All Chapters of The Alpha's Feisty Redemption: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
149 Chapters
" Melina and Connor." Marianne announced and the faces of the people who were mentioned lit up happily while the other helpers who were also vying for the position clapped for the chosen ones." Thank you so much, Madam Marianne." Melina bowed, a pretty smile on her face while Connor did the same." As you both can see, there were a lot of people wanting this position you've just been given so make sure to remember at all moments of your service the struggle you both had to go through before you were given this. Do not disappoint me!" Marianne's tone was totally stern and both nodded again." So Melina, your job starts now. You'll be the Luna's personal maid and by that, you'll have to handle whatever she eats, do and all of anything she needs while Connor will be the Luna's trainer for the few months that she needs to regain her lost strength back." Marianne said." By the way, you should be aware that the Luna might be quite harsh for a little while but I assure you she's one calm
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HERVES PALACE. The Alpha's cup of tea sat gently on the royal golden table but then, a slim figure was seen sneaking into the sitting room and doing something to cup of tea before hurriedly leaving as came.Meanwhile, Neil and a few maids just arrived and took the Alpha's tea away to the courtroom where he had been working.And in the study where the Luna was busy working with her personal guard and trainer, Connor besides her, she let out a groan as she tiredly dropped her pen loudly on the table and massaged her neck." Are you okay, Luna?" Connor asked, concern on his face." Obviously, I'm not. This is way too much work, they only sympathize with me for the few moments that I'm heal but in the next minute, my table is filled!" She complained." By the way, you should leave. I'm fine by myself, you don't have to be lurking around me everytime. When training starts, I'll come and I'll call you anytime I need you." She faced him but he immediately looked reluctant and uncomfortable
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As expected, Lord Diego faced the council and was judged, he was found guilty afterwards as no lie could save him this time.His position had been stripped off him and would be given to another deserving Lord.Kaileyn could be scene by the corner of the courtroom that day with red eyes as she cried her eyes out. She was also punished as she was found guilty for what she did to the Luna and her punishment was going to be decided later." I'll get back at her, I swear. I won't go easy on her." She had sworn that day in her heart as she stared at a blank faced Estelle who was almost silent all throughout the courtroom session.Weeks had passed, and things had been going normal for all of the pack members except their rulers. The Alpha and the Luna." Something's wrong." Estelle muttered, holding her head from fatigue and frustrations.It didn't seem to be normal anymore...what was happening inside this her marriage didn't seem to be normal anymore but she just couldn't pinpoint or pla
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The woman only stared at Lair as he yelled and he frowned. Didn't she hear him?" I clearly heard you, Gamma." She said, now standing up and Lair could see as she shook and staggered before she regained her footings but she continued with her words. " But your way of talking to me is in no way the right manner to speak to the mother of your lover. That's disrespect." She added and Lair's eyes dimmed the more." M....other?" He stuttered and she let out a bored sigh." My Guria would have been alive if she didn't love you, my Vesper would have been alive and wouldn't have been slaughtered by that Alpha River if only she'd listened to my call and left you alone but that child of mine was stupidly blinded in love! That ugly love that had caused her death and will be causing mine too. Why couldn't you have just left my baby alone?" Guria yelled, glaring angrily at a speechless Lair.His adam's apple was only moving from time to time nervously as he was unable to say a word." What a
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As Estelle went back inside after waving Neil and Naina goodbye, she frowned when she felt his presence behind her but regardless, she continued on her tracks and went inside." Estelle," she heard him call from behind her but she pretended like she didn't hear anything as she made to go upstairs but then, she felt the strong arms around her waist and she sighed." I really have a lot of work to do so if you don't mind, please leave me alone." She said in a very low tone and she heard him sigh again before his hands tightened the more around her waist." I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry, Estelle." He apologized but before she could say anything, he'd removed his grip from her waist and turned her around to face him but she angrily threw her face away." You're mad at me," he said, hurt in his eyes and she angrily faced him back." Mad at you? I don't deserve to? River, you told me right in the face that I am probably cheating on you with a mere trainer, a mere guard. Have I become
