All Chapters of A Rogue For The Alpha Twins: Chapter 91 - Chapter 96
96 Chapters
In the days following Alpha Lucas's unexpected visit, Xavier, Xiao, and Sophia were vigilant in their discussions. They consulted with their pack council and carefully weighed the pros and cons of forming an alliance with Alpha Lucas and his pack. The memories of Sophia's banishment still haunted them, but they also recognized the changing dynamics in the supernatural world.During one of their council meetings, Xavier leaned forward, addressing Jason, their trusted Beta. "Jason, we need to know more about Alpha Lucas's intentions and the state of his pack. Can you investigate this matter discreetly?"Jason, a loyal and resourceful member of their pack, nodded in agreement. "Of course, Alpha Xavier. I'll gather information and see what I can find."Over the next few weeks, Jason delved into the matter, using his connections and resourcefulness to uncover the truth about Alpha Lucas and his pack. His discreet inquiries yielded surprising results.One evening, Jason called a meeting wit
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The next day, Sophia decided to pay a visit to her dear friend Rose, who was now heavily pregnant. It had been a while since she had seen Rose, and she looked forward to catching up and sharing the recent events that had unfolded in her life, from the drama with Becky to the unexpected visit from Alpha Lucas.As Sophia arrived at the Pack's hospital, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It was here that she had been brought, unconscious and injured, when the Gamma had found her after her banishment. The hospital held a special place in her heart as it was where she had found safety and healing, and where she had formed her first meaningful connections in the Sky Blue Pack.Sophia made her way to Rose's office, where she knew she would likely find her friend. The office was cozy and filled with comforting scents of herbal teas and soothing lavender. It was a reflection of Rose's gentle and caring nature.Upon entering, Sophia found Rose sitting at her desk, her round belly
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After their delightful meal and heartwarming conversation, Rose looked at Sophia and Lisa with a soft smile. She knew she was in good company, and she felt comfortable asking for their support in a special moment of her life."Would you both mind coming with me to the hospital?" Rose asked gently. "I have a scan scheduled, and John couldn't make it today. I don't want to go through this alone."Sophia and Lisa exchanged understanding glances and immediately nodded in agreement. Lisa spoke up, her voice filled with warmth. "Of course, Rose. We'd be honored to be there with you."Sophia added, "You're not alone in this, Rose. We're here for you, just as you've been there for us."With their reassuring words, Rose felt a deep sense of gratitude for her friends. They shared a bond that extended beyond mere friendship; they were like sisters, supporting each other through life's joys and challenges.The three of them left the cozy ambiance of Rose's house and made their way to the Pack's h
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As Sophia and Rose left the hospital, they were unaware of the ominous presence that lurked in the shadows. The journey back to Rose's house should have been uneventful, but it took a dark turn when they were ambushed by a group of masked assailants. The attackers moved with eerie swiftness, overwhelming the two women before they could react. In a matter of moments, they found themselves forcibly subdued, their vision blurred from a mysterious substance that had been used to incapacitate them.When Sophia and Rose finally regained consciousness, they found themselves bound to chairs in a dimly lit, unfamiliar room. Panic washed over them as they realized the direness of their situation. Their hands were tightly secured with restraints, and they were unable to free themselves.Sophia's voice quivered with fear as she turned to Rose, who looked equally terrified. "Rose, are you okay? What happened? Where are we?"Rose struggled to sit up in her restraints, her voice trembling. "I don't
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In the moments of respite when their captors finally left them alone, Sophia and Rose sat bound, their bodies aching, and their spirits tested. The room was still, and the oppressive silence was a stark contrast to the anguish they had endured. It was in this stillness that Sophia's concern for her friend's well-being weighed heavily on her heart.Sophia's voice trembled as she turned to Rose. "I'm so sorry, Rose. I never wanted to put you in danger like this. I should have been more cautious."Rose, her face marked with resilience, met Sophia's gaze. "Sophia, there's nothing to apologize for. We're in this together. You're my friend, and I'll stand by your side, no matter what."Sophia nodded, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, Rose. You've shown such incredible strength through all of this. I can't imagine what might happen next, but we'll face it together."Their hearts were heavy with the uncertainty of their situation, but the bond between them provided a glimmer of hope amidst t
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The moment the report reached Xavier and Xiao that their beloved mate, Sophia, had been kidnapped, their world shattered. Their immediate reaction was nothing short of frantic, a storm of emotions and turmoil that consumed them.The news came through a frantic phone call to their office, and the words hit them like a physical blow. "Sophia's been kidnapped!" The voice on the other end was laced with panic, making it clear that this was not a false alarm or a cruel joke.Xavier and Xiao's faces blanched with shock, their eyes locking onto the phone as if they could will the information to be untrue. But the reality of the situation began to set in, and their instincts as Alphas, as mates, and as protectors surged to the forefront.They leaped into action, their responses almost simultaneous, as if they shared a single mind. Their movements were swift and resolute. Xavier barked orders, mobilizing their pack to search for any trace of Sophia. Xiao coordinated with law enforcement, shari
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