All Chapters of My Devil’s Side: Book 1 & 2: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
162 Chapters
The Father
Ace POVI spent three hours playing the same game I had my entire life. I was the hardened boss who didn't allow an ounce of disrespect while everyone around me kissed my ass. Fernando somehow seemed to develop a sick fascination to me too which he made obvious all night. He constantly gave me eyes of desire and somehow fucking found reasons to rub against me. I know I'm a good looking man but Fernando needed to learn fucking boundaries. He had a serious drug addiction with a weird as fuck sex fetish. I couldn't wait until I killed him.I had ducked out a few times to speak with the workers. It appeared none were loyal to Fernando himself, only his money. As long as my demands were discreet with a hefty payment they were willing to do anything I asked. I started formulating a plan, but it would take some time. Time I didn't want to spend here or really anywhere other than locked in a room with my girl.As I left the kitchen I saw the woman who constantly scolded the red hair boy to g
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The Mess of Life
Ethan POVWe've been stuck on this island for weeks without a word from Daniel. When we first arrived Layla was nothing but angry. Greg, Lydia, and myself had to keep a constant eye on her as well as the children. It was getting exhausting and the hotel staff were not happy with us.Layla threatened a few of them and of course the boys were not letting anyone say she couldn't do what she wanted, even though she was wrong. I loved how Derek protected his mom and Darien his Aunt but they also needed to learn a little more about morality. Greg found most of the drama amusing and I didn't understand how he was always so calm. Lydia mostly handled the girls and was a baby whisper or something. She was able to calm them instantly when they started fussing. Lydia even got Layla to hold them a few times. I thought she would be an annoyance pinning after Greg the whole time but she was a god send. Then we got the call. Daniel had Alley and she was ok. I heard her voice and all my anger just
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Back to Me
Alley POVFor three amazing days I ran around this paradise of a resort with my family. The sadness in my heart for Ace was there but my family was enough to get me through. Ethan was extra attentive to me and Layla was acting mostly like herself again. When I first saw Lydia I was unsure how to act then she just hugged me for what seemed like forever. I never seen that blood sucking Barbie be nice around me before. Sure she had a fake smile on at Greg's family's event. I always saw the jealousy in her eyes though. Now it was gone. Funny how almost dying changes a person perspective of you. I wasn't sure if we would be friends but I knew going forward there would be no more hate between us. Greg smiled often when we chatted and I loved that I was making things easier for him. He was such an amazing man that I hurt so many times. I didn't even realize how I used him for so long. I promised myself I would make it up to him by being just as an amazing friend to him as he was to me. I s
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Marriage, Kids, and Life
Ethan POVI wrapped my arms around my Egyptian Queen knowing she felt unwanted by me. It was far from true though. I didn't want any other as my wife except this woman, but she also scared the crap out of me. Not just sexually with threatening to rip my dick off. I was terrified of her getting pregnant again. I wanted more kids, but after I almost lost her I won't risk it. I made sure her life would never hang in the balance again. Which I'm pretty sure is going to make her go mental on me.I looked at Alley with a thank you in my eyes. She knew we needed some alone time. She didn't know what I did, but she knew we needed to talk. The past three days have been perfect and I just wanted everyone to take a breather a moment. We were waiting to hear from Daniel that it was safe to leave so I thought I'd wait until we got home. I was just avoiding what I needed to say though."Come on my Queen. Let's go shopping!" I wiggled my eyebrows knowing exactly what I wanted to buy her."Are we ok,
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Blind Rage
Ace POVI stepped over Daniel's body walking right in a puddle of his blood. The only destination I had in my mind was my father's... no he won't be called my father ever again. He was the worst scum to walk this earth and I would happily send him to hell once I was done with my own torture for him. Igor and Ivan stood at his door but quickly moved to the side with one look at my face. My gun stayed at my side and bloody foot prints trailed behind me. I kicked open the door and walked into an empty room. Somehow the rage inside me built even higher and I could feel my insides summoning him to me as if I could make him magically appear before my eyes. The ways I would torture him, make him cry in pain and agony was a burning desire of mine. My only desire now. "Where is he?" I turned to the Russian brutes looking like they were about to crumble in fear. "He left this morning. Angelo..." My hand rose smacking the back of my gun into Ivan's face. "Don't say his name." I ordered as i
