All Chapters of A Rogue For The Alpha Twins: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
96 Chapters
I managed to reach the front of the nursery building before I heard someone shout my name.“Luna!” I turned to see if the ladies from yesterday were walking towards me with a big smile on her face. “Good Morning Luna!.” She greeted me.“Morning em..” I could not actually remember what her name was.“Stacy. My name is Stacy.” She introduced.“Morning Stacy.” I greeted her correctly.“I must Luna, I was surprised when I heard that you were the Alpha's mate. To think that some of us insulted you to your face yesterday. My goodness! That is very shameful.” Stacy commented.“No, it's fine. It was just an honest guess. Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you!.” I assured her before I excused myself. As I passed by everyone, they greeted me with extra expectations. I sighed. Today is going to be a really busy day. “Sophia!.” Jennifer rushed and hugged me as soon as I entered the classroom. Perplexed at her behavior, I hugged her back. She wasn’t this friendly to me yesterday.“O my goo
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After Amanda and Sophia finished taking their coffee, Amanda asked Sophia if she wanted to see her work space. Sophia agrees. She had always wished to have a tour of a fashion house. And now her wish is about to come true. They both walked out of the Cafe to Amanda’s car. And Amanda drove them towards the other side of the Pack that Sophia had not yet been to. After driving for about thirty minutes, they arrived in front of a five story glass building. “Welcome to Ada fashion House”. Amanda said as they alighted from her car.As Amanda led Sophia through the bustling corridors of the fashion house, the air buzzed with creativity and excitement. The walls were adorned with sketches, fabric samples, and photographs of celebrities donning stunning outfits. The sound of sewing machines and the gentle chatter of designers filled the air, creating an energetic atmosphere.Amanda proudly showed Sophia around the different departments of the fashion house. They started in the design studio,
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After the exhilarating photo shoot, Amanda escorted Sophia back to the prestigious Alpha palace, a grand and opulent residence befitting their status. As they entered the magnificent premises, Sophia marveled at the intricate architecture and the air of regality that permeated the atmosphere.However, upon their arrival, Sophia received unexpected news. Jane informed her that Xavier and Xiao were currently occupied with their Alpha duties, preventing them from joining her for dinner. Sophia felt a twinge of disappointment, as she had been looking forward to spending time with her mates after such an eventful day.Nevertheless, determined not to let her spirits dampen, Sophia decided to make the most of the situation. She resolved to join Jane, and some of the help, for dinner in the palace's bustling dining area. As they made their way to the general dining room on the ground floor of the Alpha’s palace, the scent of mouth watering delicacies wafted through the air, enticing Sophia's
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Sophia doesn't know how it happened or how she started to love them, but with the way they have been treating her for the past weeks, of course she couldn’t help but fall for them. Their first meeting and how they reacted have long been deleted from her memory.After enjoying a fulfilling breakfast and bidding Xavier and Xiao farewell, Sophia retreated to her room to prepare for her day at school. Today a special event—the games day—where she would be actively engaged with the children, and she knew that practicality and comfort would be key in her choice of attire.Sophia rummaged through her wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit that would allow her to move freely and participate wholeheartedly. She opted for a simple yet stylish shirt, pairing it with a comfortable pair of jeans. The light fabric of the shirt draped elegantly, and the jeans hugged her curves in a flattering manner. Sophia knew that this ensemble struck the right balance between casual and put-together, allowin
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“Derrick, take me to the Pack’s hospital please!”. Sophia said to Derrick as soon as he entered the car.Derrick nodded his head as he started driving towards their destination. Their destination was the Pack's hospital, where Sophia intended to visit her friend, Doctor Rose. The Gamma had brought Sophia to this pack when she was unconscious after he and one of them found her being attacked by a rogue, and Rose had been the first friend she made upon waking up. It had been quite a while since Sophia had last seen her, and she wanted to check on how she was doing.During the drive, Derrick maintained a comfortable silence, allowing Sophia to reflect on her day at school and mentally prepare herself for the visit to the hospital. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow on the horizon, and Sophia couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with concern for her friend.Upon arriving at the hospital, Sophia thanked Derrick for his reliable transportation and stepped out
