All Chapters of A Breeder For The Alphas: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
  BRUSIE Ronther walked back inside leaving them to train, he had something else in mind, he made his way to the library, a place he has not been to in a very long time, he walked into the large room and was instantly hit with memories, memories hidden deep with that you would think it was form another life, once upon a time he loved this room, he played a lot in it but since after the incident he made sure to avoid places like this that reminds him of her.  He went inside, sat down and took out the letter that was sent to him earlier today, it was from the alphas; Shaun and Ulric.  They had written to tell me that they were aware of my recovery and wished me a quick one, saying they were both too busy to come visit at the moment as the vampires have increased their attack in the recent days, they seem to be aware of our plan unite all Werewolves under one banner and so the have chosen
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  READING LESSONS  “Ooh” she just simply said but I could tell she was a little hurt by what I just said, she was probably expecting I would say that I would be nice towards training her but I just don’t know why I lied  “Anyways, I thought you hated libraries” she said changing topics  “And Who told you that?”  “People do gossip” she said evasively but I had a feeling she instigated this particular inquiries that led to the gossip  “I do not hate libraries in general, I just happen to hate this library” I said letting her know the distinction  “Why? I think your library might be the best, it contains a lot of books in Braille” she asked still putting her nose where it does not belong “That is none of
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  THE INSOMNIAC I got on top of the bed preparing to sleep, this has always been the difficult part of every night for me, finding a way to drift off to bed after a stressful day. Normally I was stressed, my body would be stressed but I could not still sleep.  My body was not the problem My mind was.  With how much demons resides in my mind it was a miracle I could even sleep the day I could.  I trashed and trashed on the bed looking for better positions to assume but none seems to do the trick.  It felt like it was going to be one of those nights, I closed my night for what seemed like hours but apart from the pitch black darkness nothing else, not even sleep could come out of that dark abyss  I finally got up and sat at the edge of my bed as it was obvious lying dow
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  You had no problems sleeping last night though”she said stating the obvious, I really did not, even when I did I had no clue, that was until she touched me “Maybe cuddling you had something to do with that, do allow someone to cuddle you? Maybe that would help” I could see where she was going with this.  “No, you are the first and only person to ever do that” I replied My former self would have stopped her long ago before she even got this far but my present self had no fight left in him where this woman was concerned.  Instead I just wanted to hear her say it, to see how far she could actually take this and so I just listened and said nothing to counter her “d.... d do you want me to do that again? You know, cuddle you? To see if it would help” She asked in a stammer, it was obvious it took everythin
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Stealing a kiss
  At first I saw it for what it was; my master just being fair to her because of her disability and I did not at that time think anything to it, my master is many things but he would never kick you while you are down, he loves a challenge and probably seeing her blind and weak just made him more protective of her than cruel, he was still a rude but he always guarded her like a mother hen.  if the princess had been healthy from the start as she was healthy now, my master would have probably raped her by now and tired to make her carry his children by force while abusing her emotionally and physically if need be, at first I understood his change in behavior and why he was gentle towards her but what I did not see coming was the fact that as she needed his help and protection and he gave it to her as well without holding back, I did not see that slowly and gradually that he would begin to grow fond of her, and I am sure he did not see
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I had no idea when I let go of all caution and just allow my base instinct take over me. I have always wondered how it would feel like to kiss Royce, really kiss him, I mean we have kissed him before but always on his terms, right now I have the freedom to be the one in charge and do to him as I please and that thought sent chills down my spine, probably the reason I feel this way is because out of all the alphas he was my white whale, the one who was most difficult to tame and so now I finally have him in my arms I just could not resist it. I wanted to taste himAs I kissed him I could feel his mouth open to me, I did not know if I was imaging it or if he actually was awake and was opening up for me but I did not care, I was too far gone to stop now and so I let myself dive even deeper into the kiss, I slowly felt him reciprocate as his tongue caress mine, that was when I realized he was in fact awake and conscious of what I was doing, I moan loudly into his mouth forgetting every
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DOES RONTER LIKE ME?Orsel knew that this war has become a one he could no longer just easily win as he had assumed before; with how organized and in control the werewolves are now, there was no way this was as easy as it once was, with the way things are now it would be almost impossible to beat them with the army he has now on ground. Right now Orsel knows that the werewolves all now have one common goal and focus which is to fight and protect themselves and all their territories from the vampires and with how fast the banded together it’s safe to assume they all believe in their mission. No matter how Lord Orsel wants to think about it, he knows that this is a bad thing, a very bad thing, as a strategist he knows it is terrible form for your opponent to have, a common vision they all believe in, having that can boost morale and make even those who are normally unskilled in the art of war step up and perform fir a goal they believe in, making them unnecessarily brave and making th
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“Then why were you shy about it !?” This woman really has no idea how to delicately address situations, she was as blunt as they come and she does it with a very plain face, her talent should be studied. Even more so and I was wondering if it was because of how familiar she was with the subject matter or she just did not know to be ashamed“Okay I can’t say we had sex” because we definitely haven’t, I don’t know why I felt the urge to act like I have to her “but he and I did other things like, you know?” I was trying to explain it without having to say it out loud “What is that?!” She asked innocently I had no idea If she was just doing this on purpose or really was this clueless but equally knowledgeable all at once. She was a living, walking oxymoron! from her face she looked sincere like she really did not know what I was insinuating and trying to say to her“Fine! We made out okay!? We kissed and he played with me” I said defensively while blushing, having no idea who I was
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What did Wilma put into your head this time around?” He asked still not paying me any attention and I was shocked, how did he know Wilma was behind my sudden attitude?“Wil... she did not do anything” “Em Hmm” He said in disbelief “You think I don’t know she had something to do with you saying back the day you wanted leaving? Anytime you meet her you seem to come back energized, so what did you do instead of training?” He really was perceptive, you won’t really know that about him, you would think he was just a brute that acts without fore thought or planning but that does not seem to be the case“We Just trained that’s all, I have the bruises to show it” I said wanting him to see my face and the bruises on them “I also have bruises on my body as well” I said complaining to him, I did not know why I really needed his attention “They will all heal in a matter of hours” he said as casually as possible and I was hurt, where was the man who was worried yesterday when all I just had wa
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Feeling sick
RONTHER Ronther suddenly was feeling light headed and claustrophobic, as he watched her argue and demand of him he knew he really needed to get out of the room, everything was making his stomach and head upset, he felt nauseous but suddenly she stepped in his path and mentioned his dead parents, that was a trigger, it has always been and before he could stop himself, he snapped Grabbing her by the throat was instinctive rather than something conscious he wanted doing but the act in itself was never to hurt her, he can never bring himself to hurt her, if he could he would have done that since instead of always coming to her rescue, the act was to intimidate her and force her to stop talking and questioning him about things he did not want talking about, things he has spent years and years burying but instead of just shutting up, she continued, she really can be quite stubborn and bull headed when she wants to be but right now none of that was Ronther’s main issue. his main issue rig
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