All Chapters of A Breeder For The Alphas: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 Chapters
  I would try to get Lord Orsel his witch, I still had a few tricks up my sleeve, with how often they move her, that was where I would focus on, I am certain the alphas would make her travels as innocuous as possible so as not to draw attention. It will be very difficult to know which transport she will be in and when but if by some miracle I could bribe my way around that and get that information then I am certain the next part would be easy. I need to prepare my guys, if the can clip the three alphas who would be with her then they would be ready to go, all they have to do is make sure all alphas are taken care of, I would also make the know she is the priority but if they can get the alphas as well then that would be an added bonus. I need to survive! ******* RONTHER  I felt like shit, hell! I believe even shit would not feel this terrible as I do at this moment
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What happened to ronther
 “Permission to speak freely sir!” She requested once more  “What?! That was not it?” I asked wondering what more she wanted saying.  “No sir”  “Fine, speak freely!” I said  “I do not think you were fair to Alpha Sibyl”  “Really?” I asked sarcastically  “Yes, she has been by your side all through and even fought with the other alphas so she could stay behind and take care of you, she had mopped your body and kept your temperature in check even when all of us had gone to bed. I think you should apologize to her!” She said in conclusion. If I had not given her the permission I definitely would have been very angry right now “I do not apologize!” I said stubbornly  “Maybe i
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What happened to ronther (2)
   “He is afraid of you, of what you could mean to him. He went through something terrible when he was little, something that no one should ever pass through and since then he has made sure no one has ever gotten close to him, that is something you are doing. That is why he is afraid of you!” For a woman who lack emotion, she seemed to know a lot about it and how to analyze it. She might not be able to communicate properly but it was obvious she knows and sees a lot  There was something she had just said that brought back a question no one had answered, almost like everyone was afraid of it.  What happened to Ronther when he was little?! For some reason I believe that if I could know that, that I would be able to fully understand him and I would be able to know how well to console him and make him feel safe but so far no one has told me, maybe Wilma would, mayb
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Get out!
  I knocked at Ronthers door and did not give him a chance to reply to me before I opened and walked in. It seemed Wilma had found her way back to him as she was handing him medicine to take and a glass of water  “Witch!” Ronther said with a shock, he probably assumed that I had left by now“What are you doing here!?”  “I need to talk to you!” I said, I was no longer going to allow myself be intimidated by him “Excuse me sir!” Wilma said almost immediately and turned and left before any of us could react. She might not be good communication wise but that woman knew when and how to exit an awkward situation.  Ronther properly sat upright as I saw that he was beginning to feel better, he probably could stand on his own now if he wanted  “Why are you still here&rdq
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Knowing ronther
  “I know you lost your parents and that was sad but what else did you lose to make you this..” before she could finish I instantly rushed towards her as I grabbed her by the throat, I had no idea what got over me but I instantly got into attack mode, hearing her talk about a time in my life I have tired desperately to forget instantly triggered me. I pushed her to the wall as her body slammed into it as my hand still grabbed her neck, she tried to push me off but I skillfully twisted her arm as I turned her to face the wall while her back was to me. I arm pressed her head to the wall and the other held her arm awkwardly behind her back. I knew she was a powerful Lycan, more powerful than me but she lacked skill and without skill her power can be used against her  “Ronther you are hurting me!” She said as it sounded like she wanted to cry. I instantly withdrew from her,
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Knowing ronther (2)
  I felt terrible after Sibyl left, I know I was not her to bring up things about my past but I was never thought I would react that way, it was obvious I sprained her arm. I have sprained and even hurt women in the past but I have never felt bad about it afterwards. I knew the polite thing to do was to apologize to her, but I could not bring myself to do that, maybe I should just let her be, I knew if I did that, that she most likely would never come to see me any longer and though that was something I wanted, I did not want it this way. I really wanted going after her but that could send the wrong message to her. I casually went and open the door and I could not see her anywhere, she has gone. I came back in and walked towards the large mirror at the other side of my room, I looked at myself as I lifted my top off, I had fully healed but I still had some scars at my torso area Where Gudmundur has struck
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KNOWING RONTHER (3)I walked towards her to see if she was really asleep or just faking. “Witch!” I called out to her but she did not stir, or respond. I brought my face closer to hers by an inch and still nothing m, I could see that she was really deeply asleep. I stood up erect as I looked down on her, she seemed very peaceful at the moment, as her body raised and fell ever so gently as she slept. Looking at her now the feeling of how bad I felt when I treated her cruelly today came back to me making me regret my actions all over again, the fact she came back the second time and even waited for me, she must have known that there would be a good chance I would mock her or I might even get physical with her again but yet she still came. I really hated how she would not give up on me, it made me also admire and want to protect her even more that I had felt in the past. She turned in her seat and I could see that her position was really an awkward one, why would anyone want to slee
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 KNOWING RONTHER (HAVE I BROKEN RONTHER?) I slowly opened my eyes and everything felt off, the position, the view, the texture underneath my head. Everything. I wanted panicking but I knew that would be I’ll advised. If this was another teleportation it would be better if I rationally address the situation before I act, I might over react and let my presence known to whomever I am with. I looked down and I knew I was laying on someone, and whoever it was, was fully asleep, I could feel it. I had my arm over the person in a very comfortable position. I gently raised my head so I could see their face and I almost had a heart attack as I raised and saw Ronthers face. I mean at this moment I would have preferred to be anywhere else. If Ronther wakes and sees me on top of him he will seriously get angry. Did I get so obsessed thinking about him that I transferred my body on top of his? I slowly lifted
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 KNOWING RONTHER (5) “You know if you really wanted to cuddle, you could have just said so to me. I won’t have objected.” I needed him to know he did not have to just act sometimes, it would not hurt if he tells me how he feels. If he wanted my body on his I would not mind   “I said I took you to bed, not that I cuddled you. You did that all on your own despite how many times I pulled you off” he stood up as he spoke and I wanted to attack him as I felt embarrassed, that was when I suddenly realized something.  He has not called me a witch all through our conversation, that should be some sort of record right? “How is your arm?” He suddenly asked but he did so very nonchalantly, it was the most careless way I have heard anyone ask such question in my life but yet his tone was filled with genuine curiosity, I knew what he was talkin
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 RONTHER  I watched her leave, carrying that stubborn attitude of hers that I have grown to admire, I knew she had a point in what she last said, I knew if I continued to hide from what really happened that day that I might never really heal from it, I have thought about it, about healing but if I am entirely honest with myself that was not what i want, I believe that I should not allow myself to heal, I made a mistake, a costly one that made me lose everything that day and I do not have the right to allow myself heal, I did not want to heal, in-fact, I just wish that she would stop bringing it up already, her obsession with that part of my life was annoying Personally i have already found a way to suppress that incident so it does not affect me instead I use it to allow myself not feel, yes i know that it is not ideal and it has made me shutoff from my emotions and practically unapproachable to everyone around me but I was not com
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