All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
655 Chapters
Chapter 561
Yoyo counted down inwardly, waiting for Wyneth to explode in anger.Finally, when she counted to about ten seconds, Wyneth put down her knife and fork.She put them on the table, making a slight but highly intimidating sound. Hayden and Luke both stopped moving and looked at her cautiously.Wyneth lifted her gaze and smiled."You guys have been putting food on my plate for so long. Aren't you tired?"Hayden and Luke did not say anything."Why don't you two stop eating and get some rest outside? I'll finish all the food on the table and eat them with my plate too. How does that sound?"The two men only realized then that her plate was piled high with food upon hearing what she said.Hayden looked at Luke nonchalantly as Luke glanced back at him.After a moment, both of them shifted their gaze to Wyneth."Sorry.""I'm sorry."Wyneth still had a smile on her face as if she had been pushed to the point where she could not even get angry anymore."Why are you apologizing? What
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Chapter 562
Yoyo enjoyed that meal very much.She found it very amusing that her best friend was being pursued by two exceptional men at the same time.She was also very entertained by how these usually imposing and mighty men would sit there quietly like chickens after her best friend said a few words.Unfortunately, she was not bold enough to record the scene. If she had shared a video of this online, it would undoubtedly gain an overwhelming amount of attention.Not long after dinner, Luke's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his expression turned unpleasant.He had to go back for shooting, but...Luke looked at Hayden and saw how he was still leisurely sipping tea in his chair. Hayden seemed to have noticed his gaze as he paused and looked back at him."What are you looking at? I'm going to stay here with her."Luke clenched his teeth."Of course, it's up to you if you want to go back to work," Hayden added nonchalantly.There was no way that Luke would skip work.He was cur
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Chapter 563
Hayden saw Luke standing from afar through the car window. Although the distance made it hard for him to see clearly, he could feel a sense of disappointment surrounding him.He was sharp enough to notice something unusual had happened as he pursed his lips. Though his expression remained unchanged, he shifted his gaze toward Wyneth.Wyneth had her eyes closed as if nothing had happened.As they were about to arrive at the set, Wyneth opened her eyes precisely in time and said to the driver, "Stop the car."Her request caught the driver off guard as they still had some distance to go. However, the driver complied anyway and stopped the car.Wyneth turned to Hayden and said, "Get out of the car first."Hayden pursed his lips again. "Is this necessary? They already saw everything this morning.""So what?" Wyneth stared at him nonchalantly. "Are you getting out or not?"Hayden did not say anything.In less than a minute, Hayden was already standing by the road, and the car sped a
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Chapter 564
Bruce looked at his little sister and could not help but reach out to gently touch the back of her head. Then, he said in a soft voice, "I won't stop you from doing anything that makes you happy. However, you've got to make sure that it's something you want to do. As for the outcome, as long as you can bear it, you won't have any regrets.""Really?" Wyneth asked softly and then chuckled. "But I feel so conflicted."'Conflicted, huh?'Bruce could guess what she was conflicted about."I'm very mad at him.""I know.""I don't want to speak to him."Bruce laughed. "Teach him a lesson then.""Can I?""Of course. If he loves you, he'll never leave you no matter what you do to him, Wyn."Wyneth bit her lip without speaking.Bruce looked at her head and it took him a while to say, "If he leaves, just listen to me and let him go."Wyneth lifted her gaze at him upon hearing that.Bruce smiled. "Do you want me to get someone to help you?""It's fine." Wyneth shook her head. "This is
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Chapter 565
Now, when Finn suddenly said that, a faint blush appeared on Wyneth's fair cheeks."Ah, Wyn, it's rare to see you blushing." Finn acted as if he had witnessed something unusual and took out his phone, trying to take a picture of her.Wyneth furrowed her brows. "Finn, stop it.""Smile for me."Wyneth's expression darkened. "Finn!"The playfulness immediately disappeared from Finn's face when he noticed that Wyneth had gotten mad as he quickly put his phone away.However, Wyneth stretched her hand out toward him. "Give me your phone."Finn put on a pleading expression upon hearing that. "Wyn, it was just one picture for my eyes only. I won't show it to anyone else.""No way."Wyneth could never stand Finn's habit of taking what he thought were cute pictures of others, which were often regarded as ugly and strange.She could not manage her expression properly when he directed his phone's camera at her earlier, so she had no idea what kind of pictures Finn had taken of her again.
