Semua Bab Paradise in the Alpha's Arms: Bab 41 - Bab 50
81 Bab
40- "Old photo..."
"Of course, I have to know! You already said it yourself that I am your girlfriend, and my feelings are valid, so I have to know what's going on between Kelsey and you and why she seems close to you!""She and I were not that close, Camila. For your information. The moment you saw us talking, that was the only moment I talked to her. But we aren't as close as you're thinking."I did not say a thing. I just want to hear what I need to hear, and I know Trey also knows that!"Do we really have to argue about this?""I am not arguing, Trey. I only want a clear answer to my question," I said coldly.He sighed and finally told it, "The truth is, believe me or not, there's really nothing between us. You were only mistaken by what your eyes saw.""Then make me understand, so I no longer won't have to misunderstand it.""Alright." He nodded. "Jude gave her the necklace a few days before you saw us. And then it happened that in the morning, while I was passing by the pathway, she saw and she ca
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41- "Do I know you?"
"Why are you holding that old photo? Where did you get that from?" Trey asked me while his eyes were still on the piece in my hand."Uhm, I got it in one of the pages of this book from your bookshelves," I answered and gestured to the shelf where I got this book from.He shook his head and came close to me, taking the picture and the book from my hand."This girl in the picture beside me was Lorelei. She used to be a classmate in early high school," he said without meeting my eyes and put the photo back in a page of the book and closed it.My eyes from it went on him. "Classmate in early high school?" I repeated to make sure I didn't hear it wrong.He shrugged his shoulders and seemed to be uneasy. "Yeah. But let's not talk about her. It's been so long now since we didn't see her or hear anything from her."He walked to the shelf and put the book back in the exact area where I got it.I followed him and apologized. "Sorry. I think I shouldn't have touched any of your things without pr
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42- "His first love..."
"Of course! Like how I know you well and your cousins and the rest of the Gregoris!"Trey did not say a thing and just waited for her to get direct to the point."Okay. My name's Lori—Lorelei Martin, to be exact. We were classmates during our first year and second year in high school. Now, could you remember me already?"Lorelei? Sounds familiar…When and where did I hear that name again?Trey couldn't believe his eyes when he seemed to remember her completely. "Lorelei?""Yeah! Do you remember me now?"He nodded.She giggled. "Great!"Before I could even ask, I recalled too when I first heard the name. It was when I went to Trey's parents' house the day he introduced me to them!And yes, she was that girl beside him in the old photo kept for years on a book's page on his bookshelf!It was really her!She once again hugged Trey now that he finally remembered her. And once more, he was surprised he couldn't move.I silently gave them space.Well, I'm the girlfriend, but in today's scen
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43- "Trying to replace..."
After finding out from Abigail that Lorelei was actually Trey's first love, I didn't know what to think next.Why didn't Trey tell me? Was it true? If it's not true, why would Abigail lie? Her reason? She lied because she disliked Lori? I knew Abigail Gregori, and she would never do that. She's direct, yet she's not a liar nor a false story maker."Camila!"I looked around and saw Trey walking to me. He was smiling as he approached.After Abigail disclosed to me who Lorelei was and how she was part of my boyfriend's past, she walked to her classroom while I remained standing on my feet, trying to process what she had said."Hey!"I forced a smile when I realized I almost forgot Trey was already in front of me, hadn't he spoken to me."You seem not yourself. Is something bothering you?" he asked as he noticed my indifference.I shook my head. "Nothing.""Are you sure?"I nodded.I started walking to my classroom and he followed walking next to me.“Let me guess, you didn't get enough s
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44- "Unnecessary drama!"
Why do I feel like I am competing with another girl for what my boyfriend likes to eat or not? From the start, there shouldn't be any competition at all because I am his rightful girlfriend!Trey sighed before speaking, "Thanks, Lori, for being kind to offer me my favorite cake flavor, but right now, honestly, I'm in the mood for eating Cinnamon because you know I don't always eat this snack, so there are times, like at the moment, that I miss eating it and even crave for it." He smiled at me and accepted the Cinnamon I was giving him.I could not help but smile in victory.I just wasn't sure if Trey said that because he genuinely felt that way or if he only said that because he knew I wanted to hear it and I wanted him to choose me. But either way, I was thankful that he was mindful enough of what I would feel if he chose the other option.He wanted the Strawberry cake, but for my sake, he said he opted for Cinnamon instead."Oh, alright!" Lorelei shrugged her shoulders and chuckled.
