All Chapters of Yes, I'm the Richest Man's Wife: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1000 Chapters
Chapter 161
The next day, Ruth had nothing to do in the morning, so she could finally sleep in. However, a phone call woke her up.It was an unknown landline number, and the caller’s voice was sweet and formal. “Hello, Ms. Lockton. I’m a staff member from DH’s headquarters. We’ve received your complaint, and we sincerely apologize for the unpleasant experience that resulted from our mistake. We’ve made the decision to offer you an annual discount card. I would like to introduce you to this card. Do you have time for it?”Ruth’s drowsy mind cleared up. “An annual discount card?”“Yes.”Then, the woman started to introduce the card.Ruth did not pay attention to the speech, but found their actions even more unpleasant.Did they think such a huge mistake could be settled with an annual discount card?“Is this your final solution?” Ruth interrupted in a cold voice.Since Ruth had just woken up, she did not sound imposing, and her voice was soft. The staff thought Ruth wanted to take the opport
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Chapter 162
After hanging up, Ruth tapped on the unknown number and saved it under the name Puppy Pearl.Ruth had woken up on the wrong side of the bed because of the call from DH’s customer service staff, but her anger subsided when she looked at the name she saved.She felt that Abel’s words were correct. She should be straightforward with those who were slow on the uptake. Pearl was not smart, but she was not a bad person. There was no need for her to continue to be against her.Twenty minutes later, Pearl drove a flashy red Ferrari to the main building in Kingsland Manor residential area.From the moment she got out of the car and walked into the mansion, her mouth did not close. Her eyes were full of undisguised shock.Even though her name was Pearl, and she grew up in a luxurious place and lived an extravagant life, she was still amazed by the mansion.It had several times more ground than the surrounding mansions, and the yard was full of precious flowers and plants. When she opened t
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Chapter 163
“I don’t believe it!” Pearl looked vigilant. “How can you be so kind? You purposely called me over, but you don’t need me to do anything, and you’re even going to help me restore my reputation. Have pigs learned how to fly?”If Pearl had heard it in the past, she might have been hopeful and believed Ruth had a conscience, but after being tricked many times, she no longer believed that to be the case.Ruth paused for a few seconds when she met her skeptical eyes. “It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not.”Pearl’s eyes widened, and she seemed to find it even harder to believe.She thought. “Damn! This woman didn’t even spend the effort to deceive me!“She even got impatient!”She glared at Ruth for a long time, but Ruth did not even spare her a glance.Pearl felt bored but did not want to leave. After hesitating for a long time, she suddenly asked, “Why would you help me? Don’t you want to help Luna take revenge on me?”“Why would I help her?”“You used to help her when we we
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Chapter 164
Although Pearl said so, her steps were hesitant.She walked for several minutes but still did not reach the door.“Is there anything else?” Ruth asked.Pearl did not turn around, so she did not see Ruth’s impatient expression. Her eyes were fixed on a pink dress nearby.It was from Dio’s new collection. It was limited to ten pieces and pre-ordered before it was released, so she did not manage to buy it.“I think that dress fits my temperament very well!”Ruth did not say anything and looked at where Pearl pointed.It was a girly pink dress, which did suit her naive temperament. “You can take it.”Pearl quickly rushed over, took the dress off the coat hanger, and ran away.Of course, she did not get to wear it since it was Ruth's size. She could not zip it up.So, she took another dress from Ruth’s closet and decided to lose weight.Ruth could not bear to have her clothes wasted, so she kindly helped Pearl match her outfit with accessories and a bag. She changed Pearl’s whole
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Chapter 165
Ruth understood what Mrs. Greenwell meant. She shook her head in dismissal. “Think of it as my compensation for her.”Mrs. Greenwell did not get it. “Compensation?”“Well, it seemed like I used to bully her a lot.”Mrs. Greenwell did not reply.She thought. “I see.“She is quite pitiful.”The phone rang and interrupted their conversation. It also made Ruth forget about the elevator.It was a call from Nathan. He said that Dio had made a move.Dio was indeed DH’s sworn enemy. In the time it took Ruth to change her clothes, they had released the video. They even contacted several brands that were present at the time and confirmed that the order for Kingsland Manor residential area was delivered that day.Some marketing accounts added fuel to the fire, and the news received a lot of attention on the internet.[Is she really from DH? She is so rude!][Could it be that someone’s deliberately defaming them?][Even if someone’s deliberately defaming them, they have to have dirt to
