All Chapters of My Devil’s Side: Book 1 & 2: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
162 Chapters
Ace POVI nodded in and out at my desk for hours not wanting to move forward with this life. I was just done. Tired of the raging storm constantly brewing inside me with no reprieve. My eyes read over the company's contract again, but I couldn't hit send to my lawyer. I won't feel bad about what I did to her. She lied all week to me. Tortured my soul with her body then just moved on with her life. Why was it so easy for her to be without me?"Go away!" I shouted to whoever was knocking at my door. I definitely didn't want to see any of them.Then the door knob jiggled and I heard it unlock. Who the fuck thought they could just burst in here? I stood up to just beat the shit out of whoever was there until she walked in. Of course Alley walked right in like she could do anything she wanted."I don't want to see your disgusting face. Get out!" I barked, but of course she didn't listen. She closed and locked the door then sat in front of my desk."I wanted to apologize. I won't bother yo
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Beautifully Broken
Ace POVElise and I stood at the bar watching Alley and Greg met Ralph. They got a small corner booth at an upscale restaurant to discuss this business proposal I'm sure Alley thought would save them. "Ace, what is the plan?" Elise watched me stare pure hatred at the girl I once thought was my whole world."Ruin her!""Ace, please trust me when I say you don't want to do that. She is more fragile than you think. Just leave her be." Elise pleaded to me."I thought you came to help?" I chugged down the rest of my whiskey then walked to their table. They had enough time to think this would work."I'm trying too." I heard Elise mutter as she followed behind me. Alley caught my eyes first and she nearly lost her breath. The fucking world seemed to stand still as I walked to her. I hated this effect she had on me. She was evil, worthless, yet my fucking body yearned for her. My insides begged to just hold her and it made no fucking sense."Ace! I'm glad you made it." Ralph stood extending
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Alley POVI watched Christian walk away from my life, again. Tears slowly left my eyes hating this imagine more than anything else. Why does it have to be so hard?"I should take you home." Greg's hand came to mine drawing small circles with his thumb. I wasn't spiraling, I was just numb."I'm sorry for wasting your time Ralph." I spoke almost dismissively to the air. I didn't know if he was connected to the shit the Blackwood name was involved in, but right now I didn't care. His family was in bed with the Devil and I was done with all them in my life.I slid out the booth then turned to Greg. "We need to have our talk. I need to tell you, before I can't.""Ok. Let's go home. Darien is with my sister so we won't have any interruptions." His hand slid on my waist and guided me out the restaurant. I made some coffee the second we got back to my house and we sat awkwardly on my couch. I know Greg was waiting patiently for me to begin."My real name is Alley Knight and I grew up in a sm
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Letting Go
Ace POV"Ace, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say." Elise stood at my kitchen island as I emptied all my cabinets that had liquor. I don't fucking care how, I just needed my head to stop thinking."I'm fine!" I blurted out opening a bottle of gin. Whoever hosted this fucking place must of had a lot of alcoholics because I could easily drown myself for days."You're not fine. Do you want to talk about it?""No! Go away!" I just finished off the half of bottle of gin then opened the vodka."You're going to be throwing up all night.""I'm fine with that as long as I don't remember who I am." I chugged the vodka, but then Elise grabbed the bottle from me spilling half it over the floor. My hand just as quickly reached her neck squeezing her airways tight. "I'm not in the mood to be babied right now. I don't need help and I don't need you. Get out!" I released her neck then left her in the kitchen coughing."Asshole!" She whispered.I sat on my couch with legs opened wide and head laid ba
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Last Dance
Ace POVI walked into the dining hall feeling incredibly uneasy. One hand remained in my slacks and the other nervously raked my black hair or played with my jacket. I never in my life felt this uncomfortable before. It didn't matter though. I had to just see her and say good bye. I needed to know she would never try to leave this world again.There was a stage with kids setting up for what looked to be a play. This charity event was already much different than any I had been too. We didn't invite the poor to mingle with us and we definitely didn't watch some half ass play they put on. The space itself was fancy with black tile floors and silver walls. The ceiling had large modern light structures hanging from above with fairy lights strung between. There was a wooden stage that looked to be setup and not a permanent fixture, a section for tables covered in white linens, and of course a small dance floor. People already took their seats to begin eating and a man announced the show wa
