All Chapters of Rejected Mate: The Persistent Alpha Wants Me Back: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
—Jeremy— "Well dear sister, I guess I'm just going to have to kill Lachlan Burrows." I tell her and she looks at me in shock, while Elijah just shakes his head. "What do you mean you're going to have to kill him? You're not even sure he knows that Lyanna is alive, maybe he just brought her up." Elena tells me, she's always been the voice of reason. "No, I can't believe that after all these years he would just bring up her name especially since Lena is still very sensitive on that subject." I tell her. "It could also be because the anniversary is tomorrow, the day we buried my father and the day Lena gave birth, the anniversary is tomorrow. So it's possible that Lachlan was just reminiscing about the past." Elijah tells me and then a sad look sits on his face. "Is it really tommorow? So it's been eight years already since we lost him." Elena says and Immediately a somber look falls on all of us. "Yeah and from what Jeremy just said, he never wanted us to do
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Chapter 92: FRIEND OR FOE?
—Jeremy— Iannis walks into the room and I smile. "Ah Iannis my friend, you are right on time." He doesn't return my smile, maybe it's because we are not really friends and also because I'm blackmailing him to help me. "You need to smile more, your age is starting to show." I tell him as I gather Elijah's drugs. He looks at me like he wants to kill me and he can actually, that's how powerful he is, with a snap of his finger he could kill me where I stand, but if he does that, he's sentencing his family to death, I've already put plans in place for that. "You wanted to see me?" He asks with a tired look on his face. I hand Elijah his drugs and make sure he swallows everything before I turn my attention back to Iannis. "Yes, please have a seat." I tell him gesturing to the chair closest to Elijah's bed. Elijah has this unique talent of reading people, he's able to tell when they are lying or telling the truth, I could easily do it by listening to th
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Chapter 93: HOMECOMING
—Lena— As earlier discussed, we each piled ourselves into two cars, Killian and Lachlan were currently loading Mariana's coffin into the boot of the SUV. My mind was all over the place, I don't think it has settled since everything that has happened, from my sister been brutally murdered to finding out my daughter was still alive after believing that she was dead all these years and the person behind all this, is the one guy in my life that I actually loved and was close to getting married to. Killian might say all this isn't my fault that I should stop blaming myself but it is, even if Jeremy would've found another way to get back at Lachlan, he chose me because I was the gullible one, I believed all his lies and I brought this monster into our lives and now we are on the run preparing to go to war. It would've been different if it were only me, but it's not I've dragged everyone I love into this, Including my sweet innocent Will, he shouldn't be here right now, he shoul
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Chapter 94: THE PAST 5
—Elliot Bennett— Next week will mark a year since I've been at Alpha Kelly's pack and although I had reservations at the beginning, I'm happy that I was proven wrong. Everyone has been so welcoming, even Alpha Kelly and also his Beta. They never made me feel like I was an outsider and the best thing that I've gained from my stay here is the friendship between me, Jeho and Alan, what we have is a bond that will never be broken. So I have to admit that our parents were right this year together really worked. But as much as I love it here, I can't wait to get back to my own pack, back to my father, I haven't seen him in almost a year and yes we talk on the phone and write letters, but it isn't the same and I also have a feeling that he's hiding something from me. Another reason why I want to leave is Heather, this past year, we've gotten pretty close even though I tried to fight it, but it was as if my body was seeking hers out and I don't know why, I can't explain it bu
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Chapter 95: THE PAST 6
—Elliot Bennett— Alan slaps his hand on my shoulder to get me out of my daze. "Come on bro, we need to go, the ceremony is about to start and the Alpha won't be happy if we aren't there when it does." He tells me and there's a look on his face, and immediately I see that look, I know that he knows. But we don't say anything about it, we just make our way to the ceremonial grounds. When we get there, torches have been lit on both sides till the lake, and a dias has been set up, there's a chair there for Alpha Kelly, and on his right hand side is Jeho, and in his left is his Beta. Both me and Alan take our place beside Jeho. Martha comes out of the house and whispers something in Alpha Kelly's ear and then she goes back inside. Alpha Kelly signals one if the guards and then the guard proceeds to blow the ceremonial trumpet, bringing everyone to attention. There are a lot of men here today, hoping to find their mates, just like Alan said, many have come from far and wide
