All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 541 - Chapter 550
655 Chapters
Chapter 541
"From just my hands, you knew it was me?" Hayden asked, feeling happy and surprised. But Wyneth gave him a cold look. "Why are you so happy about that? Didn't I take care of you every day when you couldn't get out of bed for years? Recognizing you from your hands isn't a big deal."Hearing this, his earlier enthusiasm faded quickly. During the years Hayden was in a coma, Wyneth had always been there, looking after him. When he woke up, he noticed he was clean, and even his hair and beard were neatly trimmed. His room smelled fresh. He soon learned from the maid that Wyneth was his wife, and she had cared for him all that time.Hayden found the term "wife" strange. Waking up from a coma and discovering he was married? That was a shocker. His heart and soul had always belonged to his work. Sure, he might have been softer in his younger years, but he toughened up with age. While he appreciated the care, he did not harbor deep feelings for the woman now called his wife. On the day he reg
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Chapter 542
'Get sympathy?' Hayden pondered. He had not considered this tactic with Wyneth before. But seeing her reaction, he thought it might be worth a shot. 'Everyone has a soft spot, right? This idea is something I might keep in my back pocket for later.'Once they stepped out of the elevator, Wyneth said, "Stop following me. We might get snapped and end up all over the news." She took a moment, then added, "You get that I don't want to be headline news with you, right?""Yeah," Hayden replied, his voice deeper than usual, hinting at concealed emotions. "Don't stress. If we end up online, I'll make sure it gets taken down."Wyneth was taken aback. 'Is that really the issue here?' she wondered. "If you're not with me, how would we end up all over the news?""Guess so," he responded, leaving it at that.Wyneth sensed his attachment to her. He would act if she asked, but he would not leave if she told him to. Heading to her hotel room without further comment, she paused and gave him a sharp
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Chapter 543
Wyneth frowned. 'Did I accidentally order room service in my sleep?' She eyed the hotel employee member skeptically. "I don't recall ordering any food."The hotel employee gave her a sweet smile. "Ms. Walford, you're in the Presidential Suite. When you returned to your room, our system notified the restaurant, and they prepared and sent over your lunch."Wyneth hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside, allowing the hotel employee to set dishes on the table. To her surprise, every dish was one of her favorites, rendering her momentarily speechless."Enjoy your lunch, Ms. Walford, and have a wonderful day!" the hotel employee said warmly.With a puzzled look, Wyneth asked, "Is this a regular hotel service?"Under Wyneth's questioning look, the hotel employee seemed uneasy and avoided her gaze. "Of course," she replied, still not meeting Wyneth's eyes.Glancing at the spread on the table, Wyneth gave a small sigh. It was not like she could just send it all back. "Thanks," she said
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Chapter 544
'He bought the hotel? That explains the strange look from the hotel employee earlier.' Wyneth exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"Hayden grinned, keeping his cool. "Maybe I am. Can I come in?"Wyneth did not know what to say. After giving Hayden a stern look, she turned and walked inside. She did not close the door, which left Hayden hesitating for a moment. He thought she was mad and might give him the cold shoulder again. But when he realized she was letting him in, he smiled and followed. After stepping in, he shut the door. It was the first time she had ever let him into her room, and Hayden felt pretty good about it."I only have two pairs of slippers here, one for me and one for Yoyo. Sorry, none for you.""That's fine."Hayden stepped in, deciding to go barefoot.Wyneth smirked. "Not worried about your image, huh?"Hayden thought, 'Does looking good really matter now? If I were worried about that, I wouldn't have hung out in the hotel lobby, trailed her to her floor, or stood out
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Chapter 545
'Why is he pretending? If he really remembered me, why didn't he look for me later? He didn't even know who I was when we saw each other again. To him, I was just a kid he helped one day, and that's it.'Wyneth took only a few sips before setting her spoon down. Turning to Hayden, who had not really eaten much, she said, "You ordered all this food. I can't eat it all. Make sure you finish it, so it's not wasted."When Wyneth put her spoon down, Hayden did the same. "You're not eating anymore?""I'm done.""You didn't eat much. You have filming later, right? Will you be okay with that little?""That's for me to worry about," Wyneth said, giving him a look. "But you ordered all this. Don't let it go to waste."Hayden chuckled. "Remember when you were little, and you'd always order too much? I ordered these with that in mind.""Oh, did you? Well, if I can't finish, you should. Think you can handle it all?" Wyneth asked, looking at him with a playful challenge."I can handle it," H