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Who We Are
Ace POVI stood on that dance floor watching his broad shoulders walk away from me yet again. I had to pray that this would be the last time. I don't know why I ever doubted him about protecting those boys. I think a part of me craved for him to be by our side and feared he might actually try to be.Seven years passed and as much as a Ethan said I didn't know the man he became, he was wrong. I know Ace, he was an angry man with the power to destroy anyone's life. He was also compassionate and caring, especially for the few he loved and respected. I wiped the tear from my eye and turned back to Greg. This was the life I needed to be heading towards."You ok?" Greg's eyes were all fatherly. Ever since I told him about my past he treated me like a kid sister. It was for the best since I wasn't in love with him, but it still kind of hurt too. There were no long stares or sexual touches. He was just a really good friend that was like family to me now."I will be and Christian won't be back
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Big Bad Mob Boss
Ace POVThe second I stepped foot off the plane in hot as hell Columbia my little rat face fiancé was wrapped around me. God, this was going to be a long fucking trip."Ace, I missed you, my future husband!" Marie was roughly kissing my neck while licking and sucking as she moaned. I stood there in grey suit pants, white shirt half a mess, and just numb. I didn't grab her back and cracked my neck at the constant nibbling. I walked the runaway to the private airport doors trying to remember why I can't just kill her."Ok, enough. I missed you too... but get off me!" I tried sounding nice. I knew I didn't though. I set her down and Daniel was by my side shaking his head. Elise didn't look amused like she use to when I was being tortured. She gave me a half smile and then walked ahead. Daniel knew something had changed between us but he knew better then to question me. I helped my Nanny and Elise get into one of the four black SUVs that waited for us. Fernando practically owned this co
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Double Agent
Daniel POV"Ethan, fucking finally. I've been calling...""Daniel she's gone. We need help. I can't," Ethan was crying as he spoke random words. "Ethan what is happening? I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. Who is gone?""Alley, she is fucking gone. She wouldn't just leave or abandon Darien. Someone took her. Ace or one of his lowlife piece of shit associates took her. I swear I will kill him!" His sobs turned to rage quickly and I didn't doubt he wouldn't try to take down Ace if anything happened to Alley. The thing is, he wouldn't have to. Ace would take himself out if she was harmed. It was one of the reason I never told him about what his father did. Ace would kill everyone in his path until he just gave up and killed himself. Fuck, of course. Angelo!"Ethan I need you to calm down and listen to me. Take the kids and go to my contact. You have to hide.""I'm not going anywhere without her!" He interrupted me yelling."Ethan she is gone. Angelo went off the grid l
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Off the Grid
Ethan POVAlley left the other morning for her therapy appointment, but never returned. She always comes straight back home to complain how the doctor makes her think too much. It had been hectic in our house with Layla and the twins I didn't think much about it until a few hours went by. I had called her several times with no response and then worry set in. Her therapist had already confirmed she came and left. I checked the hospital and local roadway authorities for any auto accidents. Then her doctor called me back to tell me her car was still in the garage.At that moment I knew she was gone. Someone took her and it was someone connected to Ace. That bastard knew he was dabbling in dangerous bullshit yet still came here to see her, and for what? To yell at her? choke her? I never seen two people more perfect for each other yet so wrong for each other then Alley and Ace. I was done with him for good this time though. He should had never stepped foot here and put her in this danger
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Alley POVI woke up in a dingy room with my head on fire. I lightly rubbed my temple trying to remember what the fuck happened. My vision was still blurry as it ran over my clothes. Thankfully I was still in my jeans and blue t-shirt. I was covered in dirt and blood but at least I wasn't raped. I shuddered at that thought pushing down memories I could not let surface right now.I jumped hearing two men begin speaking in Russian which sent a sharp pain through my skull I never felt before. "Fuck" I whispered holding my head.The men approached me and instinctively I slid further away down the wall. That's when I noticed the chains on my wrist. How the fuck was that not the first thing I realized? My hands rubbed my sore arms trying to make sense out of all this. Last I remembered I was at my appointment. Shit! I remembered someone put a cloth over my mouth and said something to me. The voice was familiar but now I can't place it. I looked around the room. I'm in a old bedroom that loo
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