All Chapters of THE MAFIA'S WILDEST OBSESSION: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
FIFTY ONEANDRESAll eyes followed me as I walked into the room, bloodied from yet another torture of one of the man that had been asked to man the cameras. I had called the meeting for just one reason; I wanted to look the elder who had betrayed me in the eye as I executed him.The room quietened as I sat in my chair, facing them off one after the other with Miguel standing quietly at my side.“It would seem…” I began… “that I have been too lenient for late and that is why somebody here thinks I am easy meat that they can pick off and kill”All eyes remained on me but I could already see the uncertainty and dread creeping into their eyes as I stared them down.“Alejandro escaped the dungeons and somebody here helped him” I announced.Whisper filtered round the table but I had my eyes on one elder and he was staring at me as well, his eyes hard and teeth gritting. It would seem that I had been right in my assumptions and have caught the traitor in my clan.“Esperanza, please; would yo
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FIFTY TWOCATHERINAI had had the night to think about what I was doing and my confused feelings towards Andres. It was clear that I was foolishly in love with him; the man whose men had killed my brother but the same man who had also killed for me and made sure that I was protected.I was conflicted about everything and when he did not return to the room after I had shunned him; it was also clear that I had hurt his feelings. I knew he cared for me judging from the way he had been gentle with me after everything but he was a hard man and one who had undergone a very difficult childhood from what I could gather about him.I wanted everything to be alright between us and so I made up my mind to talk to him about it right before he stepped in and everything I was thinking flew out of the window when I looked at him.He was staring at me like he wanted to say something and was figuring out a way to say it and then I had gone right ahead to ask what he was doing in his own bedchambers. I
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FIFTY THREEANDRESI remained still as she closed the distance between us gazing into my eyes while I desperately thought about how I wanted her naked and on her knees; all the things I wanted to teach her about pleasure. Her scent filtered through my nostrils but I resisted the urge to breathe deeply, to fill my lungs with…“What did you want to talk about?” I cleared my throat, stepping away before I lost every shred of dignity I had left.“I heard about the dungeon man escape and that he was helped by some elder” she began“What about it?” I asked“What about it? You could have killed him and you didn’t, why?” she asked, drawing closer.“I cannot kill the last living relation of a clan besides, I already killed his father; my uncle” I told her.I watched her eyes widen, no doubt remembering the day I had shot the man as he held her against himself with a gun to her pretty head.“You killed his father for me” she muttered“He committed a crime and had to be dealt with and so did his
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FIFTY FOURCATHERINAI stormed away from the den, stomping my foot.The fucking unbearable asshole, I fumed“Gilipollas” I grunted“Fucking calling a kitten, i am no kitten” I said to myself as I walked, kicking my legs“Catherina, is that you?” a voice called.It was an unmistakable voice and one I had never planned on hearing again. I spurned around to where I was sure the voice had come from.“Mamma?” I called outI watched her face break into a smile as I ran towards her, jumping into her arms. Her scent was still the same and I could not believe how much I had missed it.“What are you doing here?” I asked when I let go of herShe smiled, tears streaming her face before I noticed the shadow rounding the corner.It was Oliver and my face paled considerably as he walked to where we stood. He was accompanied by Miguel who was watching me with interest.“Catherina, I see that you have been well” he smiled, reaching to pull me into his arms.I was numb as he hugged me and as I smelt hi
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FIFTY FIVEANDRESI sauntered into the dungeons to see Oliver trying to maintain as much dignity as he could as he sat on his haunches on the bare ground.He opened his eyes to cast me a full glare as I walked in and then rose to his feet; he wasn’t anything close to being the same height as me and so I looked down on him as he snarled.“Why is he not chained?” I asked Miguel.“I was waiting for your arrival; no use him fainting before the actual fun starts” Miguel announced.Oliver spurned around, his eyes darting to every corner of the dungeons as he tried to find where Miguel was speaking from“I will not tell you anything and you cannot kill me or the girl and her unborn baby are gone” he mocked“I cannot kill you but I definitely can get you to sing; may I show you?” I grinned devilish at him.He swallowed as I signaled Miguel to bind him to the wall; he was going to occupy Alejandro’s position pending when I found him and killed him. I wasn’t going to allow such a threat slip th
