All Chapters of Being Yours : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
239 Chapters
Straightening slowly, trying to discern her response, and his, she pulled her hand back. Tingling energy passed through her fingers, like tiny aftershocks, spiraling upward through her veins. Clenching her hand into a fist, she pressed it into her lap.He held so still, his eyes hot and vibrant, that she wanted to squirm. She couldn’t tell if he was displeased that she’d touched him or if he’d experienced the same . . . whatever it had been. Her glimpse of his emotion ended as quickly as it had begun. His eyes turned cool, unreadable, allowing her to sense nothing but a cold, impenetrable wall, which puzzled her. While she couldn’t read people’s minds, their emotions were usually an open book to her. All she had to do was look.Studying him, she realized Jackson Dermont’s emotions were like the reflection in a mirror. The images were there; she could see them, but she couldn’t feel him, interpret his mood into something real and tangible. Or explicable.Then it dawned on her. Her inab
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Beneath the laughter and whirl of conversation, the faint chime of a clock striking twelve echoed through the marbled halls. The muscles in Rachel’s back twisted with strain, but she ignored the ache, remaining poised as she finished Mrs Phillips’ reading. It would be at least another two hours before Rachel could leave the Donaldsons’ party. Two tedious hours of forcing serene smiles when all she wanted to do was escape to her own home where she could close off the unsettling vibrations dragging her down.She blinked her dry, stinging eyes against the thick cloud of cigarette smoke hovering above the sea of perfectly coiffed heads. The scents of cigars, perfume and food battled to dominate the air. She tried to focus on the cards, but they repeatedly made a mockery of her ability to interpret them. Little of what she dealt made sense, and what she did understand was too severe for her to relate without upsetting her customers.As she nodded her goodbye to Mrs Phillips, Rachel reminde
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The Imperial Dragon’s eyes flashed, pooling blood-red in the dim light. Rachel ran her fingers over his verdant green scales and imagined his nostrils flaring in pleasure. His sculptured head was tilted back, his mouth parted as if he wanted to roar ... or purr. Gripped in his paw, the crystal ball refracted color and purpose, and the heart of the dragon’s soul. He was dark beauty and regal strength rolled into one.He was perfection.And he was all hers . . . that was, until someone bought him.Having tagged the mythical beast, Rachel entered his eighteenth-century history, along with his extravagant sales price, into the computer. Unable to help herself, she ran her fingers over the cool surface of his gypsum stone body again, hoping that if he truly possessed supernatural powers, some of it would rub off on her. For the past week, ever since the Donaldsons’ party, she’d been off-center, unable to focus on and interpret other people’s actions. Specifically those involving Jackson .
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‘Rachel?’ he asked from directly behind her.‘Yes, Mr Dermont?’‘Jackson.’She ignored his correction.‘Do I make you nervous?’She threw what she hoped was an exasperated look over her shoulder. Instead of lying again, shepoured her attention on to the sparkling glass, rubbing so hard that the entire case vibrated. ‘Did you come here to buy something, or simply to distract me from my work?’‘Hmmm.’Feeling his eyes roam down her back, she polished harder until her shoulder muscles began to bunch.‘Now that you mention it, my sister’s birthday is in a couple of weeks.’Thankful for the shift in subject-matter, Rachel faced him and cleared her throat. ‘What is she like?’He tucked a loose strand of Rachel’s hair behind her ear. The act had been so casually accomplished, as if he’d touched her hair a hundred times before, that she couldn’t move. ‘Like a sister.’She swallowed, hard. ‘Is she conservative or flashy?’He lifted a brow in thought. ‘Somewhere in the middle.’‘Does she like
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Sunlight washed the screened-in porch with hazy, luminous light. Dust motes clung to the air, drifting with the rose-scented breeze that brushed Rachel’s face like a soothing whisper. Stretched out on her rattan sofa, heat prickled through her jeans, warming her skin and numbing her body. Her eyelids drooped closed as she slipped closer to sleep.The couch’s green and yellow stripes had long since faded, but the cushions were still plump, cradling her in a cocoon of softness. She turned her face into the sun and breathed in the scents of budding trees, fresh-cut grass and the crisp smell of morning burning into afternoon.She shouldn’t be wasting time lounging when she had so much to do. If she started dressing now, she’d just make it in time for Senator Hastings’ fundraiser. But her life allowed so few quiet moments, she hated to give this one up.A shift in the cushions and the telltale sound of purring caused her to open her eyes. Miss Bastet pawed the couch. With her round, golden
