All Chapters of Twin Mates for The Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
Chapter 31 part 1
*WARNING: Sexual violence and consensual non consent in this chapter*The sun was barely peeking through the clouds when I was roused awake. A grumble came from my throat in protest as I attempted to roll back over and sleep, but instead was met with a gentle kiss. My eyes slid open, narrowing as I took in Mike’s lopsided grin and cocked eyebrow; I groaned remembering the way these two worked me over, still feeling the aches in my body. A smooth hand touched my cheek and pulled my face to the opposite direction, and my eyes connected with Zach’s pools of swirling amber.“How do you feel?” He asked, concerned etched in his handsome face. I smiled and stretched all four of my limbs, letting out a satisfied moan that had both men laughing.“I guess pretty good then” he said, satisfied. 
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Chapter 31 part 2
Mike was true to his word, and I rested in his arms, burrowing my face into his broad chest. I felt Zach settle against my back, his warmth comforting despite what had just happened. It was, thrilling, in a way I hadn’t thought it could be. Fighting him, or rather fighting him for the right to dominate me had been sexy, hot, and some sort of wonderful. He had proven himself, not that I wouldn’t have let him anyway but something about the battle of wills turned me on. I would yield to him, but not always easily, and the thought excited me. I was curious though, to see what Mike would do, if anything. We had been intimate several times more than I had been with Zach and he was always tender and loving. I heard the TV flick on and the boys talking quietly, while my mind drifted to other thoughts.Zach, and his dominating aura even out of the bedroom. My broody mate had a definite Alpha air about h
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Chapter 32
 I snuggled up to Mike, inhaling his scent of ocean water and sunshine deeply when another smell invaded my nose, dark and spicy. Then I heard a crunching sound. Looking up I saw Zach, eating popcorn.“Did I miss the show?” He asked nonchalantly. Mike snorted. Then Zach threw a piece of popcorn on the floor, wait, not the floor, to Allie. “Zach” I questioned, hesitantly, “why is Allie with you?” Knowing their relationship or lack thereof them getting along was not the norm. He smiled and threw her another piece. “I’m fattening this nugget up, figured once she’s big enough we can roast her with some onions, peppers and pineapple. Like a chicken ka bob.” He grinned wickedly and I rolled my eyes.
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Chapter 33
After a bit of searching, we found the Elder sitting in the sun, a smile on her face and her robe draped on the ground. I had to giggle a little bit, as one of the all-powerful Elder’s had ditched her robe, was sitting on it, and currently sunning herself. I hated to interrupt her during a moment of well-deserved peace, but we did need some answers. Her silver-streaked brown hair was behind her shoulders, gently blowing in the breeze, her head was tilted up toward the sun, a small smile on her lips. Her eyes slid open slightly and she was already looking directly at us, so much for stealth.“Come here” she said gently, patting the ground next to her. “We are sorry to bother you” I said, taking a seat in the grass. “We just had some questions.” “I see that y
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Chapter 34
I had been so thoroughly fucked and loved that I was unsure if my legs could hold me. In fact, they couldn’t the answer was a solid no as I swung them off the bed and wobbled, thumping myself back down onto the bed, stretching my legs that felt like Jell-O. I saw Mike’s eyes slit open, the brilliant blue of them looking at me a bit blearily. He grinned as his eyes raked up and down my body and I shook my head no, round two was not in the cards right now; my body felt too weak. Something more than just sex had happened, and we all knew it, felt it within our bones. We had fundamentally been changed by our joining, and in ways we would have to discover as we went. Mike’s arm stretched toward me, his hand resting on my lower back; the motion jostled Zach awake. His dark eyes snapped open immediately and landed on me, the inky black of his pupils almost lost within the dark brown of his irises. 
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Chapter 35
Zach didn’t speak to me the whole way back, if anything he was cloaked in nervous energy. I wanted to ask him about what had happened in the prison, but fought the urge, knowing how he was and chances were he was dissecting the whole interaction in his mind. I was dying to know who Jason was, but I also knew to give Zach space and time, and that Mike was clearly involved. It was possible he wanted to speak to him first before saying anything to me, which while annoying was in line with how he was. I knew him well enough to know his mind was going a million miles a minute, and that when he had worked everything out to his satisfaction I would be informed. Something that did not thrill me, but that was not a battle for this moment in time; that much I understood. We got back to the house and Mike was nowhere to be found, the bed made and the dishes that were in the sink had been done and put away. The image of Mike naked save for an apron and scru
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Chapter 36
ZACHThat damn bird, I should have known something was off, I guess I had in a way. Looking at my mate, my heart, in a pool of blood had my stomach sinking to my feet. Mike stood beside me, his head thrown back in a howl of rage and anguish, my voice soon joined him as we watched our mate be lifted and carried quickly toward the clinic, her head lolling to the side in a macabre fashion. Pack members were already working, searching the area and sniffing, Lance was there too I saw, and a growl rent itself from my throat at the sight of him. Before I could attack him, the Earth began to shake and spasm, almost as if it was trembling beneath my paws. The trees began to shake and a heart wrenching howl sounded as the wind whipped through them. I heard Dr. Todd yell and saw CeCelia standing up in her human form, her body naked and splashed with blood, her heterochromatic eyes glowing. Her dark hair swirled around her, and I felt powe
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Chapter 37
MIKEIt had been about a week or so since we had discovered our powers, or, I guess I should say; they discovered us. Not going to lie, being able to light things on fire was awesome, even better was it only burned what I directed it to. I hadn’t known to control it, just naturally happened. When the flames sparked on the trees, I willed them not to burn, they had not. I had been playing with this and learned that the flames were an extension of my will, and I could burn or simply protect in a sense, as when my flames enveloped but did not burn, anything that threatened the object they were on would be burnt to a crisp. CeCelia had been the one who discovered this as my flames were hanging out on a tree while I was practicing, she decided to toss her coke can into the mix, just to see. Boy that thing went up in flames and before we could even register what happened it was gone, like the fire had eaten it. That had been a
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Chapter 38
CECELIAMike and Lance had been on their way to train with Zach and I when apparently Mike had heard a voice in his head. Not that any of us doubting him, considering I went blind and fucking levitated, it was unexpected but also not surprising. It was a bit of a revelation that it was older Gods than we thought at play, and that all of this was coming about because some asshole God didn’t get the girl and was throwing a temper tantrum. I knew Red River was to blame for the initial attack, but now I wondered if this God hadn’t influenced or increased the bloodlust of Zach and Mike’s father. Zach had come up with that theory, and Mike quickly agreed. They both said in the months before the attack he had grown increasingly agitated, and when he announced they would attack it was out of the blue, and unprovoked. So even though he was aggressive already, the random attack plans and increased agitation he displayed
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Chapter 39
Several weeks laterWe had all but mastered our powers with the help of some assistance by our respective Gods. Gaea was the Earth goddess, she assisted me in mastering the wind, healing the Earth and command of all things natural. Things like flowering plants, healing the barren soil, all were within my powers. The wind was also under my command, and I could use it like a blade if need be. I had worked hard to hone that ability so that when I wielded it, it was like being cut with the sharpest knife. Mike was under the sun God, Helios’ power, able to manipulate light and fire. Thankfully, he was able to control what the fire burned and did not burn. With light he was able to shine light in the darkness, almost like a torch. However, it also provided him with the additional sense of clarity in that he was able to see things others could not through visions of the near future. He had no control over what he saw or when, bu
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