All Chapters of Rejected Mate: The Persistent Alpha Wants Me Back: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81: LENA IS MARRIED 2
—Jeremy— "Well now that we're all here and you're awake Jer, and strapped to the bed, how about we talk about Elijah's news. About Lena and Killian getting married." Elena says and just like that the tension is back. "I don't want to talk about this Elena." I tell her because I'm already starting to feel myself lose control. "Well we have too, because everytime Lena or Killian's name is brought up you lose control big brother and you need to start learning how to control it. Because if this is to work, and we get Eric and he makes you the Alpha of the feral shifters, it will all be for not if you can't control yourself." I know she's right but that doesn't mean I like it. But there's nothing I can do about it because I'm trapped on this bed. "So Elijah, you were trapped in the basement, how did you know that they got married?" Elena asks him. "That's a very good question Elijah, don't tell me you were messing with me." I tell him. "I would never joke abo
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Chapter 82: LYANNA IS ALIVE 4
—Lachlan— I leave Lena and Killian alone and walk back to my room. The secrets revealed today have my mind in a mess, I can't imagine how Killian and Lena feel, especially with Mariana being dead. I walk into the room and Kate is already packing, well I can't call it packing, she's basically thrown open the wardrobe and dressers and our clothes are everywhere. Yeah I was expecting this, she's still mad about the wedding. I slam the door closed to alert her that I'm here and she Immediately stops what she's doing and looks at me and I can see the anger written all over her face. "Hey mi amore, where's Will?" I ask her, trying to start off with a safe topic and not go straight to the matter at hand. I'm hoping talking about our son that she loves so much will calm her down a little. "He's in Katharina's room helping her pack, he loves hanging out with her and she could also see that I needed a minute to myself." She tells me going back to throwing clothes on the b
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—Jeremy— They both stare at me for minutes just speechless, Elena's mouth is so open that I think a fly might go in. After a while it's Elijah that finally breaks the silence. He sits up on his bed and pins me with his stare. "What do you mean by the baby never died Jeremy?" Fuck I don't know how I'm going to explain this to both of them especially Elijah, we've never kept anything from each other before and him finding out that I've kept this secret from him for almost eight years, I hope our bond will be able to bear this. "Well, first of all I need you both to understand that it wasn't planned. I never planned any of this. The opportunity fell into my lap and I had to act fast." I tell them hoping to quell their anger but it doesn't seem to be working. "Talk Jeremy." Elijah practically growls at me and considering his state, it must've taken him a whole lot of energy which means he's pissed. "Ok, ok. It was the night of Uncle Lucas's Funeral, remember how
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—Lena— The smell, it's the first thing that hits me when we walk into the room, Marie is on the bed with her eyes closed, one might think she was just sleeping but the fact that she's been nearly mutilated will clear that assumption quickly. How could a human being do this to another person? How could Jeremy be capable of doing something like this and I didn't see it all these years. I walk up to the bed and just stare down at her, my Mariana, my big sister, my protector. Before the whole message with Killian, we were so close, we were thick as thieves. She was always there for me and she never let anyone or anything hurt me. But then we found out that I was Killian's mate and everything went to hell, my sister distanced herself from me and did everything possible to get me away from Killian and she actually succeeded, I was separated from him for eight years after he rejected me. But thinking about all the things she has done over th
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Chapter 85: THE PAST 3
—Elliot Bennett— "I'm Elliott Bennett, nice to meet you too." I tell him, not knowing that taking his hands that day would be the biggest mistake of my life. After exchanging greetings, I'm introduced to Jeho's father, Alpha Jay Kelly and his beta Nolan Reyes. I was also introduced to Alan, Beta Nolan's son and also Jeho's best friend and future Beta. "Ok gentlemen, why don't we proceed to the meeting room while Jehovah and Alan give Elliott a tour of the pack." Alpha Kelly says and I immediately don't want to agree with that, I want to stay with my father, he opted to come alone and left his Beta to look after our pack so if I leave him now he'll be the only one at the meeting. I'm just about to voice my disagreement when my father gives me a look that shuts me up. "That's an amazing idea, Alpha Kelly. Elliott, why don't you go ahead and get a tour of what will be your home for the next year, when you're done I'll still be here son so that you can see me off."