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'You have the look of a hungry man.’Tensing at the sound of the familiar voice, Jack-son tilted his head around. ‘Sandra, what a . . . surprise.’‘Is it, darling?’ she purred. Though the barbecue was supposed to be a casual affair, Sandra managed to smell like money in her designer jeans, ostrich boots and plum-colored silk shirt. But then, she’d always been the type to wear a Chanel suit to the grocery store, though he doubted she did anything so menial these days.‘I’d say the surprise is seeing you here.’ She rubbed the backs of her pearl-tipped nails against her collarbone. ‘I’ve heard about the trouble you’ve been having. Evidently no one’s safe any more, regardless of how much we spend on gadgets to keep the undesirables out. Just this morning, Edmond and I were discussing changing our security company. Perhaps you could work for us.’Jackson refused to let her bait him into a retort, because he honestly didn’t care what the woman said. It amazed him that he’d thought himself o
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Not only had curiosity killed the cat, Rachel thought as she turned her Acura into her neighborhood, but this cat had purposefully stepped into a wild bull’s pasture without a tree to hide behind. What was she thinking, inviting Jackson to her house? She glanced at her rearview mirror and saw his silver Jaguar make a sleek turn right behind her.She flexed her fingers on the steering wheel. He thought there was something between them. Attraction, yes, she would have had to be dull-witted not to have sensed that, but she didn’t delude herself into thinking there was something more. There were too many unanswered questions regarding Jackson Der-mont. Too many shadows and hidden corners that she couldn’t see around. Which was exactly why she’d agreed to spend more time with him. The chance to discover his secrets was too tempting to ignore.Maybe her mother was right: her curiosity would be the ruin of her one day.But something was brewing beneath his shielded surface. Something that ca
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Of everything Sandra had taken from him, he hated her most for stealing his ability to trust. He’d thought himself incapable of caring about anyone ever again. He certainly never thought he’d feel the slightest glimmer of . . . He stopped himself, not wanting to name the deep churning inside his chest.Rachel had been right when she’d said kissing her wouldn’t be simple. It was damn complicated. For the first time since Sandra, he wanted more than a few hours of gratuitous sex. He wanted the impossible - he wanted to know Rachel every way possible, which meant allowing her to become a part of his life.Expelling a breath, he pressed his fingers to his closed eyelids. He’d wanted to throttle Rachel’s mother for interrupting them. On hindsight, he knew her arrival had been a blessing.Rachel might not have called a halt to their kiss, and he’d been so driven he wouldn’t have stopped until he’d made love to her. And that was a dilemma he didn’t need.Pushing thoughts of Rachel aside, he
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The bell above the door jingled, announcing Jackson’s departure, the sound light and gay, like the chirping of a sparrow, when it should have vibrated with the finality of a death-toll - slow and brooding. The pressure in Rachel’s chest increased, as if stone after stone were being placed there. Her lungs burned, and her skin turned hot and prickly.She was innocent, dammit! Why wouldn’t he believe her?She drew in a searing breath, her body filling, expanding, trembling as it drew in much needed air. She could still imagine seeing Jackson standing at the door, his lean body braced against anything she had to say, his eyes averted, unwilling even to look at her.I’m innocent , she’d wanted to scream again and again until he believed her. But to do so would cast his suspicions elsewhere, and that she couldn’t risk. Not until she knew the truth herself. She hadn’t been the only one at each of the parties. Penny had been there as well, mingling with the guests, walking through the houses
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‘I’ve screwed things up, Derrick.’ Jackson slipped his hands into the pockets of his Alfani slacks and faced his sales manager.‘God, Jackson, and here I thought you walked on water.’ Uncrossing his feet and taking them off the desktop, Derrick sat forward with his elbows braced on his thighs. ‘So spill. What’s going on with the investigation?’Rubbing his palm over the back of his neck, Jackson circled the confines of his office. ‘Remember that necklace I bought from Rachel Gold?’‘Yeah, brilliant move.’ Derrick shook his head without disturbing a single strand of precision-combed brown hair. ‘But don’t sweat it. I think I’ve found a buyer.’‘Don’t bother.’ Jackson selected a photo from the creased manila folder lying on his cluttered desk. Leaving Rachel that morning, her pleading gaze stabbing him in the back, he’d crushed the file in his hand to keep from going to her. The temptation to hold her, then strangle her had been overwhelming. Handing the picture to his manager, he said,
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