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Ace POVI quietly walked through the concrete mansion listening for any noise. A few of the kitchen workers slipped a sedative in the dinner they made so those I couldn't sway to my side or the ones I didn't want to save should be out for the night. I walked outside to the patio and watched the fields as the sprinklers came on showering the crops in it's own death. Once I was satisfied every sprinkler was working I walked to the back and met Sebastian sitting on an ATV."Can you drive this?" I asked the boy and he nodded back to me. He was still scared but I think he was realizing I wasn't going to hurt him. "Take me to the green houses." I smiled as the boy drove us deeper into the fields. There was a night crew there watching over the plants and drugs. One of the head chemist would be there to meet me as well. One name I can cross off my top 10 most dangerous scientist in the world. A list I began back in Massachusetts when I thought Amelia was just some woman to fuck out my bored
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Last Straw
Alley POVWe spent all night watching way too many scary movies and I found myself tossing and turning more than actually sleeping. I had enough nightmares I didn't need to add chainsaw killers or creepy clowns to my already messed up mind. I sat up slowly pulling my arm from under Darien and looked to the clock. 6 am! This was ridiculous. We finally passed out at 2 and I woke three times already."Hey! Can't sleep?" Greg's groggy voice came from the other side of the double beds we pushed together. He gently moved Lydia off him then gently pulled his arm from under Derek. This was a crazy mess."Not really. A clown with a chainsaw was chasing me and thankfully I woke up right before he cut me in half." I smiled looking down at the boys. They were going to be the death of me. "I'm going to grab some coffee from the cafe downstairs. You want anything?""I'll come with you." Before I could tell him it was ok he was already out of the bed. Layla and Ethan came in around midnight to get
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Before My End
Ace POVI left that house of freaks as it burned to the ground feeling like a small burden was lifted from my shoulders. For years this was my main goal and now that it's over too much has happened to feel the satisfaction I should. The people worth saving had a small opportunity to make something for themselves and that was all I could do. Sebastian was the reason I came, then I found the purple paradise, now both were taken care of. "The plantation is gone. Meet me in the city for a meeting of the heads. I'll welcome you back into the territories, but I need two things. First, Angelo's death is days away, for now I want him to think he has won. Call him and negotiate a deal. Tell him to meet you for a plan to expose me about the truth that happened in Columbia. He will believe you.""You play a lot of games, Ace. It makes a life of crime a little more fun by your side." Dmitri chuckled on the other end of the phone. We've been talking a lot the last few days and it was irritating,
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Broken Alliance
Elise POVI left Alley with her family feeling like a different person than I was a few weeks ago. She spent most the flight silently crying and when it was time to leave she put on her smile. I could see the self doubt that woman carried on her shoulders. I wish she could see how incredibly strong she was, but more than anything I wanted Ace to have her in his life. They were the exact opposite yet exactly the same. Complete contradictions that fit perfectly, if that's possible. Ace was a complicated man with many demons he never truly dealt with. He was good at pushing his own needs to the bottom while avenging anyone hurt by his family. He was rude, inconsiderate, and loved fucking with people, but he never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. Most the world can't take matters into their own hands like Ace did though. I did believe in the law and that it was needed, but I also trusted in Ace. That's why even though I sat on the wrong side of good and bad I always remained by Ace's
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Alley POVWe boarded another plane and flew away from the little island my whole world remained at. I was getting really tired of getting kidnapped. I use to love flying and now I hated it. If I never saw the inside of a plane again I would be very happy."Cheer up Babushka, you're safe." Ivan handed me a bottle of water as he sat next to me. Angelo had fallen asleep shortly after we took off and I was thankful I didn't have to see his face. I'm sure he wanted to teach me a lesson for kicking him in the balls but he deserved so much worse.That man destroyed so much inside me and all I wanted was to watch him bleed. I don't think I could do it though. I remembered pointing my gun at Alvarez, then the gun going off, and then he just dropped. Instantly he was dead. His death haunted me but I wouldn't change that moment for anything. He killed Derek and deserved worse then a quick end. Still it didn't sit right with me taking another's life. I looked suspiciously at Ivan wondering how m
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