All Chapters of Yes, I'm the Richest Man's Wife: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1000 Chapters
Chapter 151
“Congratulations.”Terran’s cold and aloof words interrupted Ruth’s thoughts. After some brief thought, Ruth decided to go straight to the main topic of the conversation. “I’d like to ask you to join the team.”Terran smiled and gave her an unreadable glance before she said in a slightly mocking tone, “I work for Rising Star and am the head screenwriter of Silent Love. I’ve adapted plenty of top-selling major works. Why do you think I’d agree to work on your little-known novel?”“Silent Love plagiarized Strawberry Season. I believe you’ve heard about it.”“I did. But that’s not within my consideration. Even if Silent Love ends up being canceled, I won’t consider working on a web drama.”Her words were absolutely ruthless. They blocked off all of the potential paths Ruth could take. When she saw that they were only a few hundred meters away from Rising Star, Ruth realized that she had no other choice. Besides, she was also hurt by the harsh words, so she decided to be utterly
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Chapter 152
When Ruth heard her words, her eyes lit up. “Are you jealous?”She had a perfect understanding of the micro-expressions people had when they were jealous. And it was all thanks to Abel being jealous so often. Of course, Abel also played a role in how she managed to break the ice with Terran. Apparently, men were not the only ones who liked women acting cute. Women also liked other women who acted cute. “Hmph. I’m not jealous.” Terran scoffed and returned to being an aloof and heartless woman. However, that expression was just bizarre in this sort of situation and atmosphere. Since Ruth knew when to quit while she was ahead, she did not continue being smug and just gently told Terran the reason behind her actions. She wanted to retrieve all the people she brought into Rising Star, but she was in no position to do it, nor did she have the power to do it. Hence, she could only find chances to break the walls keeping her allies trapped in Rising Star one by one, and the situat
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Chapter 153
Ruth sniffled and moved back aloofly. “Is that so? Alright, then. I’ll have my assistant send the book to you later. I expect an official announcement from you within two days, understand?”Terran was speechless. She wanted to throw the brat out of the car. She gave her an inch, and she went straight for a mile. Since Terran really did have work at Rising Star, Ruth stood at the foot of the building and waited for Nathan to pick her up. But, before Nathan arrived, a familiar luxury car came over. The red Maserati stopped at the foot of the building. Luna stared at Ruth and charged over while blazing with anger. “Ruth, why are you here? I thought you’re oh-so-aloof and don’t care about Caelus. Why are you still so shameless and came to find him?!”Ruth just stared at her like she was looking at a retard. “Do you need to get your head checked? Does Caelus own this piece of land?”Her casual attitude served as a stark contrast to how wary Luna looked. It also made her remembe
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Chapter 154
Ruth could not be bothered to waste any more of her breath with Luna. She saw Abel’s car by the side and turned to go to it. “Stop!”Luna’s fall reduced her to a pathetic and embarrassing state, but she quickly regained her rationality. When the interview ended, DH might have not been too nice to her, but they did not say much. Clearly, Ruth’s words were nothing to them. Where did the b*tch get the confidence to threaten her?“You have to be responsible for what you say in public! I know you want to smear DH’s name to pull a publicity stunt, but DH won’t just agree to it and do nothing in return! When the truth comes out, I won’t let you off the hook!”She pushed herself elegantly off the ground and looked at Abel. “He’s pretty. It’s no wonder why you like him. Do you dare to tell him what happened three years ago? Are you sure he’ll still protect you after you tell him?”Ruth turned around. When she saw how impertinent Luna was, she scowled. “Don’t you think it’s strange t
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Chapter 155
He simply could not continue talking about this with her.When Ruth saw that he was no longer saying anything, she asked, “By the way, why are you here? Are you here for work?”“I’m here to pick you up from work,” he replied calmly.After saying that, he noticed the coy look in her eyes, and he really wanted to bite his own tongue off. She was already smug enough. After hearing this, her ego would grow to the size of a football field. Just as he expected, Ruth smiled even more brightly and marveled that he actually remembered promising her to pick her up from work. She reached out to grab his hand, but Abel avoided it and put his hand back on the steering wheel. Yet Ruth did not give up and went for his hand again. “Stop fooling around. I’m driving.”“You held my hand last time. Why can’t we do it now?”Ruth grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers. Then, she looked down at the back of his hand and said slowly, “Would you believe me if I told you that all that Luna sa