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Neil looked enraged instead." You're embarrassing my mate, Mum. That's my mate right there, with my mark clearly on her neck so stop being so stubborn and unthinking about her feelings. You're embarrassing her." He said but Naina only wished he didn't talk because his mother was looking more angry by his retort." I do not care about that. I only care about you and what's good for you and that thing standing over there is definitely not for you. I found a suitable mate for you already and you'll leave this thing and–" Luna Lindsay was saying while her son made to interrupt her but she raised a finger." You won't say a word, you silly child. I won't allow that girl ruin you, not when I'm still breathing and alive. I won't let these two witches come inside my family and tear it apart. They are both shameless being, both shameless harlots!" Her voice raised.Naina saw the way Neil was holding himself back from doing anything stupid and she felt like rushing to him to hold him but th
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Kaileyn started her story. " Once upon a time, years ago to be precise, the werewolves lived happily until a man came into the picture. He was different from the werewolves, very different and even though he was much weaker than them, he found great pleasure in getting rids of the stronger creatures."" He was called the ruthless hunter. He hated the werewolves so much and they hated him as much and even more than he did. This man was a bone in the werewolves throat and they found it so hard to capture him and have their revenge."" This man had killed both a lot of the innocent pack members and sold the ones he kept alive for scientific experiments. He used those strange modern drugs on the werewolves that'd always make them writhe in extreme anguish."" The man didn't stop till after almost four decades before he finally disappeared to nowhere, after haunting the werewolves for a long time. A lot of people were attacked during his reign, both the royals and the commoners so the
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Naina rushed down from the car angrily with tears in her eyes and dried ones on her cheeks." My lady, you're back so soon? What of the Beta?" Her maid asked but she only brushed past the maid as she ran and walked to the Herves palace.She was going to see Estelle. She needed to ask and know why it had to be only her all the whole time. What about her? Was she so perfect that she didn't have any problems at all?Lair who was emerging from the training ground frowned when he recognized Naina running towards the Herves palace and he could immediately tell she was not fine." They came back so soon." He said, turning to one of the guards who nodded. " Where's Neil? Have you seen him?" He asked again." Only Lady Naina came back to the pack, I don't know of the beta yet but I think he'll be coming back later on." The guard said but with a confused frown.Lair only sighed. He'd just tried to link Neil but as he suspected, something had gone wrong again." You all can go now." He said a
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Lair stood a meter away from the Alpha's study as he listened to the Alpha and Kaileyn's conversation." That bitch," he muttered.Meanwhile, in the study, River stared at Kaileyn in utter disbelief and anger." What has gotten into you?" He asked but Kaileyn only shrugged though she was looking away from him.Despite the stubborn and unchanged look on her face, she was having several thoughts deep down in her.She thought about so many things. Was she supposed to have done this? She didn't like the way he was now looking at her at all.He looked so disappointed." She snatched him from you!" Alisha's voice echoed in her head and the angry look on her face seemed to have tripled. Right then, she turned to River." I've told you what it is that you have to do, River. You have no choice and besides, she isn't pregnant no more so she's more or less of a useless vessel." Kaileyn said and when she saw the man take a step towards her, she immediately shouted again." I'm really going to
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" River," she yelled again and he finally halted on his tracks, as if he just realized he had done something stupid.The Alpha turned back slowly to meet his mate's shimmering, wide eyes.Estelle was at the verge of tears again as she was confused. Had someone exchanged her River with this strange man in front of her? Was this really the River she knew?" W...what is happening?" Her voice cracked, staring at the silver haired man who had confusion roaming through his golden orbs.He seemed confused and she didn't understand why." When did all of this start, River?" She inquired again, finally breaking down. Her loud sobs echoing in the large room.The man's eyes twitched and squinted in pain as he watched the woman before him break down helplessly." Estelle please," he immediately ushered her into his large arms, his hand gently caressing her red cheeks and, his eyes pleading for her to stop crying.He could feel his heart breaking at that, and, when he recalled what he had done
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