All Chapters of Yes, I'm the Richest Man's Wife: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
1000 Chapters
Chapter 181
Ruth was puzzled. “What do you mean?”Pearl just looked smug. “Aren’t you busy?”“Stop wasting time. Talk.”Pearl cursed in her heart, but she still told Ruth all that she saw. “I remember that person. I think he’s the vice president of Eternal Corporation. My dad said that you’ve been talking about working with Eternal Corporation. Heh. Someone stole your partnership from right under your nose, huh?”Ruth fell silent, which led to Pearl widening her eyes. “Are you seriously thinking that I’m lying to you? You can choose not to believe me if you want—”She had a photo, but she would not hand it over. If Ruth refused to believe her, it would be entirely her fault that she got unlucky with Eternal Corporation. “Why were you at Eternal Corporation?” Ruth suddenly asked. “For work, duh. Did you actually think that you’re the only one with a job?” Pearl said haughtily“Oh…” Ruth said languidly. “Carry on, then. I’ll treat you to a meal some time later. Bye.”Ruth was so vague t
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Chapter 182
Pearl wore a dress that made her look young and full of life. But she also wore a gold bangle, two gold bracelets, a jade bangle, as well as two pearl necklaces…All of that coupled with her flashy makeup made her look tacky, but rich. She was a painful sight. Pearl’s heart sank, and she gave Ruth a wary look. “What’s with that expression? I’m telling you, don’t look down on me. I’ve gained a lot of followers over this period of time!”Ruth said nothing. She headed to her office while Pearl followed her. Fortunately, Pearl knew that she should avoid arousing suspicion, so she did not start causing a ruckus outside. She only whispered to Ruth when she entered the office. “You’re looking for investors for your company? Why don’t you get your husband to help? Isn’t he really powerful?”Ruth sat down in her office chair and did not even look up. “How did you come up with the conclusion that he’s powerful?”“He’s related to Blakewell Corporation removing DH from its shelves, isn’t
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Chapter 183
What was going on?With this question in mind, Ruth got up languidly. After she finished washing up, she changed into a fresh set of clothes. The moment she opened the bedroom door, Mrs. Greenwell came in with a group of people. A fashionable woman looked around the bedroom before she decided to choose the balcony to do Ruth’s makeup. The natural lighting over there was good, and it was perfect to do makeup. Ruth did not even have the chance to give an opinion before she was dragged over like a marionette. The makeup artist sized Ruth’s face up and praised her. “Mrs. Blakewell, you have the most perfect face I’ve ever seen. Your skin is really good! The event you’re going to tonight is quite formal, so I’ll put light makeup on for you.”Ruth felt speechless. She was just going on a date. Come on…How formal could it be?Before she could finish the thought, someone spoke from beyond the door. “Amy, I’ve got Mrs. Blakewell’s dressing gowns. Should I bring them all in for her
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Chapter 184
Abel bent down and drew even closer to Ruth to press his forehead against hers. The tips of their noses were right across from each other, and there was only the distance of a finger between their lips. This was too intimate! There were still plenty of onlookers around them! Ruth’s face burned, and she struggled to shove him away. “You’re shameless! We’re about to be late! Come on! Follow me!”After saying that, she bypassed him and went straight to the door. “Got it, honey.” Abel smiled and went out. Amy and her group of stylists stood where they were. They were baffled by the sight, just like when they were shocked when they received Kallan’s call. Who on earth said that Mr. Blakewell was obsessed with work and had no feelings?He clearly loved his wife!He sent a private plane to pick Amy up from another country just to give his wife the perfect look for a small dinner. There was also a Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in the courtyard. Its license plate was one-of-a-kind t
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Chapter 185
It was Ruth’s phone. She looked at the caller and was a little surprised. The call was from Eternal Corporation’s vice president. She answered it. “Mr. McGreen?”“Ruth! My staff and I had another meeting after we dropped by to gain an understanding of your company yesterday. Lockton Entertainment is a company with great potential. We have absolutely no problem investing in it. Bring your contract over. I’ve sent the location to your phone.”What?!It was a Saturday! Was their company so motivated to work that they actually worked overtime to discuss investing in her company?Also, why did they have to have a meeting now?!She instinctively wanted to refuse it, but, when she saw the location Mr. McGreen sent to her, she hesitated. It was the Sky Hotel. The message with the location was followed by another one. [I’m going to be discussing a partnership with another person here. For the sake of convenience, why don’t we meet up here as well? You don’t mind, do you?] It wa
