All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
655 Chapters
Chapter 581
Wyneth's phone buzzed with a message from Hayden.Hayden: [Took care of that online news. You can rest easy tonight.]Wyneth thought, 'What's he talking about, handling the online news? Does he really think I can't sleep without him fixing things? Jerk!' She did not want to respond, but on impulse, she replied: [Oh, what news? I haven't been keeping up.]After sending her message, Wyneth felt it might have come off as defensive. She thought about deleting it, but since Hayden had replied so fast, he probably saw it already. Pulling it back would just make things weirder. As she was thinking, her phone showed Hayden was typing. 'Good thing I didn't delete it,' she thought. 'I would've been mega embarrassed. I can still play it cool.'Hayden: [Well, whether or not you've seen it, I wanted to let you know.]Wyneth thought he would question her about what she said and make her admit she cared about him. But since he did not, she felt relieved. 'Glad he's not prying,' she thought, smil
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Chapter 582
Hayden did not seem to respond to what Dexter had said earlier. He simply signed the documents and handed them back. "Alright, you can go."Dexter took the folder, giving Hayden a lingering look. "Time to eat, Mr. Hamilton.""Uh-huh."Feeling a bit of relief at Hayden's response, Dexter headed toward the door. But before shutting it, he took one last look and noticed Hayden still was not making a move to eat.Click!After leaving the office, Dexter was at a loss. Since Hayden woke up from his coma, he dove right back into his workaholic ways. While Hayden might look okay to others, Dexter, being his only assistant, knew the truth. 'He's got to eat right and rest up. He's been strict about this before, but lately...' Dexter sighed internally. 'Alright, I've done my part. If he listens, awesome. If not, what can I really do? He's a grown man, after all.' And with that thought, Dexter moved on.By the time Hayden finished his work, his food was cold. He tried a few bites, then frown
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Chapter 583
When Hayden did not respond right away, Jake braced himself for bad news. But Hayden's eventual reply gave him hope.Jake: [Alright, I get it. I won't let Gigi stir up more trouble. If similar issues arise, I'll handle it immediately. I've set up extra supervision for her. If you think it'll help, she can post an apology to Wyneth on Facebook. Your opinion?] He thought, 'If Gigi can't make a personal apology, a Facebook post might just clarify things for everyone.'After reading the message, Hayden's lips tightened. He was inclined to agree, but thoughts of Wyneth held him back. He figured she would not want to be part of a mess that Gigi created. Involving her now could lead to complications down the road.[No need. Don't bother her. Don't do anything.] Hayden sent this message to Jake after some thought.Jake: [Alright, I understand.]Later on, Jake ensured Gigi was kept in check."What gives?" Gigi fumed. "Jake, are you even my real brother? I won't stand for it."Jake, with
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Chapter 584
Many believed Hayden was acting on Wyneth's behalf. However, others quickly challenged this idea.[Wyneth's fans sure are passionate. Just because Mr. Hamilton denied rumors about him and Gigi doesn't mean it involves Wyneth. What are you guys even thinking?][Really, Wyneth's fans need to chill. It's none of their business, even if Gigi did something wrong. If anyone tries to spread rumors or use Mr. Hamilton's name, he'll set them straight just like he did with Gigi.]People online started making fun of Wyneth again. She did not really know what they were saying about her, but even if she did, she would not care. There were so many different people in the world, and they all had their own opinions. As for Hayden, if he wanted to fix his mistakes, Wyneth was content to watch and see what he would do.The next morning, just like always, Hayden had the hotel staff bring up breakfast. But when he did not show, Yoyo looked around, puzzled."Whoa, where's Mr. Hamilton today?"Wyneth
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Chapter 585
Hayden paused and then chuckled, picking up a hint from Wyneth's words. "You don't want to see me today? So, you usually want to see me?"Sighing, Wyneth replied, "Don't flatter yourself. If it were up to me, I'd avoid seeing you every day. Can you do that?"Hayden replied, "Nope.""I really don't want to see you today, so just stay away from the set."'He can do what he wants. If he stays away from the set, he'll have time to work and rest.' Wyneth pondered, 'Maybe one day won't be enough.' So she said, "Actually, don't show up tomorrow or the day after either.""Huh?" Hayden looked taken aback. He had thought she was only talking about today. His expression turned gloomy. "You really don't want to see me that much?"The mood around the breakfast table became noticeably tenser. When Yoyo returned, she sensed the tension and sat down quietly, avoiding any conversation.Wyneth was surprised that her offhand remark upset Hayden so much. Hayden, confused, wondered what he did to up
