All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
655 Chapters
Chapter 151
Wyneth found herself in a lull lately, her early scenes having been filmed, leaving her with some free time to dive into her scripts. Shaun had initially planned to use this idle time to get her a few teachers to hone her skills. After all, a starlet should have a well-rounded portfolio of talents. To his surprise, when he started probing, he discovered Wyneth was already a multifaceted gem, with hardly a skill she had not mastered. The costs of hiring tutors were thus saved, and Shaun could not help but marvel."Ordinary folks wouldn't manage to be such a jack-of-all-trades. Your parents sure were strict," he said.His words gave Wyneth pause. Ever since her parents divorced and her custody was awarded to her mother, her education had taken an uphill trajectory. She recalled a time when her days were consumed by learning—always learning. It was either this or that, leaving her numb. Only when she grew up, came of age, was she able to break free from this life.Given her recent hiat
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Chapter 152
"Right now, we're brushing shoulders with a good number of celebrities for this variety show script," Shaun was saying, his tone measured and practical. "But being a new show, it's not garnered that much heat yet. I'd wager we won't see a huge influx of participants, unless the organizers manage to snag a real big hitter."Wyneth nodded, taking in his explanation. "So, when do you think we'll get to start shooting?""In a few days, I reckon," Shaun replied. "As soon as everything is confirmed, we can get going. You've got a light filming schedule at the moment. I'll have a word with the director, and you can come along with me when it's time.""Alright."The following day, Wyneth had a visitor. Yoyo, who had been hiding in her room for a self-care facial mask session, answered the knock at the door to find a middle-aged man she did not recognize. "Who're you looking for?" she asked."Good afternoon, are you Wyneth Walford?"Yoyo shook her head. "Nope.""Ah? Have I got the wrong
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Chapter 153
Biting down on her lower lip, Yoyo found herself steeped in regret. She had earlier convinced Wyneth, on behalf of the manager, to sign for the delivery. Now, she quietly murmured, "I'm sorry..."Wyneth, snapping back from her reverie, dismissed the apology. "No matter. It wasn't your fault." She packed away the delivered item in her drawer. What she truly wanted was her own protective charm, not this impersonal, expensive charm she held no connection to.Three days later, Shaun arrived to accompany Wyneth to the variety show. As a supporting actress, she had fewer scenes than the leads. Her role was substantial in its own right, certainly larger compared to other supporting roles, yet it paled in comparison to the major characters.Shaun was a straightforward man. He openly told Matthew he was taking Wyneth to a variety show and they would be back in a few days. Matthew, a pragmatist, did not demand her presence on set when she was not shooting. "Do as you please," he would say, "j
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Chapter 154
Given her brother's temperament, if he were to see her on the show, he would likely haul her off set and directly back home without a moment's hesitation. The mere thought sent chills down her spine.But according to Shaun's present assessment, it appeared Finn would likely decline the show. As Finn's sister, Wyneth knew him all too well. Perhaps he might accept other variety shows, but this was a rural-based one. Finn had been a stickler for cleanliness since childhood, with no aspirations toward a pastoral lifestyle. He was more the type to recline in pristine surroundings, savoring champagne. So, it was certain he would not accept this show."Wow, the lengths to which young girls go to chase stars can be quite frightening," Shaun said. "I heard this show was created because of Finn, but despite numerous seasons, they haven't been able to invite him yet." Shaun suddenly chuckled. "Oh, I forgot, considering your Zen-like attitude, you probably don't know who Finn is, right?" After a
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Chapter 155
Derek was quite the looker, well-groomed and refined. When he spotted Wyneth, he stepped forward to introduce himself. "Hi, you're here for Farm Face-off too, right? I'm Derek Wright."Wyneth greeted him with a warm smile and a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Wyneth Walford."The sight of Wyneth's beautiful smile dazzled Derek for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure, politely averted his gaze, and moved aside. As he stood waiting, his assistant leaned in to speak with him.The next to arrive was the seasoned actor, Henry. The fact that two younger people had beaten him there took him by surprise. "Ah, it seems I'm being bested by you youngsters," he said, his voice booming like a gong. Derek and Wyneth both greeted him respectfully, addressing him as Mr. Henry as a sign of his senior status. Hot on their heels were Harry and Lauren, practically arriving in tandem. They introduced themselves to Henry first, before greeting Wyneth and Derek.Five out of six guests
