All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
655 Chapters
Chapter 161
With a roguish grin, Harry said, "My mom always says, except when I'm writing songs, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed."That quickly ruled out three candidates, leaving just Derek and Wyneth. Though Derek was barely into his twenties, he exuded a sense of maturity and steadiness. As Wyneth's gaze fell on him, perhaps because it was just the two of them left, Derek was looking back at her. Just as he was about to speak, Wyneth softly suggested, saying, "You should be the team leader. I think you'd make a better team leader than me."Her words stopped Derek in his tracks. After a moment's pause, he nodded. "Alright."Henry scrutinized Derek carefully, nodding with satisfaction. "Good choice."The young man had displayed an impressive calm and steady demeanor since they met the previous day, making him the most suitable choice for team leader among them. Once the leader was chosen, they were handed a list of activities by the production crew, activities that were part of Mason an
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Chapter 162
As some wise man said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." After hearing the tasks assigned to the men, Lauren suddenly felt her chicken and duck feeding duty was a cakewalk. Afterward, Derek assigned Henry the simple chore of weeding. Henry accepted it readily. Given his age, it did not seem right to have him join in the cleanup of the fowl droppings.With everyone's roles decided, they set off.Wyneth was the first to rise. With her motion, several young men wielding cameras also stirred, causing a commotion that surprised the rest of the guests at the table. When they turned their heads, they saw a good four or five photographers hot on Wyneth's trail.While Lauren was puzzled, Harry, ever the blunt one, bellowed, "What are all of you following her for? Isn't it supposed to be one person per camera?"Derek was at a loss for words. Beside him, Mason chuckled. "It must be because she's pretty. They couldn't resist."The photographers stood frozen for a moment, then a few returned,
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Chapter 163
When he finished, something seemed to occur to him, and he turned to remind the crew. "During the editing process, make sure to include extra footage of her," he instructed.The production team nodded immediately. "Understood."This was, after all, someone Shaun had brought on board. Even though she did not have any works out yet, Shaun's eye for talent was notorious within the industry. When she had become a big star, their show would undoubtedly ride her coattails for a boost in popularity. Wyneth, oblivious to the particular attention she had garnered from the production crew, remained smiling, engaging, and strikingly beautiful in front of the camera. Her beauty was a feast for the eyes.The path was rough, littered with shards and jagged stones, but Wyneth had come prepared in sneakers, rendering the rugged terrain inconsequential. By the time she arrived, there were already people waiting for her in the pigpen. The farm was vast and the Ashers had a wide range of produce; the
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Chapter 164
Wyneth was gentle and candid. The team monitoring the footage nodded in satisfaction."Her response is perfect, balanced. If she denied the smell, she'd appear insincere, yet if she admitted it was foul, she'd be too blunt.""She reacts quickly."The more they observed Wyneth through the lens, the more they appreciated her.Meanwhile, Lauren was not faring so well. Having escaped pig-feeding duty, she was now on her way to feed the chickens and ducks. She had consumed these creatures, seen them on television, and even witnessed their slaughter during festivities in her childhood, so she figured the task should not be too challenging. But no sooner had she entered the chicken coop than she accidentally crushed an egg. She froze for a moment, slowly lowering her gaze. Then, she noticed the egg she had crushed, and a mother hen stared at her indignantly, rising to peck at her."Ahh!" Lauren screamed, "Mama Hen, I didn't mean to smash your little one!" With that, she turned and bolted
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Chapter 165
As he finished, Finn took out his phone and quickly sent a message through WhatsApp.Finn: [Hey, Wyneth, what's up? Fancy joining me for a trip abroad? Get a change of scene?]His flurry of messages was caught by Anna's vigilant eyes, and she rolled her own skyward in disbelief. "So, this is what you call being busy?""Even the busiest of work can't compare to my sister's importance." After sending his message, Finn frowned, noticing Wyneth's delayed response. "How come she's taking so long to reply? It's been minutes," he said, then, unable to restrain himself, he dialed Wyneth's number.Wyneth was in the midst of a Herculean struggle to lift a tray of pig food when Finn's call came in. Having forgotten to set her phone to vibrate, the melodious ringtone echoed, attracting everyone's attention. A pigpen worker turned to her, still blushing. "Your phone is ringing." He kindly took over her task. "Let me handle this."Thanking him, Wyneth took out her phone, a flicker of surprise i