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Chapter 566
Finn discovered the truth and decided not to blame his sister. If blame was needed, it was on Hayden. Bruce and Wyneth were acting in a film, and dinner was still some time away. Finn found the person who had caused Wyneth to stand him up in a corner of the set. In front of Hayden was a laptop, likely for work, but his attention was on someone else, watching intently.Finn had never liked Hayden, Wyneth's ex-husband. He believed Hayden had hurt Wyneth. Even before they divorced, Finn did not like him. Wyneth had married Hayden without talking to the family first. When Finn learned about it, he was really mad. He felt like Hayden had taken his sister away from him. Finn squinted, wondering, 'Why is Wyneth still involved with him?' He walked over and pulled up a chair next to Hayden. Finn had the demeanor of a boss."Bro," Hayden suddenly said.Startled, Finn stood up, staring at Hayden in disbelief. "Y-You called me what?"Hayden looked back, emotionless, and repeated, "Bro."Chill
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Chapter 567
Finn looked surprised. "You always make your coffee this way? I've never seen it before."Hayden smiled slightly. "I grind a lot, so I've tried different ways.""The way you make it is cool, but these beans taste unique. Where did you find them?""If you like them, I can set up regular deliveries for you."Finn's cheeks turned a shade of pink. "I couldn't possibly accept.""I'd be happy to help out family," Hayden replied with a smirk.The mention of "family" jolted Finn. He shot Hayden a disbelieving look before glancing at his half-empty coffee cup. Slamming it down, he thought, 'He tricked me!' Finn gritted his teeth, glaring at Hayden. "Listen, stay away from my sister. And the coffee? You can keep it."Hayden replied, trying to stay cool, "You're reading too much into it, Bro. The coffee? Just a small gift from me, not about Wyn.""Cut the 'Bro' talk. I don't want to hear it!"Hayden once believed Finn would be tough to handle. Seeing him now, he changed his mind. "You li
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Chapter 568
After snagging the coffee beans and feeling triumphant, Finn returned to Wyneth. She immediately asked, "What did you discuss with him?"During a filming break, Wyneth looked for her troublemaker brother, Finn. It did not surprise her to find him deep in conversation with Hayden. Even though she could not hear their words, she sensed they were discussing more than just casual chatter. Bruce had told her before, if Hayden truly loved her, he would always stick by her side. Thinking about how Hayden had messed up and hurt her in the past, she hoped he would admit his mistakes and let Finn set him straight on her behalf.Finn looked guilty when Wyneth mentioned he had accepted something from Hayden, and his defensiveness only grew."We didn't discuss anything," he snapped.But Wyneth was not convinced. She narrowed her eyes, asking, "Did you take something from him?"Finn looked genuinely shocked. "What do you take me for, Wyn? Do you really think I'd sell you out for some favor from
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Chapter 569
Seeing that look in Wyneth's eyes, Finn panicked. "Please don't be mad, Wyn. If you're upset about those beans, I'll go straight to him and tell him I don't want them. I really don't care about them.""Really?" Wyneth replied with a raised eyebrow. "Seems like they're more than just any beans. He must've offered you quite the variety.""Yeah," Finn said, taking a deep breath. "But remember, no bean or variety is more important to me than you. Trust me on that."Wyneth smiled, understanding his intentions. "I trust you," she said with a chuckle. "Keep whatever he gave you. If he wants to impress me, he's got to be nice to my family first."Hayden had hurt her in the past. Now, it was his turn to face some challenges. After all, Wyneth had taken care of him for three tough years. She had stood by his side even when things looked really bad. She wondered if he remembered that, and if he would ever think of leaving her now.Seeing that Wyneth was not mad and even laughed, Finn looked
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Chapter 570
For several days, Hayden was at the movie set. At first, many actors, nervous around him, kept messing up their lines. The director, Kevin, could not ask Hayden to leave given his importance. Frustrated, Kevin grabbed a loudspeaker."Why are you all so jittery because of Mr. Hamilton? You think he's just here watching you? Even if you messed up, he probably wouldn't notice."Kevin's words, though sharp, did the trick. Many looked embarrassed, some sneaking glances at the unflappable Hayden. But true to Kevin's rant, amid all the noise and even with Kevin's amplified voice, Hayden remained unfazed. He was either engrossed in his laptop or focused on Wyneth, making everything else seem insignificant. Some began to question whether he even noticed Kevin's outburst."I feel kinda insulted. To him, we're just part of the scenery.""Why get worked up? Like Kevin pointed out, do you even register on his radar? You're making a big deal out of it, and he's not even paying attention.""You'
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