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Chapter 546
"Let go!" Wyneth said, struggling and stepping back. Hayden's expression dimmed at her resistance, but after a moment, he released her. "Fine, if you can't accept it now, we'll take it slow.""Why would I want to take things slow with you?" Wyneth pulled back her hand and glared at the reddened mark on her wrist. "Look what you did! Bully!"Her delicate wrist and pale skin made the red mark stand out even more. Hayden saw it too and said sheepishly, "I didn't mean to grip that hard.""You're saying you didn't grip hard?" Wyneth shot back. "Then who left this mark?"Hayden was about to respond, but seeing her raised hand, he knew he was in the wrong. He stepped closer, saying gently, "My bad. I'll be gentler next time." Then, taking her fingers, he brought her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the red mark.Feeling his warm lips on her wrist, Wyneth jerked her hand away, demanding, "What are you doing?"Hayden, noting her blushing ears, grinned. "I hurt you. Shouldn't I ki
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Chapter 547
Wyneth closed her eyes, feeling distanced from the Hayden she once knew. She even wondered if he had changed inside.Unbeknownst to her, as soon as she left, the expression of Hayden turned icy cold. His eyes were dark, filled with deep thoughts and intense emotions. Hayden took out his phone and dialed a number. "Find out who's spreading rumors about Wyneth on set." Once he ended the call, he absentmindedly rubbed his phone, thinking, 'If they're so keen on gossip, maybe they shouldn't be in this industry.'Unaware of Hayden's actions, Wyneth arrived at the film set to find a group of people huddled together, whispering."I saw Wyneth stepping out of a fancy car when I arrived.""Isn't it typical for her, given her wealthy background?""I thought the same at first. But I sneaked a peek, and guess who I spotted inside the car?""Who?""Mr. Hamilton."Everyone's eyes widened in surprise."Seriously?""I promise, I saw it.""Did you snap a photo?"While chatting, the group sp
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Chapter 548
The apology had only made Wyneth feel worse. She thought about texting Hayden to chat about it. But knowing Hayden, he might get upset if she brought it up. So, she decided against it and closed her eyes, letting the makeup artist do her work.The afternoon's filming was smooth, wrapping up earlier than they had planned. As Wyneth left, she ran into Serena."Finished already?" Serena asked."Yeah. What about you?""My scenes got delayed. Two cast members were replaced."Wyneth's eyebrows shot up. "They were?"Serena, unaware of the incident with Wyneth and the two actresses who had first apologized and then confronted her, commented, "They were suddenly let go. Must've ticked off someone high up."Upon hearing this, realization dawned on Wyneth. "You mean the two actresses?""Yep. One of them was set to play my housemaid, and she had quite a few scenes coming up. If they can't find someone soon, they'll just shoot solo scenes and edit her in later. Are you okay? You seem out of
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Chapter 549
Wyneth remained quiet. She had wanted to thank him for that night, but his actions afterward upset her, and she never had the opportunity. Taking a moment and a deep breath, she replied, "That happened on set. If I felt in danger, I would've yelled for help. The crew was right outside the makeup room. If I didn't return soon, they would've searched for me.""If no one noticed you were gone, or thought you just needed a break in the makeup room, could you deal with what might happen?"Wyneth was scared by his words but also too stubborn to show it. She shot back, "What might happen? In the worst case—""But I couldn't bear it."She paused. "What are you saying?""If something happened to you, I'd be devastated."Wyneth bit her lip, struggling with the whirlwind of emotions his words stirred up. Frustrated and at a loss, she quickly hung up on Hayden. Standing there, his words kept playing in her mind like a catchy song: "If something happened to you, I'd be devastated." 'Why does
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Chapter 550
"What did you just say?" Hayden asked, his voice cold."Missed that? No matter who I'm with, it won't be you. Understand?" Without waiting for a reply, Wyneth turned and walked away.The bodyguards trailed behind, their expressions showing their surprise at how abruptly Wyneth had treated Hayden. They shot nervous glances her way, half-expecting her to be upset with them. Instead, she spared them a brief, indifferent glance."Just leave. I don't need you tailing me.""But Ms. Walford," the lead bodyguard started, "we've been paid to watch over you. If we don't, we have to return the money. We really need this job.""Yeah, he's right," the other two chimed in. "We really need this job, Ms. Walford. I have a family to support. If we don't finish this job because you don't want us, they might fire us for letting a client down."Initially, Wyneth did not give it much thought. She assumed that bodyguards could easily find another job if one fell through. Their words, however, gave her
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