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Chapter 586
Wyneth, baffled by Hayden's stubbornness, thought, 'Why is he here if he's sick? If something goes wrong, it's his own fault.' Annoyed, she turned around to start filming.Maybe because of Hayden, Wyneth was not performing at her best today. She felt the emotion, but it did not come through in her acting. Once could be overlooked, but by the third time, she realized it was not just a coincidence.Kevin, knowing she was Bruce's sister and that Hayden cared deeply for her, was patient even when she made errors. She had always been an outstanding actress, so her sudden dip in performance indicated something else might be wrong. In a concerned voice, he asked, "Hey Wyneth, what's going on today? You seem a little off. Need a break?""Sure," Wyneth replied. "Sorry, I need a break for this scene.""No problem. Rest up. We'll film other parts first."As Wyneth took a moment, her assistant Yara gave her a water bottle. Yoyo approached her."Hey, what's up? Did something happen with Mr. H
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Chapter 587
Dexter dared not voice his suspicion aloud. "Call me if you need anything," he said."Okay," Hayden replied."Don't push yourself too hard.""I got it. You can go now."Hayden closed his eyes, a cold sweat forming on his forehead. He looked exhausted. Seeing this, Dexter chose not to press further and turned to leave.On her break, Wyneth overheard talk about Hayden's assistant, Dexter, visiting and heading into an office with him. While others did not think much of it, Wyneth felt uneasy. Especially since lately, Dexter's visits had been brief, just a quick chat outside. But today was different, with them both going into the office. Knowing Hayden had not been feeling well, Wyneth grew curious. She caught sight of Dexter sneaking around, which only raised her suspicions. So she approached him, and Dexter looked startled to see her.He stammered, "M-Ms. Walford?"Wyneth eyed him suspiciously. "What are you up to?"Remembering Hayden's warning to keep his illness a secret, Dexte
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Chapter 588
Upon hearing Dexter, Wyneth's heart sank. 'He must be really sick,' she thought."Ms. Walford," Dexter began, rubbing the back of his neck. "I kept quiet earlier because Mr. Hamilton wanted me to." He felt guilty about his previous act, realizing she had seen through it. 'Was my acting that terrible? Did I actually think I could fool her?'Seeing Wyneth's uncertainty, Dexter hurried to clarify, "Lately, Mr. Hamilton has been spending more time on set and falling behind on his company work. He's scrambling during breaks, even skipping meals. Before his car accident, he could handle such stress. But now? His health isn't as solid, and I'm worried about him."Wyneth had a hunch about all this. After his accident and coma, his health took a hit. Especially since he jumped right back into work."Ms. Walford," Dexter said quickly, "I'm not pointing fingers. Mr. Hamilton asked me not to say anything, but I felt you should be in the loop. Whatever you think is your call." He finished, scra
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Chapter 589
As Wyneth finished her scene, her assistant handed her a coat. Slipping it on, she caught snippets of a whispered conversation nearby."Hey, where's Mr. Hamilton today? Doesn't he usually watch Wyneth's scenes?""He went into his office with his assistant earlier and hasn't been out since. He must be busy with something, but he's still on set.""It's strange, though. Almost an hour has passed, and he hasn't made an appearance."Wyneth paused as she buttoned her coat, realizing she had not noticed Hayden's absence while filming her scene. 'Why? Did he leave quietly or is he not feeling well enough to walk?' She walked out, hiding her concern. The murmurs grew louder once she left. Originally planning to go to the makeup room, her concern for Hayden shifted her path. She paused outside his office, then knocked.She had already decided on her approach: first, she would check how he was doing. If he seemed alright, she would ask him to leave. But if he appeared unwell, she would urge
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Chapter 590
Wyneth and Hayden exchanged glances. "I can't carry you to the hospital," Wyneth said.Hayden mustered a weak smile. "I can walk."She hesitated, clearly seeing he was not alright but said, "Fine."As they prepared to leave, Wyneth handed him a coat, hoping Hayden would wear it. He fumbled with it, so after a moment, Wyneth helped him.'He's this sick and refuses an ambulance?' she wondered, then asked aloud, "How will you manage to walk out like this? If you pass out, we'll end up calling an ambulance, and that would be even more noticeable outside.""I'm good," Hayden replied with a weak look. "If you're really worried, you can help me walk.""Whatever you want," Wyneth said, grabbing the car keys from the table. "Let's go. You can manage."She opened the door. Hayden stood and, despite his weakness, followed her. He was tall, and even though his sickness made his steps uncertain, he stayed close to Wyneth. Wanting to avoid attention, she chose a less-traveled path. She sped u
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