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Chapter 156
Pearl’s phone vibrated. It was her livestream assistant. Whenever something like that happened, her assistant would call her and pretend to comfort her before asking Pearl to not stream for a while. She pulled at her hair, then rushed over to her phone and grabbed it. “I know! I won’t stream for the time being! In fact, I won’t stream ever again!”Her assistant was silent for a few seconds before she spoke tentatively. “That’s not it, Pearl. The boss wants to know whether you really have a bad relationship with Ms. Ruth.”When Pearl went to the hospital and streamed herself meeting Ruth and stopping her from leaving, the feedback was pretty good. The platform manager, thus, asked her to continue with this theme and stream herself doing things socialites do on a daily basis with Ruth, like going out window shopping or having afternoon tea. Pearl had rejected the idea with a vicious no and said that she was not close to Ruth. When she heard the question again, she remembered
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Chapter 157
“I’ve been working as a housekeeper for a long time, and I noticed that those with weak stomachs prefer these dishes.” Mrs. Greenwell smiled and served Ruth a bowl of soup. Ruth took the bowl and looked at Abel in shock. “You have a weak stomach?”Abel nodded. “Yeah. I thought you knew?”Ruth was surprised and wanted to say that she did not. “I like biting down on soft skin, after all.” Why did he say it so self-righteously?Ruth bowed her head to drink her soup. When she emptied the bowl, it made a small clink that was especially clear in the quiet dining hall. Mrs. Greenwell felt guilty and wanted to leave, but she felt that it would be strange if she left without a word. After some thought, she asked, “What do you like, Madam? I’ll prepare it tomorrow.”Ruth pondered over it. “How about curry?”Her question was directed at a certain someone who had a bad stomach. Abel ignored the worried look Mrs. Greenwell flashed at him and nodded calmly. “As long as you like it,
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Chapter 158
Abel noticed how calm she was. She seemed to find it normal. He put some smoked salmon on her plate and gave her a piece of advice. “You should give very clear hints of kindness to those who are a bit dense. Otherwise, they might misunderstand you.”“I just spoke the truth. I wasn’t trying to help her.”Ruth took a bite of the smoked salmon and looked at him. “You seem to know Pearl well.”Abel did not bother to hide it. “Not really. I just took the opportunity to learn about her after she got into an argument with you at the supermarket.”The Harlem and Lockton families were family friends and had been pretty close to each other in the past. Albert Harlem was a loyal friend. If Ruth asked him for help, he would not turn her away. While Pearl did not have a good reputation, she was not a bad person at heart. With Ruth’s current situation, there was no need for her to have a complete fall out with the Harlem family. Ruth was smart, so there was no way she would not understan
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Chapter 159
It was pretty devastating to the heart. It was no wonder why she said everyone loved it. But this also meant that she and Terran went way back. After dinner, Ruth went to the study to send Terran all the related documents. Then, she took a look at her email, but found that she had not received anything work-related. DH was also staying silent online. Ruth went downstairs and asked Mr. Jackson, the butler, to get the recording of DH’s visit to her. “The master checked the recording this afternoon and sent it to DH in your name,” Mr. Jackson answered respectfully.Ruth was surprised. When Luna suddenly exposed her right in front of Abel in the afternoon, Ruth had actually been pretty anxious. She had been focused on hiding her anxiety beneath jokes, which led to her overlooking many things, such as why Abel went to Rising Star to pick her up when he said he was there to pick her up from work. He also immediately talked about the whole fiasco with DH at their mansion, which m
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Chapter 160
Both of them had their own skeletons in their closets, and so, the conversation came to an end. Neither of them spoke about Mr. Kallan or the custom-made rings again. Ruth went back to business and talked about DH. She thanked Abel for helping her check the recording and supporting her in front of Luna. Abel adopted a stern expression. “I’m sorry. I didn’t take care of this properly.”“It’s not your fault. Who would have thought they would do something so out of left field? But, now that things have ended up in such a mess, I’ll take care of it myself.” She already had a plan. Abel did not refuse to let her do it. He just nodded. “Alright.”This entire mess boiled down to DH’s staff members acting audaciously and lying to their superiors. He had to show some respect to Philip, which was why he sent the recording to DH in Ruth’s name—he wanted to give them another chance. If they apologized and dealt with this matter properly so that Ruth was satisfied with it, he would no
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