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Chapter 86: THE PAST 4
—Elliott Bennett— Both Heather and Jeho walk back to where Alan and I are waiting. She has a basket by her side filled with wildflowers and Jeho is trying to take one out. "Stop it Jeho, the flowers are for Martha." She tells him trying to scold him but there's a smile on her face so it doesn't really work. Jeho is finally able to get a stem free and proceeds to put it behind her ear. "There, a flower as beautiful as you." He tells her and she blushes. Upon seeing this music wolf stands at attention and growls and I also growl but I immediately cover it up with a cough. "Hey, are you ok?" Alan asks me looking worried. "Yea, I'm fine." I tell him because I don't even understand what is going on right now, why is my wolf acting like this? "Hello brother, I see you decided to join Jeho in skipping classes today." She tells Alan trying to scold him but there's still a smile on her face, it's like she's incapable of smiling and not that I'm complaining, he
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—Killian— "That should do it, the spell will only break only once she has been laid to rest, until then her body will be preserved as it is." Eric tells us. "Thank you Eric." Lena tells him but she doesn't even look up she just keeps staring at Mari's body and there are tears welled up in her eyes. "Mi Lena, it's time. We need to take her body down to the car." I tell her, this is the part that I've been dreading. "Where are you going to put her? You can't just dump her in the trunk." She tells me and I can see that she's starting to get upset and if I don't handle this situation fast she's going to start crying again. "It's just until we get to the pack, I've already called ahead and there's a coffin waiting for her once we arrive." I tell her hoping that it will calm her down but it doesn't seem to be working. "No, it's not right Killian, she doesn't deserve to be kept in the trunk. It's just not right Killian." She tells me and she starts crying ag
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Chapter 88: I'M OK
—Lena— I wake up and feel a little bit disoriented, it takes me a few minutes to get my bearings and when I finally do, everything starts crashing down on me again, the events of the last few days. Finding out about Lyanna, Jeremy's betrayal and Mari, Mari is dead. I look to my side and Killian is completely passed out, he looks so peaceful, my husband, he's being my rock through all this. I thought he would be like the old Killian and tell me he told me so and he warned me about Jeremy, but he never said anything. Instead he's being there with me through it all, constantly telling me that none of this was my fault even though it is. He's barely slept this past week and I don't want to wake him up, he needs his rest for what we have coming up. I try to go back to sleep, but my mind is so wired that I can't and plus the ambien has worn off. I try my best to get up from our makeshift bed carefully so as not to wake Killian up, I finally get up and he only stirs a little bu
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—Killian— I wake up and I immediately stretch my hands towards Lena, but all I'm met with is just cold empty blankets, I immediately get up in shock wondering where she is. But immediately I get up there's a pair of confused eyes staring at me. "Uncle Killian, why were sleeping on the floor?" Will asks me still rubbing sleep away from his eyes. "Well Will, your aunt Lee Lee and I decided to sleep here last night, it was like a mini camp." I tell him and I immediately regret using those words. "You guys campers without me?" He asks me and Immediately his mouth starts to wobble like he's about to start crying. Oh fuck, I have to fix this somehow, if he starts crying Kate is going to murder me. "No buddy, it wasn't like that, we actually came to get you but you were already asleep with your mum and dad, so we decided not to wake you up." I tell him hoping that he believes me. "Are you sure Uncle Killian? You're not just saying that are you?" He asks me, da
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—Killian— After breakfast, everyone sits at the table not wanting to move, knowing that once we get up from here, we are leaving our bubble that we have been in for the past few days and we're going to war. "I don't want to leave this house, I don't want to get up." Lena whispers but we can all hear her and we all murmur our agreement that we all feel the same way. "Once we leave, it's never going to be the same again, I just know it." Kate says and for the first time since I've known her, I swear I see tears welling up in her eyes. "We can't think like that, if we go into this fight having these kind of thoughts, then we've already lost." I tell them. "Killian's right we can't think of the worst case scenarios, we need to go into this fight with the mindset that we'll win and we'll all come out alive." Lachlan concurs. As the alpha I get up first knowing that if I don't do it nobody else will. "Ok, we know the plan, we're packed, so how about everyone get r
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