Semua Bab Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Bab 521 - Bab 530
655 Bab
Chapter 521
'Why is he suddenly acting like this again? His expression makes it seem like I'm the bad person who hurt his feelings.'The server who stood around there probably was not expecting to see anything like that at all. Hayden was a tall, handsome, aloof, and classy man, yet he was acting so humbly for a woman. Then, she could not help but say sympathetically, "Miss, I have no idea what happened between you and this gentleman over here, but he came here very long ago to wait for you and even paid the bill for you. He's really treating you well."Wyneth was speechless.She had not expected that even a server would speak up for Hayden.Wyneth glanced at the server and realized that she was a young woman. The server looked at Hayden with a pitiful expression when she was speaking as if she felt very bad for him.'Pfft.'Wyneth scoffed inwardly. 'She's only doing that because he's handsome.'I'm impressed by how popular he is among ladies.'"So, Miss, why don't you give in and allow th
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Chapter 522
Someone was looking at them from the right side, leaving Wyneth no choice but to turn around and face Hayden. Then, she gritted her teeth in frustration.Wyneth got angry as soon as she saw Hayden's face, and she directly asked, "Hayden Hamilton, are you okay? Do you have to stand here and wait with me?"Hayden looked somewhat helpless and said, "It's so late at night, and it'll be dangerous for you to go back alone. I can only stay here and wait for a cab with you since you won't let me drive you back."'So late at night?'Wyneth asked, "What time is it now?""It doesn't matter what time it is. It's already dark, so it's not safe."Hayden defended his irrational argument."There are so many streetlights and people here in Stello Studios. How is it not safe?"Wyneth suddenly realized something after saying that. 'Why am I arguing with him? He's clearly doing this on purpose. He's not concerned about my safety; he's just using it as an excuse to stay with me.'For some reason,
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Chapter 523
Wyneth's cheeks were squishy like jelly. Hayden never liked that but found it very cute on Wyneth."Because my face will deform if you keep pinching it, and then I won't be cute anymore!"Little Wyneth noticed that he was still pinching her cheeks as she spoke and became even angrier. "Hayden! Can you please stop pinching me?!"She got so mad that she even stopped eating just to say that.Young Hayden only switched to patting her head upon seeing that she seemed genuinely angry."Little girl, I've bought you so much food, yet I can't even pinch you?""Yes, you can't. Hmph!" little Wyneth said determinedly.Hayden snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Wyneth's face. It had been so many years, and the baby fat on her face had long disappeared. She now had a typical oval face, and perhaps because she was slim, her chin also looked a little pointed.She just looked very different from when she was a child.She became less innocent, but also more beautiful.However, he figured
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Chapter 524
"Oh, really?"Wyneth said nonchalantly, "So what if it's absorbed my scent? It's not my coat anyway. Besides, there won't be any scent on me after I take a shower at home... Ugh."Before she could finish her sentence, Hayden, who was still cleaning his coat, suddenly leaned over and kissed her.He did that so quickly and precisely that Wyneth could not even react to it, allowing him to take advantage of her like that.By the time she realized what was happening and wanted to push him away, Hayden's hand had already reached the back of her head to hold it still while his other hand cupped her cheeks as he continued kissing her.Hayden's warm breath enveloped her.She had not expected him to be so shameless. She struggled vigorously to break free before managing to push him away, and she even gave him a slap after that.Hayden's face was turned aside by the slap, and after a few seconds, he turned back to look at her emotionlessly.Wyneth could not be bothered to look at him. She
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Chapter 525
"Don't cry. It's all my fault."Initially, her eyes were just watery and not to the point of shedding tears. However, she was probably overwhelmed by emotions and a streak of tears actually streamed down from the corner of her eye.Hayden had mistaken her as crying and what he did genuinely touched a soft spot in Wyneth's heart.Suddenly, all her tears just burst out and began falling on the back of Hayden's hand.Hayden already felt heartbroken when he saw the first tears in the corner of her eyes, and he started to panic now that her tears were streaming down uncontrollably."Wyn...""Don't call me Wyn.""Okay, okay. I'll stop calling you that. Don't cry.""Don't come looking for me again then."Hayden was genuinely flustered by her tears, and he kept wiping them off for her. So, he simply agreed without actually hearing what she said.He only paused for a moment after he had agreed and finally realized what he had promised her.He opened his mouth and was about to say som