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Chapter 156
They reached the farmhouse three hours later, the ride jostling them relentlessly over mountain roads.Wyneth was not looking her best, but compared to Lauren who was battling motion sickness, she was faring better. Poor Lauren, already susceptible to travel sickness, had held out as long as she could, but eventually lost the battle and got sick during the roughest stretch of the journey. Once they reached their destination, she was practically unable to stand, leaning heavily on Wyneth. With no assistants or managers allowed, and Wyneth being the only other woman, Lauren had no other choice. Lauren had expected Wyneth to flinch away, particularly given her recent vomit, but was surprised when Wyneth handed her tissues and a bag.Once everyone disembarked from the vehicle, their faces told the tale of the harrowing journey.Given the late hour, the crew directed everyone to rest. Due to limited accommodations, Wyneth and Lauren were to share a room. As they followed a crew member to
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Chapter 157
"I've got spares."And then, like magic, Lauren watched as Wyneth produced another set from her luggage. Lauren was speechless, her eyes twitched in disbelief. "Do you pack anything for yourself in that suitcase?""These are for myself."Wyneth's statement caught in Lauren's throat, it took her a moment to respond. "I mean, don't you pack clothes, makeup, that sort of stuff?""I did, two sets."Lauren was even more lost for words. The girl in front of her was striking, and upon their first meeting, Lauren thought she was breathtaking. She thought that as long as Wyneth's acting skills were up to par, she was certain to shine in the entertainment industry. Lauren had assumed she would be a bit of a drama queen, so she kept her distance during their journey. But, when the car sickness became too much, she had no choice but to lean on Wyneth. As it turned out, Wyneth was nothing like she had imagined.The scent of the essential oil quickly filled the room. Lauren changed out the ori
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Chapter 158
In a foreign place, sleep evaded Lauren entirely. She was used to burning the midnight oil, and suddenly being forced to hit the sack early felt unnatural. The hard bed beneath her did not help matters. Lauren turned her head, hoping to engage Wyneth in conversation, only to discover that Wyneth's eyes were already closed, her breathing steady. Lauren hesitated, then cautiously called out."Wyneth?"There was no response. Wyneth was evidently fast asleep. Lauren was flabbergasted. 'Asleep? So quickly?' Not wanting to disturb her, Lauren lay back down. Soon, her mind drifted into a hazy slumber.The next day, a rooster's crow roused Lauren from sleep. Upon seeing that it was just after 5:00 a.m., she groaned in exasperation. "So noisy," she muttered, covering her head with the blanket in hopes of catching a few more winks. However, the persistent crowing drove her to sit up in resignation. To her surprise, Wyneth was already up and dressed, her bedding neatly folded. It was clear tha
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Chapter 159
Lauren watched Wyneth, sensing something amiss. Yet she could not pinpoint what it was. Until three minutes later, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts."Wyneth, Lauren, are you up?"With a scoff, Lauren retorted, "Talk about timing!" Rising to open the door, she was nearly met face-first with a video camera. She recoiled, her hand shooting up to shield her cheek before remembering her face was fully made-up. 'Why am I hiding? I've already done my makeup.' Hand dropping, she faced the lens, and greeted with a wave."Good morning."The show's team had hoped to surprise them, to capture the stars without makeup for the viewers. Yet there stood Lauren, fully made-up, radiant. Denied their "gotcha" moment, the cameraman swiveled toward the other occupant of the room—Wyneth. It was then that Lauren realized what felt off earlier. Wyneth wore no makeup.'She's not wearing makeup!' Realizing this, Lauren instinctively blocked the camera, repeating cheerfully, "Good morning, good
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Chapter 160
He stood there, somewhat flustered, for a good while. Just as he began to inquire about the situation, Wyneth offered a slight smile before rising to her feet."Let's go then, breakfast awaits."As Lauren got up with her, she asked quietly, "Don't you need to put on some... stuff?""I've applied sunscreen," Wyneth replied."S-Sunscreen?" Lauren was at a loss for words, wanting to clarify that she had not been referring to sunscreen. But it was too late; she was already following Wyneth out.Once the pair met up with Harry, they were tailed by two cameramen. Seizing the opportunity, Harry asked in a hushed tone, "What just happened?""Wyneth didn't have any makeup on when the cameraman rushed in to snap a picture," Lauren whispered back.Upon hearing that, Harry's gaze instinctively fell on Wyneth's face. After examining her for a moment, he asked, a faint blush on his cheeks, "You're okay, right?"Before Wyneth could answer, Lauren quickly interjected, "She's perfectly fine. Ho
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