All Chapters of THE MAFIA'S WILDEST OBSESSION: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
80 Chapters
THIRTY ONEANDRES“You like her, don’t you?” Manuel asked as soon as Catherina was taken out by her brother“Excuse you?”“You now have every chance to take over the corners that I control in this city in exchange for sparing my life and that of my family. Hell… you have the chance to dispatch of your enemies once and all but you chose to pick an exchange. It can only mean that somehow you feel something strong for my daughter, Catherina”“I am still taking some of those corners you are talking about” Andres said, leaning forward.“That was not what we agreed on. You said you wanted just Catherina and all would be forgiven”“Then you don’t mind if I pimp your daughter to my men every night for the rest of her days to assuage their anger at your family’s insult”I could see the realization hit Manuel as he leaned backwards in his chair, clearly defeated.“What corners do you want?” he asked“The one by the mall, the one in the north where that parking lot is facing…”“That is my best s
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THIRTY TWOCATHERINAI had succeeded in bidding my brother goodbye without him having the slightest inclination to what I was about to do and I had to admit that I was quite giddy with excitement at fooling them all. Pedro waited in the parking lot while I stepped into the dress shop owned by a French woman who was one of mamma’s friend. I was quite sure she had not had about my sister’s pregnancy nor about the fact that I was the one now getting married to the man my sister was supposed to get married to. It was a fucking circus and one of the reasons I had to be away immediately“Come on, Catherina. I wasn’t expecting you today, how is your mamma and where is she? She and I were supposed to check out some dresses for your sister’s impending nuptials” Celine preened, enveloping me in a hug.I knew about the saying that the French people oozed sexual appeal and it definitely had to be true because Celine was the total definition of sex on heels. She had such beautiful and slim body wi
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THIRTY THREEANDRES“You went behind my fucking back!” my fist slammed the head of my cousin, Alejandro“I did what needed to be done” he snapped back, spitting blood“I had given an order and you defied it” I said, slamming my fist again to the other side of his head.“You are fucking weak and all because of some whore’s pussy” He spat, glaring at me through bloodshot eyesI had caught them all trying to escape after committing the unpardonable deed of defying their jefe. I had given an order for them to stand down and while I had expected such defiance to come from Miguel, I had not thought to have Alejandro watched.“I should have you executed; I should kill you right now” I bellowed in rage“But you won’t because you fucking murdered my father and because of that piece of shit girl. The elders are going to be furious if you succeed in wiping out the last of his bloodline” he smiled through bloodied mouth.As much as I hated to admit, he was right. I could not kill him and not beca
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THIRTY FOURCATHERINAIf I could locate the gate, the one I had been brought in through then maybe I could be free once again, I thought as I ran.Nobody paid me any mind and I could only imagine this was some norm in their household; Andres torturing and hurting women.I got lost a couple of times before I began hearing shouting and people searching around for me, I realized. They finally knew I wasn’t supposed to be roaming, I thought bitterly as I pressed my back against the stone wall, waiting for the next set of men to pass.I could never go back there and be wife to a man that had my family killed and just because he wanted to prove some point. I refuse to believe that he was unaware of what they were going to do; they were his men and would never act outside his orders and even if they did, then it wasn’t safe for me here. I could be killed anytime one of them was in a fit or tried to undermine authority. I would forever be caught in the middle of some internal war going on in
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THIRTY FIVEANDRESMy heart slammed wildly as I took the stairs two at a time, rushing to the pool where I had seen her dive into the water. If she fucking died then I would never forgive myself from taking her from her family, intruding on her perfect life.Miguel followed directly behind me not bothering ask why I was in such a haste.I crashed into the cave where I had instructed that a private pool be made for me and saw the water bubbling; it would seem that she was struggling to come up.I dived into the water and began reaching for her just as she began sinking. I touched her hand and held fast, drawing her up to me while trying to remain afloat. When I was sure her face was out of the water, I began sliding to the corner until I had a grip before passing her to Miguel.I climbed out, soaked but only concerned for her.“Wake the fuck up” I panted, pressing my hands together against her chest.I did that for a while and then proceeded to give her mouth to mouth ignoring the look
