All Chapters of Yes, I'm the Richest Man's Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1000 Chapters
Chapter 141
Abel got out of the car calmly and headed to the elevator. “Don’t make such a low-level mistake next time.”Kallan just stared at him with the most baffled expression ever. Next time?He would rather throw himself on the ground and beg Abel not to have to drive at such a speed and with such passion ever again. Ding. The elevator stopped on the first floor. Right after the elevator door opened, Abel saw two familiar people standing in front of him. Ruth had a huge bouquet of roses in her hands, Her aloof and beautiful face was bright with a smile, which made her even more gorgeous than the flowers. Beside her was Joseph, who stood a respectful step behind her. Even so, this sight made Abel frown. He found it a complete eyesore!“You’re finally done with work, Mr. Blakewell?”Joseph did not notice the hostile look in Abel’s eyes and just sighed in relief. Thank goodness he arrived on time. When he did see Abel’s cold expression, he started explaining what was going
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Chapter 142
Abel drove Ruth’s car on their way back. Ruth sat in the passenger’s seat, while the roses lay on the back seat. The small car was filled with the fragrance of roses and a long-period of silence. Ruth was happy when they left, but, perhaps because of the silence, she was starting to feel a little awkward. Now that this happened, how should they live together in the future?Should she increase his pocket money?After all, she did not expect this to happen before their marriage. They had never made any sort of contract related to this either. She turned around quietly to look at him. Abel’s face looked to have been chiseled out of marble, which made him look cold. But when the dim street lights shone on him, they cast a warm glow on him. When they first got to know each other, she thought that he was a cold man who was born with an air of superiority. Even when they did the most intimate things, he was still untouchable and unreadable. However, at this moment, she sud
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Chapter 143
She shook her head rapidly. They were just holding hands!There was nothing strange about that. They had already kissed and even slept together. She had to act like the imposing sugar mommy she was supposed to be!With that thought in mind, she grabbed his hand and squeezed her fingers between his so that they could interlace them. Then, she raised her head pridefully. “Of course. I won’t let him steal what’s mine so easily.”Abel looked down at their interlaced fingers and instinctively tightened his grip. “Some elaboration, perhaps?”Once they started talking about work, Ruth cast aside her girly shyness and excitedly shared her plans. She wanted to make Caelus waste his money and become her stepping stone. Abel was a little surprised. He only thought that Ruth wanted to make Caelus waste his money to vent her anger; he was not expecting her to dig a trap for him. Admiration grew in his eyes as he stared at her. As expected of the woman he liked. “When you cast your b
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Chapter 144
Caelus’ expression turned sour. The production company was Lockton Entertainment. It was a small, obscure company, but Ruth was someone he hated and feared. He had witnessed her strategies before. If she dared to do something like this at this point in time, then it meant that she came into this prepared. He had a bad feeling, and he became even more fretful. “Why is she causing trouble now?! Luna has already given up on the role of Remilia Walton! What else does she want?!”“I asked our friends over at Lockton Corporation. Apparently, she’s not happy with us ruining her reputation while doing our promotion.”With those words, Caelus remembered what he did. With the increase in Silent Love’s popularity, more and more people praised their relationship and compared the two daughters. Most said that Ruth could not compare to Luna, since she wanted to draw Caelus to her side with materialistic goods, among other things. Caelus had felt great when he saw those comments in th
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Chapter 145
However, in just an instant, reality gave him a harsh slap and snapped him out of his daydream. That plan was only suitable to take down a small production team with no money and support. Strictly speaking, Ruth did have someone supporting her. That person from the Blakewell family was her greatest bargaining chip. If he decided to interfere, the Goldwell family would not even have the right to speak. When Luna saw Caelus fall silent, she exercised an appropriate amount of control to not appear so confident and returned to be the gentle, frail, and delicate woman. She knew that Caelus loved gentle and kind women, so she drew upon her own strength. “Honestly, it’s because of you and Dad acting as my support that I did this. Without you two backing me up, I wouldn’t have dared to fight back with such courage.” Her words instantly reminded Caelus that people became fearless when they had support. If someone as kind as Luna would counterattack because she had support, Ruth, w