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Chapter 526
After getting stared at by Wyneth for a while, Hayden felt defeated. He pursed his lips and nodded."All right, I'll do it."'Is he really going to do it?' Wyneth wondered to herself.She looked at him skeptically and realized that he was just sitting there without doing anything after saying those words.Wyneth was confused.'What is he trying to do?'She tried to be patient and waited for a few moments longer, but Hayden remained silent.Wyneth could not stand it anymore and said, "Do it."After a few seconds, Hayden said in a calm and expressionless tone, "I swore."Wyneth was taken aback. Although her eyes and nose were still red, she was not crying anymore."When did you do it? Why didn't I hear anything?"Hayden asked indifferently upon hearing that, "Really? I did it just now. Are you sure that you didn't hear it?"Wyneth was speechless.Moments later, Wyneth sneered, "I really didn't hear it. Why don't you do it again?""Wynnie, doing it once is enough. It's never
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Chapter 527
'Why did they come back so late at night?' Luke wondered to himself.In fact, Luke had immediately gone back to the restaurant after realizing that he had been tricked. However, the round trip took him plenty of time due to the one-way traffic.By the time he made it back to the restaurant, the server told him that the person he was looking for had left.Luke noticed something fishy and asked her if Wyneth had left alone. However, the server told him that she walked out of the restaurant with another man.At this point, there was just no way that Luke would not know who that man was.His gaze turned cold as he walked toward Hayden.He was not one to beat around the bush, and he straightforwardly asked after thinking about what had happened last night, "Mr. Hamilton, you treat your guests really well."Hayden glanced at him indifferently upon hearing that, looking aloof."Did you purposely move to the room opposite hers?""Purposely?" Luke chuckled coldly. "It's just a coincide
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Chapter 528
It took Luke some time to finally realize what was going on.He pursed his lips as he looked at the hotel staff members before him.None of them dared to look him in the eye.They were all feeling extremely sorry.They were forced to come and "request" a guest to leave in the middle of the night. Besides, it seemed like the person staying in this room was specifically targeted too. They had no idea who was the person who had acquired their hotel just to get Luke out of the room.Disturbing someone's sleep in the middle of the night was already bad enough, but they were even forcing him to move out.That person was clearly deliberately messing with Luke. 'Couldn't that person let him sleep for the night and do this tomorrow?' the hotel staff members wondered to themselves.At that point, Luke was not feeling sleepy anymore as he looked at the hotel staff members with his arms crossed."Is this how you treat your guests? I wasn't told that I'd be kicked out of my own room in the
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Chapter 529
When Luke opened the door once again, he saw another man who was dressed like a manager. That person first nodded politely and smiled upon seeing Luke before he said, "Mr. Langdon, I apologize for the inconvenience. Here's the thing, our hotel has been acquired, and the room that you're staying in can no longer be used. We kindly request you to move out within an hour. We're truly sorry for any trouble this may cause you, and we'll compensate you for your loss accordingly."Luke chuckled coldly after hearing that."Do you think I need your compensation?"Although Hayden was a lot richer than him, he was not exactly poor either.After spending so many years in the entertainment industry, he had made quite a fortune himself.The manager remained calm as he smiled again and said gently, "Mr. Langdon, we know that our compensation may mean nothing to you considering how wealthy you are. We won't offer you any compensation since you declined our offer then."His response left Luke spe
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Chapter 530
The next day, once Yoyo was awake, her breakfast was already sent to her room again.Amazed, she went on to take pictures of her meal before digging in. "Ever since I met you, my life has taken a significant leap. Is this what they call 'riding on one's coattail'?"Wyneth could not help but say, "Just eat your food. Why are you talking so much?"Yoyo chuckled. "I just couldn't help it."They then left their room after they were done eating.While Wyneth was closing the door behind them as they were leaving, Yoyo's gaze was fixed on the room opposite them. She was still staring at it after Wyneth closed their door."What are you looking at?"Wyneth noticed that Yoyo was gazing around after she closed the door.Yoyo quickly turned back, looking somewhat guilty. "Oh, it's nothing.""Come on, let's go."They headed toward the elevator, but Yoyo still had her mind on the room. However, even when they arrived in front of the elevator, nothing had happened. So, she finally asked, "W
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