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THIRTY SIXCATHERINA“What the hell, Andre… where are you taking me? and do I need to be so tied up?” I said as he pushed me forward.His lips twisted in a snarl“You seem to have a penchant for running away, estimado and I am not going to allow that happen again” he said with finality.“I did not mean to…”“To run away?” he interrupted, pushing me when I tried to face him“To drown but it was like the water was calling out to me and I forgot for a second that I could not swim” I told himHe stopped for a second, giving me ample view of his face which had me worried.“You could not swim and you jumped into the water? Maldito infierno”“Do not cuss at me, it was a mistake and won’t happen again” I told him“Yes, it won’t” he echoed.We stopped in front of an opening and then began advancing lower into what I could tell was the dungeons. We had one of these back at home and my papa had explicitly warned my sister and I never to go near it or try to see what was inside.I obeyed that ins
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THIRTY SEVENANDRES“Do you think it is wise leaving her there with Alejandro?” Miguel inquired as soon as I stepped out of the dungeons.“You seem to have grown fond of our prisoner. I remember you vividly opposing her presence in the Casa del Infierno and now you are acting quite loony. Has she infected you with her unmatched beauty?” I mocked as we walked“I am not the one infected but you seem to be out of your mind and it is all because of her”“Di eso una vez más y te prometo que no tendrás lengua” I snarled at himHe was the only one who could talk to me in such a manner and get away with it and he knew it and he was also the only fucking person I had to be weary of in the clan.“Where are the elders?” I asked“They are waiting in the el salón del trono” he answered, leading the wayThe room quietened as I entered and took my place at the head of the table“We have come to ask about Alejandro and what shall be done with him” One of the elders said immediately“I cannot execute
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THIRTY EIGHTCATHERINAIt is official, I am going to die and nobody will know where I fucking am, I thought as I took deep breaths.I was strung to a dungeon wall and tied up like a fucking criminal by a mad man and all because of what?I continued taking deep breaths with my eyes closed, trying not to think about the man who was in the dungeon with me; the idiota that had murdered my brother and father.He did not look better off himself but I wondered why he wasn’t dead, butchered and buried like all the men that had tried to harm me since the arrival of Andres.The air was putrid and definitely housed the odor of a dozen urines from a dozen dying men and the hijo bastardo had locked me in here like he would all he wanted dead.The door to the dungeon creaked open and I sighed in relief, jumping to my feet as an old woman strutted in. She had a gun in her hand which I could tell was loaded with the way she handled it; she advanced towards me and I shied back against the wall, wonder
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THIRTY NINEANDRESI carried a shivering Catherina up and out of the dungeons and straight to my room where I placed her on the bed and wrapped her in a blanket“Don’t move” I warned, tucking the blanket around her chin while she stared up at me without blinking.I resisted the urge to touch her face and try to erase the dried streaks of tears I could still see there. She had brought this upon herself, thinking she could run away from me… trying to shame and insult me in front of the clan. So why was I feeling remorse as I made sure she had the blanket all over her body.“Why did you come?” she asked“I want you punished, not killed and you looked like you were about to die” I snapped at her.She glared at me but said nothing as I flipped the phone in my pocket out, ringing one of the maids.“I want food brought up to my room immediately” I told her.“What would you like?” I turned to Catherina who was already dozing.I did not think she heard me“Bring everything you have and can pro
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FOURTYCATHERINAWhy the hell was he being sweet and nice to me when he had almost killed me, I thought as I sat in front of everything he had asked be brought for me to eat.I could not hate him if he was acting like this and I needed to channel my anger; it was his men that had ruined my family, after all. I was at his mercy and so I had to behave because there was no way I would go back to that dungeon alive; he would have to take my dead body if he had any plans of putting me back there after all these.There had been something about the way he had carried me gently away from the dungeons and now food? Even taking a bath in his bathroom?Would it work if I tried seducing him, I thought as I dug into the bacon in front of me.It was pretty clear to me that he was affectionate towards me and I was going to use that until I could get out of this hell hole and make him pay dearly.“What are you so concentrated on thinking?” he asked, jolting me from the murderous thoughts I was having
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