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Chapter 96: THE PAST 7
—Elliott Bennett— The second trumpet sounds and the girls all walk out, my eyes are peeled out for Heather, I assumed that she would be at the front of the line, but she's not. Liliana is at the front while Heather is at the back of the line. The moment I see her my heart starts beating erratically again and my wolf is restless. If it was up to him, he would take Heather over his shoulder and run away with her. But I can't do that, I can't do anything to jeopardise the alliance between our two packs,so I stay where I am even though every single cell in my body is screaming at me to go to her. The ceremony starts, the priest blesses them but putting a concoction on their head, and then he and Martha give them something to drink, what the fuck is that. "It's to make the first shift less painful." Alan tells me, he must sense my unease, on hearing his explanation, I calm down a little. The priest steps back and starts reciting words that I don't understand, b
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Chapter 97: THE PAST 8
—Elliott Bennett— "What did you just say?" I growl at the servant. He stumbles back and looks scared. "We just got word from blood moon pack, Alpha Bennett is dead." He stammers. "How dare you spread such lies, I will have your tongue." I growl at him and start to walk towards him but Heather holds me back. I look back at her and I can see that tears are already pooling in her eyes. Why is she crying? This guard is clearly lying, he has to be, my father can't be dead, he just can't. "Guard!" Alpha Kelly shouts and the guard runs up and kneels in front of him. "You better start from the beginning and I swear if you haven't verified this information, I will have your head and I will take it off myself." Alpha Kelly tells him and we can all smell the fear pouring out of the guard. "The news came from Alpha Bennett's Beta himself." The guard says. "And what was the name given to you?" Alpha Kelly asks him. "He said his name was Andrew, Andrew
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Chapter 98: THE PAST 9
—Elliot Bennett— I get up to open the door for Alan and I immediately get this foreboding feeling, the last time I felt like this was when I was leaving the pack to come here. I open the door and Alan is standing right there and the look on his face gives it all away. "No, he's not…" My voice cuts off as I try to hold back the sob in my chest. "I'm so sorry man, but we just confirmed it, he's gone." Alan tells me and I immediately fall to the ground and let out a heart wrenching scream. Heather gets up and gets on the floor with me and she hugs me, my face in her chest and I just give up and start crying. The only other time I cried like this was the night my mother died and now my father is dead too. I cry and cry and scream until I can't anymore and Heather holds me through all of it. When I'm done I raise up my head and she wipes my face and I see that she's been crying too. That's right we are linked now she can feel whatever I'm feeling and I can
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Chapter 99: THE PAST 10
—Elliott Bennett— I turn and look at Heather. "You wanna get married baby?" I ask her. She looks up at me with shock written all over her face. "What did you just say?" She asks me like she can't believe the words that just came out of my mouth. I take both of her hands in mine and get down on one knee. "I know that this isn't an ideal situation right now and you deserve a much better proposal than this, I don't even have a ring for you, but if I have to leave here tomorrow, I'm not leaving without you, you're coming back to the pack with me as my Luna." I tell her and I can feel the stares of everyone in the room on me, but none of them matter, all that matters is Heather. "So, what do you say mia cara, will you marry me today, in front of our family and friends?" I ask her. Tears are gathering in her eyes but there's a smile on her face. "But Elliot, I don't have a dress or anything." She tells me. "We'll figure all that out and if it makes you feel bet
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Chapter 100: MATES
—Lena— The flight from here to the private hanger in Massachusetts is about four hours and then we still have like an hour drive to the pack. I look at my watch and see that we're only an hour into the flight. The chairs on the jet turn to beds and everyone is making good use of it, it's like now that we're in the air and safe, they can now sleep. Even Killian has finally slept, I look down at him, he's so peaceful right now, the weight on his shoulders is a lot and he still has the council of alpha's to lead if he accepts the appointment. I run my hands through his hair and he stirs a little and there's a little smile on his face. I wish I could take some of his burdens away from him but the one thing I can do is get our baby girl back and if I find out that all my suspicions are true, Killian is going to have to get in line because I'm the one that's going to kill Jeremy. For some reason, I'm too wired to sleep, I've tried but there are just too many thoughts
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