All Chapters of A Breeder For The Alphas: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
125 Chapters
Guilty conscience
  SHAUN Most times I do forget how powerful she is as i mostly remember her as a bond slave we purchased and not the last descendant an only survivor of the most powerful packs; the Lycans and even if I did hold her with all my might she would still break free from me like it was nothing. “Don’t you think it’s high time you started being nice to her?” I turned to Ronther pissed at him at how he keeps managing to annoy and frustrate her though I knew taking to him to change was pointless“I don’t have to be nice to that witch!” He said emphatically and I looked at Ulric for help to try and talk sense to him but he was either too tired or just did not care chip in“Besides you said earlier that she was no longer my responsibility so?” I did say that didn’t I?“If you Intend for me not to keep hurting her feeling then I suggest
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Vampire camp
GORGEI hated this new concept of being the bearer of bad news as it was looking like it was going to me my new title and having just given one bad news to Lord Orsel which I assumed was enough and going to be my last and though it ended better than I anticipated but I also hopped it would end there but rather here I was with another message from my spies that has just disproved it and worse if all it was barley even a day after the last one. I put the piece of paper i had just received and red into the open fire as I watched the flame slowly consume it knowing that I had to tell him the information I had just received as the information contained in that paper I had just burnt directly affects his plans. It was already quite late and I thought of leaving the information till the next day but I knew I only have to keep it away from him if he was preoccupied or asleep and given the last one and how he so easily allowed it slide which adoration from the gracious way he received the ne
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The threesome
SIBYL I watched Ronther walk away into his quarters in a haste and decided to also head back to my room as I knew there was no need to remain in the garden and knowing Ronther and the way he just maneuvered and went inside I knew he was no longer coming out so I knew waiting for him as well would be waiting in vain. Once I was back in my room I walked staring to bed and fell into it, I could not help but replay what had just happened between Ronther and I in the garden. I knew Ronther was bull headed and so I never expected me complaining about how he had treated me earlier to have any effect on him but surprisingly enough he looked remorseful and even apologized and for some reason I started smiling at the thought he could actually feel bad. I knew all the other alphas were all nice and polite to me and so naturally I don’t find myself worrying over them or disturbed they MJ gut be rude me that is except him and so I
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 “Ulric!?” I heard with a knock on my door but choose to ignore it. “Ulric, wake up we are late!” I heard Ronther say with a bang on the door forcing me awake “I am awake, I am awake!” I said to him but mostly to me as I sat up, trying to get rid of the sleep that still linger in my eyes“Good! Don’t forget we have were we are supposed to be at already and you are the only one not yet ready. We will be waiting at the study for you to get freshen up and meet us there when ever you are ready”. he announced and then I heard him walk away. “Fuck!” I swore as I looked around trying to be really conscious, I must have been really tired yesterday because I rarely do sleep in most especially on days I have an important meeting. I stood up as I quickly as I rushed into the bathroom trying to freshen up quickly as I was now away both Alphas were already dressed and wait
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The mountain pack
  RONTER Right from when we climbed onto our individual horses and rode thus far our journey into the mountains till this moment was uneventful and without any attacks, though I did not expect to see any vampire activity this far north but still one could never be too safe. Every thing was quiet on accounts of the vampires but on the account of my traveling companions, Shaun to be specific, he just could not shut up which only made me more grateful that there were no vampires around here if not he most likely would have given out our positions to them making us easy targets“So Ronther, you have no regrets about Sibyl right?” Shaun suddenly asked diverting his attention from his numerous complains and sporadic attacks to me in particular and he was now asking a question I hoped would not come up ever between us something but here we are. “No!” I just said answering his question“D
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Mountain hospitality
  RONTHER  It felt like I was deep in sleep but yet my senses could hear the distinct sound of drums and music as it seemed like I was alone in my dream. I tried to relax and enjoy it but deep down my subconscious urged me awake and then it came suddenly to me that I was been bagged and knocked unconscious and then I flung my eyes open in panic as I came back to consciousness and looked around my environment and noticed that I was sitting comfortably on a chair on a podium and I looked to my left hand side and saw Ulric and Shaun both unconscious still but alive yet I still stretched to check Ulrics pulse just to be sure and was relived to feel him still alive, Shaun was far from me but I knew if Ulric was alive then he was too“I was beginning to worry that my patrol team had hit you a little too hard on the head” said a voice to my right and I turned in haste to see a man older than I was but not too old but wh
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The clash rules
  RONTHER “The clash rule?” Shaun asked as he, as well as Ulric and I were all lost to this rule. I personally am from a long line of alphas and never for once have I heard a “clash rule” and for the fact Shaun is asking it’s meaning and Ulric looks clueless proves neither knew about the rule as well which means that it was not a general concept but it was traditional to just his pack “Yes! the clash rule” he repeated excitedly, too excited for my liking “And if you don’t mind us asking, what is that suppose to be?” Ulric asked on all our behalf “If cause not I don’t mind at all” he said as he looked like he was about to give a lecture “As alpha I have the ultimate say in everything in my pack and my word has always been law, therefore if there is a complaint or something I said or did that is not accep
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My Alpha's
SIBYLI had expected the alphas be back by now as I have been waiting all day to see them or hear any piece of information to suggest they were back but yet as hours went by and day turned to night I still had not heard a word or seen any of them to suggest they were back and knowing my alphas there was no way they would be around that they would not have come around to see me and that was my worry as I was certain they were no where around and even though I had the insane urge to go around looking for them I knew it would be Ill advised. I heard a knock on my door and even before she spoke I knew it was Amelie as I have told her to keep an eye out for them but I had a feeling she coming by this time was not to tell me they were back but yet I rushed to my feet in anticipation “Miss?” I heard Amelie call to me in a whisper from behind the door probably checking if I am still awake “Come in Amelie” I invited her in which she did and once she was in she slowly shut the door behind he
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The variables
LORD ORSEL “Sir all our forces are in position and ready to attack” Gorge said to me after he rode up to me to stay beside my horse as I comfortably looked at the little settlement of werewolves from the hill which I was“Good!” I simply said as I had no intention to involve myself with this little brawl but I needed to watch everything, I needed to see everything burn down and every on get slaughtered“I don’t want anyone spared, kill them all and have no mercy” I commanded and watched ad he took my command and rode away to give my instructions to the forces about to attack the settlement. I believe I have been too lenient with these dogs and that is why they are now getting bolder and bolder to the extent that they would even consider a merger, so I decided I was no longer going to get distracted but stick to my earlier plan to uproot all werewolves from the surface of this earth settlement by settlement even if I have to comb through ever nook and cranny to make that happen none
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The anomaly
  SIBYL I suddenly heard cries and shouts as everywhere suddenly felt hot and electric, for I didn’t know better I would think that I am in a battle field and as I opened my eyes I realized I truly was in one. I looked around around and watched as tents, houses and people were all burning, chaos ensued all around me in an intense and hateful magnitude, I did not know where i was or what was happing around me but where ever it was and whatever was happening what I did know for a fact was that I did not want to be here, it felt like a dream a very vivid one, too vivid I was almost convinced it was real and so as I was sure it was all a dream I closed my eyes and willed myself out but still I remained. I knew for a fact I was dreaming but there was this gut feeling in me that told me everything eBaying around me was very real and I could not help but wonder how that was even possible and then I saw a man riding on his ho
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