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45- "Breaking up..."
It was almost a week after my confrontation with both Trey and Lorelei, and I felt like as the days passed, I was getting even madder. Worst, my insecurities stirred up more one sunny day when I saw Lorelei hanging out with Trey's cousins.They were at a table in the canteen, enjoying food and chitchatting. I could see that it was her that talked a lot and Barbara would support her and the two male Gregoris would be so interested in listening and laughing out with them.I could say at least it was a good thing that Trey wasn't with them that moment, as well as Abigail. Who were only with Lorelei at the table were Barbara, Jude, and Rain. For Trey, I had no idea where he was, or what was he doing, whatsoever, but for Abigail, I was sure as hell that she couldn't take eating at a table sharing with the girl she never liked.It was already a week since Trey and I weren't talking, or I should say I wasn't talking and I avoided any conversation with him. After the day of our last argument,
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46- "Take my breath away!"
"Did the manufacturers already send the products for the trials, Grace?""Yes, Camila. They had already arrived early in the morning. The soaps are now kept in the storage room at an appropriate temperature."I nodded. "Good."I proceeded to the other members of the team. "How about you, Anthony? Have you checked the number of the products sent?""Yeah. Done checking for the BioAqua Fragrance, and I am now on the way to recheck products from Furry Friend. I'm also listing down the different variations that Bright Beauty sent to us." He mentioned a few of the brands that have been with us and with our company through the years, and these companies and business owners of commercial products trust our quality of service providing and assuring them high quality and accurate clinical and laboratory result examination and trial processes.ProSciences is the name of the large company I'm working for as one of the clinical and laboratory biochemists and a junior research leader in our team of
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47- "Like he never knew me..."
"Trey?" "Camila?" we both uttered in unison.We shared the same initial reaction of shock as we saw and recognized each other.D*mn! How I missed him so d*mn bad!I didn't deny the longing in my expression while seeing him and meeting him again unexpectedly for the past years I had been away, that we had been away from each other!From being shocked, I could see that his facial reaction changed into getting back to being civil and putting on a professional aura like we never met before like he never knew me…He looked away and pretended as if I didn't exist, as if he didn't see me or he didn't know me…He coughed a bit and cleared his throat before speaking to his cousin."Is everybody around already?"Jude inquired on our team. "Are we still waiting for any of your members or what—"Boss Jerry gently shook his head to answer. "We're complete. Let's start.""Alright then. You may sit," Jude instructed.We followed and occupied the seats in front of the long table."Before anything, le
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48- "Silhouette."
"Noah… Trey… Noah!" Here I was again, gushing in sweat and waking up in the middle of the night with dreams that, until now, I couldn't still seem to get or understand.I decided to get up, not minding how my eyes still felt tired and super sleepy, wanting my whole body to be glued lying on my bed.I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and sat on one of the chairs in front of the dining table.It was dark because all the lights in this house were turned off before I went to sleep, and I didn't want to turn it on again. I sighed after I drank the water from the glass and put it on the table. I admit that for the past years, I have always been thinking about my ex-boyfriend Trey Gregori. Always. It was him I was thinking most of the time, and while I made myself believe I have fully moved on from my late fiancé Noah after I met and fell in love with Trey. Living away and surviving all by myself in another country, there had been so many concurring times that I would have dream
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49- "Sanctuary."
"Come on! Stop the extreme formality. I'm still the Rain, you know, and your friend from college," he humbly answered as he was gently shaking his head and smiling a little. I smiled at his being down to earth. He had Tony checked and was able to rule out the problem. He prescribed medications and vitamins to help my dear cat recover. After we spoke about Tony's condition, it was time that we talked about casual things, like he mentioned to me that he is now the one who manages and runs this vet clinic since his father, Dr. Henley Gregori, died two years ago. I was sad knowing about that. I knew Dr. Henley, and we had spoken in the past, too, with regard to the follow-up check-ups I did for Tony during the first months after I had my cat rescued. "I'm sorry, Rain. I didn't know he had already left two years ago. Things must be hard for you." I glanced at him. We were walking outside the vet clinic while I was still carrying Tony with me. He smiled sadly. "Yeah. It was hard to adj
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