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The soft glow of the morning sun filtered through Sophia's curtains, gently nudging her awake. As she stretched and yawned, she realized with delight that it was Saturday a day free from the responsibilities of school. A sense of calm and anticipation washed over her as she looked forward to a day of relaxation and personal indulgence.Sophia made her way to the kitchen, where the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm breakfast greeted her. She prepared a delicious meal, savoring each bite as she sat at the table, relishing the tranquility of the morning. Her mates are currently not in the Alpha’s penthouse and Sophia guesses they must already be downstairs busy with their duties.With her hunger satisfied, Sophia's thoughts turned to the palace library—a sanctuary of knowledge and imagination that beckoned her. She had always cherished the quiet hours spent within its walls, surrounded by shelves filled with books of various genres and eras.As she entered the library, a s
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Sophia's newfound enthusiasm for lending a hand extended beyond the confines of the kitchen. As she contemplated her next move, an idea began to form in her mind—a gesture of gratitude and unity that would bring everyone in the Alpha palace together.With determination in her eyes, Sophia sought out Macy once again, this time with a proposal that would test her culinary skills on a grander scale."Macy," Sophia began, her voice brimming with excitement, "I've been thinking. Why don't I cook dinner not just for Xavier and Xiao, but for everyone in the Alpha palace?"Macy looked taken aback, her brows furrowing in concern. "Oh, Sophia, that's incredibly kind of you, but it might be a bit overwhelming. We have over a hundred workers in the palace, and it would be quite an undertaking to prepare a meal for such a large gathering."Sophia smiled warmly, understanding Macy's reservations. "I appreciate your concern, Macy, but I used to cook for the entire pack in my old pack. It's something
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As the romantic movie played on, Sophia's heart raced as a tender kissing scene unfolded on the screen. Her eyes flickered between the characters and her mates, and she couldn't help but notice the absence of such intimate moments in her own life recently.Swallowing hard, Sophia mustered up the courage within her. She knew that it was time to bridge the gap, to show her mates the depth of her affection and desire. With a surge of determination, she turned her gaze towards Xavier, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.Leaning closer to Xavier, Sophia reached out, gently placing her hand on his cheek. She could feel her own heartbeat quickening, matching the rhythm of the movie's romantic soundtrack. With trembling lips, she closed her eyes and slowly pulled Xavier towards her, their lips meeting in a sweet, lingering kiss.The world seemed to stand still in that moment—a suspended breath of anticipation and longing. The warmth of Xavier's lips against hers sent s
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As Sophia slowly stirred from her slumber, she became aware of the warmth surrounding her. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself nestled snugly between Xavier and Xiao, their arms wrapped protectively around her.A soft smile spread across Sophia's lips as she gazed at her mates, their peaceful expressions reflecting the serenity of the moment. The sunlight streamed gently through the curtains, casting a golden glow upon their intertwined bodies. It was in this tender embrace that Sophia realized the depth of her contentment.A wave of gratitude washed over her as she marveled at the love that surrounded her. Being sandwiched between Xavier and Xiao, she felt safe, cherished, and truly blessed. Their presence provided a sense of completeness, as if they were the missing pieces to her puzzle.Sophia savored the moment, allowing herself to be enveloped by the love radiating from her mates. It was in these simple, intimate moments that she found solace and a deep connection that tran
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With breakfast finished and a satisfied smile lingering on her lips, Sophia's thoughts turned towards the day ahead. As she prepared for school, she opened her wardrobe, contemplating the perfect outfit that would strike the right balance between comfort and style.Since it was Monday, Sophia wanted to start the week on a positive note, exuding confidence and approachability. She selected a simple yet fashionable ensemble—a crisp white blouse paired with tailored black trousers. The clean lines and classic color combination exuded professionalism while allowing her personality to shine through.Sophia slipped into the chosen attire, appreciating the way it effortlessly draped over her figure. The soft fabric embraced her with comfort, allowing her to move freely throughout the day. It was a practical choice that wouldn't hinder her during the school hours.Completing her ensemble, Sophia opted for a pair of comfortable yet stylish black flats. They would provide the support she needed
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