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FIFTY SIXCATHERINAIt was either Christmas or Santa Claus had decided to give me presents early. I was with mamma in Andres’ room when the door opened and Audrey was escorted in by one of his men. I scampered off the bed and straight to my sister, stopping when I saw her protruded belly.“Hermana” she exclaimed, wrapping me up in her arms“Audrey, I have missed you terribly” my voice broke as I hugged her back.My mamma was standing behind us with her eyes red from crying.“Come and sit” I told her, smiling ever so widely“I want to know what is going on; I was handed over to some men by Oliver’s people and then they brought me here” she said“Andres; he brought you and mamma and…”“He accepted Oliver’s proposal?” Audrey gasped, rising to her feet“No, he did not. He tortured it out of the poor man” I whispered not feeling the least bit sympathetic.“I am sure he did; he always did take a liking to you all those while” my sister murmured, hugging me“How are you and the baby?” I aske
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FIFTY SEVENANDRESI heard the shot; one minute there was total darkness and the next one singular shot rang out, stopping me in my tracks before I sped again in one direction.CatherinaI charged into the room just as soon as the light fluttered on; her mamma was hovered over a bleeding Audrey but Catherina was nowhere in sight.“Catherina” I beganThe woman shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she cupped her daughter’s face. I could see that she had been shot in the stomach and her breathing was labored but she was alive.“Let me” I nudged the woman to the corner and carried Audrey, her eyes pinned on my face, unseeing“You will be alright” I told her right before I began running in the direction of the doctor’s home.Catherina, my head screamed.My chest seized as I continued running with Audrey; as much as I wanted to dash out and begin looking for her, I needed to be rational and I did not think that when I found her she would ever be able to forgive me for letting he
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FIFTY EIGHTCATHERINAFucking tight space, my mind screamed as I came to.I could not move neither could I see anything due to the blindfold over my eyesI cannot breatheI was gasping for air, desperately trying to draw something into my lungs as panic seized me, watering my eyes.I am not going to die… here, I thought, pushing myself forward and backward.I was in the truck of a car and it was moving; that was all I could make out.I was hyperventilating and clawing at my throat as I pushed and banged until I noticed that the car had stopped.I heard someone curse in Spanish right before the truck opened up and I was pulled out and the blindfold ripped away“If you do not stay fucking quiet… what is wrong with you?” the man before me asked“I…cannot…breathe” I gasped, hitting my chest“Maldita perra” the man cursed, approaching me.Tears streamed down my face as I concentrated on trying to get air in my lungs. His fist cracked against my cheek sending me spiraling to the ground“Shu
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FIFTY NINEANDRESI sat motionless in the dark den, fury coursing through my veins as I drummed my fingers to a steady rhythm in front of me. I had sent Ana on her way because I wanted to be alone to think of what punishment I shall bestow on Miguel when I finally caught him. I could hardly do anything at this point, not when I knew that Catherina was at his mercy and he knew this; the man had read my feelings for her all too well.My heart pounded furiously in my chest and I could almost hear the blood rushing in my veins in the quiet of the den. I wanted blood, I wanted Miguel’s head and I was going to get after I was sure Catherina was safe and not a minute before.The door to the den opened and Ana walked in, the sound of her feet contrasting with the quiet.“I have gained no information about the whereabouts of Miguel but I know that he cannot be far” she said“I asked that you do not return until you have something for me” my eyes snapped up to meet hers.The harsh edge of my vo
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SIXTYCATHERINAI was blindfolded; my hands bound tighter this time since I had been caught trying to escape. I listened very carefully as Miguel barked out orders to the men in front of my door; orders to be prepared for Andres’ arrival.The door opened and he stepped in; I could tell he was the one judging from the chuckle he gave as I shrunk farther to the side of the bed. I wanted to disappear so he did not touch me with such filthy hands.“Andres is on his way to rescue you as I have heard” he announced.My heart stilled for half a second before it began pounding mercilessly against my ribcage. If Andres was coming here, he was going to die… I knew that Miguel would not let him live to challenge for the throne again.“Why are you doing this?” I blurted, tears threatening to fall.I could feel his presence in front of me right before he snatched the blindfold away from my eyes.“I have served Andres for a really long time; don’t you think it is time I finally claimed my place as h
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