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Chapter 186
Kaylen and her husband were partners with Ruth’s jewelry workshop, but both of them were not as they seemed. The husband was a top-ranked hacker in the hackers’ association. Getting through various security systems was like taking a walk in his own backyard. Hence, asking him to get the security footage of a hotel was as easy as breathing for him. Not only was it as easy as breathing, the person himself even thought Ruth was wasting his talents. When they reached the hotel, Abel brought Ruth to the penthouse. Someone had already prepared a professional suit for her in the room. The measurements were also perfectly fitted to her size. After Ruth changed her clothes and came out, she sized up the luxurious presidential suite, and her face was full of shock and disbelief. “Honey, is the Blakewell family that rich? Do they prepare presidential suites for all of you?”“That ‘all’ is unnecessary. This suite is one-of-a-kind.”This room was specially prepared for Abel to rest. H
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Chapter 187
Caelus stopped smiling. “Those people only like her because she’s somewhat pleasant to the eyes! Mr. Nicholas has seen plenty of beautiful women before. Do you actually think he truly likes her?”Mr. McGreen’s smile faded as well. “Since he doesn’t truly like her, how are you so sure that Mr. Nicholas will be satisfied by me doing this?”The day before, when Caelus came to him, he dissuaded Mr. McGreen from signing the contract with Ruth with a slew of perfectly logical reasons. He said that Ruth was in a relationship with Nicholas Blakewell. They were having an argument, which was why the Blakewell family did not support her. If he dared to invest in Lockton Entertainment, he would be humiliating Nicholas. However, if Mr. McGreen sent her to Nicholas’s bed, he would be happy with Mr. McGreen’s actions. “All men care about their ego. As long as he gets his woman, he’ll be fine with it. It doesn’t matter whether he really likes her or not.” Caelus snorted coldly. “Besides, thi
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Chapter 188
Mr. McGreen returned to his couch and crossed his legs while he flipped through the contract. “I believe you must understand Lockton Entertainment’s current situation. I won’t keep it a secret from you, but your father has personally told us to not let Lockton Entertainment become a public listed company.”“Since you asked me to come here, that means you’ve made your decision. I believe you’re different from the rest,” Ruth praised him. Mc. McGreen cast her a look. His eyes shone with cunning. “Of course.”As he spoke, he took a wine glass and poured some wine into it before handing it to Ruth. “But I’m taking a huge risk here. Don’t you think you should show some sincerity?”Ruth stared at the wine glass in front of her. “What sort of sincerity do you want me to show?”“Patience. Just drink with me first.”Ruth said nothing in return. The light shone on the red liquid inside the wine glass. It sparkled and gave off a dangerous aura. Nathan narrowed his eyes and instinctivel
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Chapter 189
Besides, she knew just how “good” her alcohol tolerance was, which was why she never drank a lot. This old fox tried to cause trouble to her right from the get go by making her drink wine, but she readily took the wine he gave her and did not question it. Most of the time, a person was not actually a problem when they were making a show of being difficult. They were more of a problem when they suddenly became understanding, even though they wanted to make things difficult. After the accident three years ago, Ruth was immune to and ready for such despicable tactics. Besides, she heard them talk about juice in the footage, so the juice was the one that was spiked. Mr. McGreen grabbed his throat and started coughing. His face was pale. “You b*tch! Catch her!”Four bodyguards swiftly surged into the room and surrounded Ruth and Nathan. Ruth remained where she was. She looked past the bodyguards and stared at Caelus, who was the last to show up. When she spoke, she sounded surp
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Chapter 190
Everyone thought that Nathan was an assistant who could do any task thrown his way. They did not, however, know that he was a bodyguard as well. Not only did he have great academic qualifications, he was also skilled at fighting. He was good both in hand-to-hand combat and kickboxing. His only weakness was that he was stubborn. Just like his grandfather, he was loyal to the Lockton family. However, it was precisely because he was around that Ruth dared to march into the room so arrogantly. He just did not expect all that transpired later on to happen. After hearing Ruth praise his fighting skills, he nodded, albeit skeptically, and looked at Kallan and his group of bodyguards. Then, his gaze landed on Mr. McGreen. “How’re you going to deal with him?”Ruth thought about it. “Since we’re here, we might as well get his palm print and seal on the contract.”She was getting a partnership with Eternal Corporation. Mr. McGreen losing his job had nothing to do with her. Now, sh
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