" So this is how it goes," Alice smiled as she explained the basis of the game they were to play." Here, a blue gun for you." She stretched a blue toy gun to Estelle who frowned." Why blue? I want pink." Estelle refuted and Alice groaned with a roll of eyes." I'm not brother, okay? Don't act so demanding to me and besides, I'm expecting a nephew and not one silly annoying niece so here, it's a blue and that's final!" The princess said with a tone of finality as she forced the blue toy in Estelle's hand who still was unsatisfied as she muttered few inaudible words under her breath." You take the black, Aunt. It suits your red hair." Alice nudged at Kaileyn but Alisha shook her head and grabbed the black gun instead." I want this. It suits me more." She smiled, giving Kaileyn a knowing look and the latter only smirked back as she picked a red gun." And finally, I will take the pink one...that the pregnant woman actually wanted." She said, mouthing the last few words under her b
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" Alpha,–" the Beta was trying to say but was interrupted angrily by the man again." My order is final! Every single one of them! Take every single one of them till you find out who that offspring of a gun is." He yelled, his voice passing through the walls of the palace and sending shivers to the people hearing it inside and beyond." Please, please, calm down." Neil sighed, though standing far away before he got hit for something he didn't know about." We've investigated them all but–"" But what?" The man yelled again and Neil couldn't believe he was seeing the man like this again since these years. He could see how pained, hurt and angry he was and he felt really bad." Investigate thoroughly again, a thorough investigation! Someone just sneaked into my pack house and attacked my wife? Neil!" His yell vibrated all over the building and Neil immediately fell on his knees, breathing heavily with his eyes closed.If only he could just get that person.There was silence and afte
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" Kaileyn," Alice continued. " This is between me and you now, from now, I'll always be against you. Thanks for ruining my life the more and ruining my brother's own too. You can as well start plotting for me too now, rest assured that I also won't be slacking off." She said, throwing one last hateful glare at both ladies before she picked herself and left.Alisha's eyes glinted angrily." That little brat, she still doesn't know how to control her mouth." She hissed and turned to Kaileyn whose eyes hadn't left Alice leaving back yet." She's right tho. We have to start plotting against her now, we have to take her out of our away now, Kaileyn. That girl would cause trouble." Alisha said but frowned when Kaileyn faced her in anger." Have you seriously lost it now? This shouldn't have even happened. It shouldn't have! You should at least think well before opening your mouth to just suggest rubbish because the nonsense you're saying isn't the solution at all. We won't be able to do
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" Alpha," Marianne called with puffed eyes that seemed to expose the facts that she had been crying too." Alpha," she called the sad man who had his occiput laid on the door of the room where his wife had been hiding and crying all nights.It's been two days now and the Luna hadn't opened the door or come out. The Alpha could have easily opened the door and go to check on his wife but he only stayed there, waiting for when she'd be ready and wanting to see him." Leave, Marianna." He muttered. His heart breaking to pieces as they've been doing when he heard her soft sob and sniffle again. " Estelle, please." He muttered softly this time, sighing and trying to be strong so he wouldn't break down again.Breaking down wasn't his thing at all but he just couldn't help it....he just couldn't help himself whenever it came to her." I.....I just thought of a suggestion. I don't think I can bear seeing you both especially the Luna in such a condition again, this is not looking good at all
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THE COVEN. " Celebrate? River is still standing. No single soul of the Herves name should be remaining in the same space that we are." The woman with the lush eyes said and the other witches immediately nodded." What do we do about Alpha Torres?" " Leave him to the fate we placed in his hands. Not too surprising but he has quite a long life to live before I replaced it with the few amount i gave him. He'll suffer greatly before he dies, he doesn't seem to have any usefulness to us again." The veiled witch said." Really?" One of the witches asked with widened eyes. She was the only one whose hair was gray amongst the other witches who had thick, long black hair." Yes."" Then I can live." The witch immediately said, her eyes glinting with happiness and vengeance. " Then I can live to avenge my little Guria. Yes!" She grinned but the woman in the cloak only watched her." You may or may not live. It's up to you and your capabilities to decide. You'll have to do something before y
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Estelle sighed when she saw the princess's gloomy face as she slowly entered the study and without even saying a word, she just left, leaving the Alpha and his little sister in there together.Alice's face was all red and very unlike her." Big brother, please stop. You don't have to do anything for my sake so please, leave Lair alone. None of this is his fault, his actions are well justified so please, don't punish or hate him again. I'll fall into a more deeper hole of guilt if you do that." She had said after a few moments of silence and even her tone was just bland and sad.She looked extremely tired and unknown to her, that fact alone was making the silver haired man more angry that his arm muscles twitched from time to time." Why did you accept the rejection?" The man only asked and she folded her lips inside her mouth in pain." I accepted because it's what right for me to do. I deserve everything, his rejection, his hate and all of the embarrassment, I deserve everything!"
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