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Chapter 166
In another remote mansion in Kingsland Manor residential area, Luna stood in the closet while repeatedly playing the surveillance video. Her expression was beyond shocked.The video was censored and did not reveal the face of the customer, but Luna knew Ruth and could tell that it was her.Could it be that what the man said was true? Were those clothes Ruth’s unwanted ones?But that was not important.The important thing was where the video was recorded.It was the largest building at Kingsland Manor residential area! Did the largest building not belong to the president of Blakewell Corporation?Why was Ruth there?The regal-looking elegant man appeared in her mind. His awe-inspiring aura made him seem like a born superior, which made the answer evident.Luna shook her head violently. She would never believe such a ridiculous thing! Everyone in the Imperial City knew
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Chapter 167
Ruth looked at the contract in his hand. “You’re pretty fast!”When Demi came over last time, he was so shocked that he did not get everything ready right away.Demi then complained that a small company wasn’t too efficient.“That’s for sure! I have always been very efficient. It’s just that I have never been able to show it before!” Mr. Herbert said and naturally followed Ruth to her office.Since Ruth ignored Nathan, he ignored her as well. After all, it was expected.He knew it and had digested this fact long ago.However, he had another thing to tell her. “Blakewell Corporation’s shopping malls have completely removed DH’s products, and the netizens are criticizing DH now! If we release photos with your uncensored face, your reputation will improve!”He did not know how the public would react before, so he acted conservatively to protect Ruth’s privacy and censored her face.After seeing the public’s reaction, he realized they could release some photos to gain attention.“
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Chapter 168
The office door closed.After Ruth looked through some important documents, she absent-mindedly opened Twitter and tapped on trending.She looked at what was on the top.#BlakewellCorporationsShoppingMallsRemovedDHsProducts#The following trending tags were also related to it.#DHsCustomMade##TerranJoinsStrawberrySeason##SilentLovePlagiarized#In just half a day, DH’s reputation had changed dramatically, and the marketing accounts that criticized Pearl and Ruth and praised DH were all quiet.On the contrary, Luna became more famous.Her fans cried and complained that someone had to be taking a shot at her, while random bystanders felt that she was really unlucky.An entertainment blogger who knew that Ruth was the president of Strawberry Season’s production team and what her relationship with Luna and Caelus was, speculated that Ruth was behind everything. Her purpose was most likely to take revenge on Luna when she helped Pearl.Many people refuted this entertainment blo
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Chapter 169
Abel had not settled scores with him after he told Ruth about the family gathering, and the calm before the storm made him restless.The more time passed, the more panicked he became.Things would not work out if he continued to hide from Abel. He had been thinking of a solution for a long time, so, when he saw Ruth’s message, he decided to get her support.“He probably thinks I’m an eyesore,” he said softly.Ruth remembered that Abel had just confessed to her. Did he want to spend some time with her alone?Well, the house with just the two of them was much quieter than if they had a third wheel.Apollo panicked when Ruth fell silent. “Sis, you don’t dislike me, do you?”Ruth smiled perfunctorily. “Of course not.”Who would dislike their cash cow?“Can you come pick me up, then? Just tell Abel that you insisted on bringing me back. I didn’t go back voluntarily!”Ruth did not reply and thought about it.“How considerate of you.”Ruth was a little speechless, but she felt tha
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Chapter 170
They were silent on the way back.Ruth began to plan their Valentine’s Day.When they were about to reach home, Mrs. Greenwell sent a message asking her if she wanted to have curry for dinner.Ruth remembered saying that she wanted it the night before.They had been having light food lately, so she was craving something flavorful. She remembered the first borscht she bought when she returned to the country and felt it was a pity that she had to throw it at the sc*mbag.But did Abel not have a bad stomach?She purposely requested curry. Should she be considerate of him?But she did not know much about light food.After thinking about it, she sent a message to Demi, an expert in preserving health. [Do you have any recommended recipes for curing bad stomachs? It must taste good and be healthy.][Healthy food doesn’t necessarily cure a bad stomach. Besides, it doesn’t seem like something you would eat. Tell me. Who needs it?]Ruth replied right away. [My husband. He has a bad sto
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