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Chapter 166
Finn shot to his feet, while Anna remained seated, her demeanor calm and unflappable. "And so what? Even if she hung up on you for some other man, what could you do?" At her words, Finn faltered, deflating into his chair. She continued, "You're overly protective of her, but you're helpless. You think I don't know you after all these years?""What should I do?""Do what? The girl has grown up. She has her own ideas. As her brother, it's best if you keep out of it or else, she'll end up resenting you."Finn bristled at the words, quickly refuting them, "I can't care about her? I only have one sister—one I've spoiled since childhood. Can I really not care?""Fine, fine, go and meddle then." Anna turned her head away, deciding not to argue any further. When it came to his sister, Finn was always beyond reason.After a moment, Finn leaned toward Anna. "Will she really resent me?"Anna had no words.After hours of shooting, Wyneth's hair was a mess, and she was drenched in the scent o
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Chapter 167
She blinked and paused for a long while before finally mumbling, "My task was a failure. I accidentally broke an egg and got chased around all morning by a mother hen."Her words had just finished when a soft, girlish voice could be heard. "Be careful with the suitcases. They're filled with expensive things. Don't let them fall. If you break them, you won't be able to pay for it... Hey, that's an expensive suitcase I spent a good amount on. Can't you be more mindful? Don't drag it around; you'll damage the wheels!"Everyone turned to look. A girl, dressed in a red lace dress and balanced on a pair of high heels, was walking toward them with the help of an assistant. Her hair curled gently, her skin fair, showing she lived a pampered life.Several staff members struggled under the weight of her suitcases, faces growing red. One of them could not help but say, "Giada, these suitcases are really heavy. We can't carry them. Can we roll them instead?""No, if you break the wheels, will
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Chapter 168
After scolding the staff, the manager turned to placate Giada. "Giada, you're already here. You'd be at a loss if you don't go through with the shooting. It's only a few days; let's do it. I'll have a word with the production team; they'll treat you extra well. Okay?"As Derek, Henry, and others returned from their task, they were met with the sight of Giada's manager, Natalie Quinn, begging her like a doting grandmother to stay and participate in the show.Giada was not moved. "I don't want to do it anymore, don't you understand?" she vented. 'During the planning of this show, they buttered me up, saying I was the biggest draw, the centerpiece of the program. I reluctantly agreed to be part of this. And now? They have brought this stunning woman on set. What's this supposed to mean? Did they bring me here to be outshined?'Natalie was left exasperated, lowering her voice. "Sweetheart, we signed a contract with them when you agreed. If we pull out now, we'll have to pay a penalty."
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Chapter 169
Rising to her feet in a huff, Giada pointed an accusatory finger at Lauren. "Are you badmouthing me?"Lauren's eyes widened, a look of total disbelief painting her face. 'She heard me? From that distance and with such a low volume, could she have superhuman hearing?' Confronted with Giada's wrath, Lauren cowered. After all, Giada had a tycoon boyfriend to back her up while Lauren had nothing. She instantly backed down. "I-I didn't say anything bad about you."At this, Giada scoffed, "No? Then why were you two whispering right after I mentioned I wouldn't partake in the show?""W-Who was whispering?" Lauren, who was not particularly adept at lying and had indeed been speaking ill of Giada, had intended her comments as a simple vent. But she was now caught red-handed. Flushing, she scrambled for a response."Oh, no whispering? So, you're denying it, huh? Camera, where is it? It's been rolling, right? Rewind it. Let's see if you were whispering about me," Giada barked at the cameraman
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Chapter 170
'W-Why should we?' Natalie failed to grasp the director's meaning, her mind whirling. 'Shouldn't he have agreed immediately? Sure, the actress is striking, but I have never laid eyes on her before. With her looks, if I had met her, I would never have forgotten. The fact that I have no memory of her can only mean one thing—she's a newcomer. No matter how pretty she is, a newcomer is just that, a newcomer with no significant fan base. Even if she gains popularity later on, it will still take at least a year or two. Surely, the director understands that knowing the current trend is the mark of a wise person.' With these thoughts in mind, Natalie cleared her throat and began. "I believe she's just a newbie who won't bring much heat to the program. Why don't we replace her with someone slightly more famous? Or, or... we could just remove her.""Remove her?"Natalie nodded, flashing an awkward smile. "Yes, simply eliminate her from the cast list." As she spoke these words, she felt a twing
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