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Chapter 146
When Ruth and Nathan arrived at the Imperial City’s International Fashion Gala, they were denied entry by the staff. “Ms. Ruth, do you have an electronic invitation?”Ruth frowned. “What?”“We had some errors with the paper invitations. It seems like we sent more invitations than the amount of people we can accommodate in the hall, so we will only receive those with electronic invitations,” the staff told her politely. Those words were fine on their own, but there were other people standing beside the staff member. Those “other people” were from DH. They had gone through a lot of trouble choosing their brand ambassador while paying close attention to the news online. In the end, though, they still picked Luna. When the DH people saw Ruth again, they felt that they were now enemies with her. “All the people participating in the fashion show are big brands with new clothes to show, so they’re naturally only going to invite people who can afford those clothes,” someone said. T
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Chapter 147
The DH staff members kept talking until Pearl got into a better mood. She turned and sneered disdainfully at Ruth. “Have you made your call? Is your pretty husband coming to pick you up? I can’t believe he can’t even get you an invitation. Is he a kept man like your father?”Pearl was humiliated at the supermarket, then went to the hospital because of Ruth’s lie. The more she thought about those two things, the angrier she got. She intended to humiliate Ruth with a long speech about how her husband was definitely not anyone important, or there was no way he could not even get her an invitation to this sort of event. However, before she could say anything, she saw someone walking over in her peripheral vision. “What’s going on, Madam?”The organizer knew that Kallan was coming over and had sent a person to receive him. When the organizer and Kallan showed up at the same time, the situation turned a little strange. Kallan was Abel’s assistant, so his status was much higher th
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Chapter 148
Luna’s gentle smile nearly slipped. She opened her mouth to say something to lighten up the atmosphere, but Pearl just snorted derisively and left. The searching looks of the staff members, who watched the entire exchange, were fixated on Luna. They felt like knives. Luna’s expression sank. She tightened her grip on the phone and practically fled from the area. The organizer gave Ruth and Nathan seats at the center of the first row. Those were seats for the VVIPs. Ruth was still feeling a little dazed, but Nathan had already figured things out. He told her that since the organizing party was a fashion brand under Blakewell Corporation, it was only natural that they would be respectful toward members of the Blakewell family. After he said that, he also remarked in amazement that the Blakewell family name was really powerful.Ruth nodded. She was still puzzled and wanted to ask some questions, but the emcee announced the start of the fashion show. She composed herself and
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Chapter 149
Ruth wore a light green dress, and her slightly wavy long hair was tied up in a casual ponytail. Sitting prominently underneath her long, smooth neck were her collarbones. When the light shone on her, her skin shone like a pearl. She sat in a lazy fashion and gave off a unique demeanor. When she looked at the stage aloofly, she appeared like an onlooker who was just observing something that had nothing to do with her. When Luna met her gaze, she slowly smiled. “That’s why I’ve asked DH to reserve all the limited-edition items in your size today as thanks for taking care of Rising Star in the past and for supporting me and Caelus.”Those words were directed at Ruth, but the moment she finished speaking, the entire audience burst into a ruckus. Even Pearl was shocked. That fake b*tch in sheep’s clothing was actually provoking Ruth in public?How exciting!After a period of uncomfortable silence, the people started whispering to each other. “If I’m not mistaken, Luna said th
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Chapter 150
Luna’s elegant and smug expression vanished. She was so angry that her face twisted in rage. However, she could not find any suitable way to retort. The atmosphere became so awkward that it was stifling. The emcee did his best to mediate the situation and switched the topic to the other designers. Ruth put down the microphone and instinctively looked to her side. Terran was gone. She asked Nathan, “Where is she?”Nathan knew Ruth well. Hence, he was not surprised by what she said. While he watched Luna’s expression change, he also paid attention to the other changes in the hall. When he heard the question, he answered seriously, “While you were talking to Luna, Ms. Terran was staring at you. Once you started talking about how men were like clothes, she seemed to have scoffed and left through the left door. Honestly, he could have just said the last phrase. Why did he have to waste his breath with the rest?Ruth’s mouth twitched. Then, she got up to chase after Terran.
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